Thursday, July 12, 2012

Super 10th Amendment

I have decided, and I'm unanimous in this decision,  to liberate part of snail anus America in a place called Iowa, which is a state police highwayman racket preying on poor Americans in speed traps on the interstate system which is FEDERAL, and therefore Iowa has no authority to set speed limits lower than the 85 miles per hour of Texas.

I have chosen a rather brain reserved location, close to Nebraska for this liberation, called Missouri Valley. It really does not have anything there, but is at a crossroads of two interstates, and therefore in the venture I hereby annex a 10 by 10 square mile area and call it Promised Land NFZ.

The NFZ stands for Non Federated Zone. This means that the federal regime is not allowed there in any occupational form. It is free from everything federal, in a sort of reverse osmosis in how the Indian Reservations are everything federal involved.

Now that this blog is liberating is, the following, because as the District of Columbia is a federal zone, this non federal zone would operate in the exact opposite, including the state of Iowa would  have no authority there.
It would be a 1776 zone, in only those Constitutional Laws from the later Philadelphia Convention for that  system would govern the area. This means not FEMA, no EPA, no US military and no US anything would be permitted in the NFZ.
It would operate under the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution and that is it.

This means no income taxes, no federal taxes except on things imported and of course no slavery as it was North of  the Maxon Dixon line.

My Citizens, as my being entitled First Citizen, would be free to pay reduced property taxes as the federal regime would have to pay to run that interstate through our NFZ.

I really do not care if they play rough, because you see Chief Justice John Roberts just protected every state in the Union in his Obamacare blackmail meandering explanation. This is something which all of you missed, and the reality is NO STATE CAN BE PENALIZED FOR OPTING OUT OF OBAMA CARE, ACCORDING TO THE 5 JUSTICES.

This of course just struck down Ronald Reagan's federal blackmail of keeping highway funds from states who did not implement his seat belt laws. This means according to the Supreme Court liberals just made federal law, that every state can become an NFZ.

You see idiot states like South Dakota can tell their Air Foce Base in Ellsworth to pack up and move out, and the federal government will still have to pay the South Dakotans the money they count on in budgets and paychecks, because the regime in DC can not penalize any state, and that means taking away funding in any project EVEN IF THAT PROJECT IS NO LONGER OPERATIONAL.

This is an exclusive of this blog, as what blackmailed John Roberts and the 4 liberal justices just did was EXPAND STATE'S RIGHTS on a level never guaranteed previously.
In past years, during the Whiskey Rebellion, George Washington sent in federal troops to subdue the mob. Now penalties have been negated in the states have been liberated from federal penalities for not obeying federal laws.

Every statute on the books is now negated, and there is nothing Congress can do about this unless there is another Amendment to the Constitution to over ride what Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and John Roberts just implemented.
This is not a matter of taxes in this which can be undone, this is a matter of penalizing states for not following Washington's mandates and laws, and John Roberts with Obama just threw out thee entire federal system, and if you can comprehend this, has implemented a SUPER 10TH AMENDMENT which goes beyond "non spoken authority of the states and individuals" to now spoken authority in Washington, DC has absolutely no authority in withholding revenues to prosecuting any state or anyone for not complying with any federal law.

Income taxes are literally finished in this, as if people do not pay nor states do not gather those taxes, the federal regime can not prosecute or retaliate, because John Roberts and all the liberals on the court just affirmed into law, that Obamacare which is another federal law the people do not want, does not have to be obeyed by states, and therefore individuals, and no penalties can be implemented against them.

Obama has his rationed death, but in this legality of Roberts and liberals, there is the reality people have just been told, they do not have to obey the law..........any federal law, as what is one Obamacrypt federal law is another income tax law is another endangered species law.

Of course these idiots have no figured this out yet, and will smash any Citizen exercising these rites, but the reality is, that is what Roberts wrote in the majority and that is what the law states, no penalties for following federal laws.

So in my NFZ, I have just declared in Missouri Valley, formerly of Iowa, a new non federal zone and a non Iowa state zone, where the laws I will implement will be affirmed by the people there. They frankly do not have to pay taxes for all I care or obey any laws, as sooner or later they will want to pay some taxes for community services like ambulance and want a sheriff to shoot people so they do not have to shoot criminals.
I though will serve the people there in full support of their rights at liberty, and that means the federal government from this moment owes me road funds for the interstate there, and Iowa can start handing over the cash for projects there too, which I will hand over to the local government to use wisely.

I do plan on taking a management cut, as this is my idea of a more perfect union, and what literally could be better than being in America, with no damn American laws since 1776 making your life hell.

I will have to though set up annex zones or anti annex zones, as once people start figuring out they are free in my NFZ, it is going to be like1000 Conglomerates and 200 million people getting into my district.
I figure that by the next census that my 100 square mile area will be holding 400 Congressional seats in the House.

I do not want my NFZ though not having wild places as people need wildlife and farmers at play. Therefore that Architect Jesus has made Bibleprint to fix this. Right in Missouri Valley, I'm going to make 5 by 5 mile square city, which at a mile high would house all of my children in freedom, and have rooms for ponies and other things in parks.

People will be level owners and all have a room with a view, as the interior would be parks and the exterior one could look from Denver height at the surrounding states, as no one wants to look at snail anus wet air Iowa.

I see this as great advantage to all in my leadership, as First Citizen, in this is a better deal for America and is now all legal, but am certain that Iowa and DC would try to throw me into prison if this is not first allowed to sink into the public psyche in what it means no penalties for not obeying federal laws.

I have no problem if entire states want to be NFZ districts in throwing out all state police and other minders who steal money from Citizens and confiscate land.

I think that is about it, and can thank Tiger Lily for this reminder, as I was playing today and being silly as I like being a Squire and thinking of squire things and I had forgotten in the posting of information, the reality of this Roberts liberal ruling of a Super 10th Amendment, but it fits nicely now into my NFZ.

So Iowa, you are on notice as well as DC. Get your hands off my NFZ and keep your cuffs off my people as they are mine and will be free to live with all the money flowing in from around America and the world, as the corporations will pay 10% taxes without stupid laws which make them employ people who will not work or other such nonsense.

That should be enough, and I'm actually glad now I got pissed on in Iowa once, as now I'm going to piss back in this.

Citizen Cherry of the NFZ, the Promised Land of these United States of America.

That has a very nice ring to it..........even if I will probably reside elsewhere as with all the people in my big city, all that land will be open for me to ride my pony on as I shoot things with my 25 20 pot gun pretending I'm Annie Oakley.

Super 10th Amendment
