Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mourning in America

I have never come into contact with most "notable" Conservatives and could care less about it, as from what I have seen of these money whores and frauds, they are either Ashkenaz apologists, Mockingbird prostitutes or queers, and in most cases they are all at the same time.

I was surprised in listening to a 'conservative' in wondering if it was toe sucker Dick Morris who made Bill Clinton into what he was, but it turned out when my queerdar went off, that my gaydar went off in I figured the guy I was listening to was gay, and it was Grover Nordquist.

You know old Grover, he sounds also like Cleveland Amory that animal wacko who made a fortune off of the Obama Marxist movement when it used to be profittable to be worshipping pussies and bitches.

It all made sense to me then who Ann Coulter and that Motley Crew were pushing that gay crap at the Conservative gatherings as the Karl Rove puffy lips closet boys are the ones in command and control of picking John McCain and Mitt Romney.
Frankly it stands to reason why Colter, Noonan, Shep Smith and that sodomite lot all fell heavy for Obama, as they scented one of their own.

Grover Norquist Joins Gay Conservative Group GOProud

Jun 16, 2010 – Take it as a further sign that homosexuality is becoming a far less divisive issue, even in conservative ranks: Grover Norquist, the president of ...

That is where all this excrement comes from as it all crawled out of Gomorrah's ass and went into hiding up Ronald Reagan's as they knew if they attached to the revolution, they would go far in the closet compared to the Barney Frank out of the closet dirty dick sex.

You don't have to look further than Al Cardenas at ACU and CPAC, in featuring Nordquist while barring Gayproud GOP,  to find where that Karl Rove puffy Jeb Bush lips for President is coming from that this blog has warned about.

Head of CPAC: Jeb Bush could emerge at brokered convention ...

(Daily Mail) - Al Cardenas, head of the American Conservative Union, has said that Republican turmoil might lead to a brokered convention in which Jeb Bush,

 This crap is so embedded into "Conservative" that their names keep popping up in thee most NOT CONSERVATIVE THINGS.
I highly doubt that Ronald Reagan would have ever allowed Terri Schiavo to be murdered the way Jeb Bush did.

None of this in what I'm leading to has a thing to do with gaydom, but it has to do with a 3 AM call I had a few weeks ago with another turd which fell out of Reagan's bowels in Rush Limbaugh's gambling buddy, Bill Bennet.
You will remember him in his brother, Uncle Bob is the traitor who lied about Bill Clinton sodomizing and raping women when William was impeached.

What caught my ear in the Bennett conversation was about John Roberts, in how the Mockingbird line was in full fledged flutter in Bennett in smearing Michael Savage for going nuts in saying Roberts was either being blackmailed or was psycho from his brain medications.
Bennett is that nasty ass William F. Buckley thug, who smeared the John Birch Society in ruining it, just the way Karl Rove was busy smearing the Tea Party, just the way the Bush clack was busy smearing Ronald Reagan.

Bennett was smoothing things over in that mantra about, being calm and turning to the elections again and wondering about John Roberts in such tones that it frankly bored everyone to slumber and the reality is that is exactly what the elite intended by their shills like Bill Bennett.
No marches, no revolution to scare the hell out of these traitors, but simply more pacification in looking to the politicians as they sell everyone into slavery.

There is no Conservative movement. There is the same thing which happened to the John Birchers and the Goldwater defeat, in all these Rockefeller money whores came in and took over, and spew whatever it is to fool voters like Orin Hatch of Utah who was all Reagan and then all Obama and Kennedy, only to now swerve back to conservative when his ass was on the line......and who supports Hatch but Mark Levin.

Yes the Elton Blonde Republicans are what is destroying America, as readily as Barack Hussein Obama.

In Nazi Germany, they had a name for these traitors in the Marmalade Jews. They were the Jews who sold other sickly Jews out for jars of jelly to the National Socialists.

In America, it is a different price, in this ilk has sold out Conservatives for butt and twat sex with blonde hairs dyed from Obama brown rolling around in the same bed.

That deserves quoting myself again as I'm the only one with the whetted edge to say it.

Conservatives have been sold out for butt and twat sex with blonde hairs dyed from Obama brown rolling around in the same bed.

Lame Cherry.

The Elton Blonde Republicans, Moaning in America

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