Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Breakfast of Terrorists

My children you missed this and it is good that, here am I, to inform you which way the world spins.

Do you recall during the Bush43 years who everyone was crapping bloody stools from pets at Diamond dog food to the spinach eaters of vegetarians?

How about that last pepper scare in pepper causing food poisoning?

See you get so propagandized and think you know everything that you read this blog's information so fast, being you are so bright in knowing it all, that you do not comprehend the reality of what was exposed here, in Malt O Meal in Minnesota stopped making puffed wheat due to food poisoning and the oatmeal industry started spraying anti botulism on their products, because terrorists were making WMD attacks as in biological attacks upon America.

Sure it was blamed on hog crap and other such nonsense, but  the reality is the strangest of things all of you children missed in, there have not been any food poisoning incidents under Barack Hussein Obama when the entire world was food poisoned under George W. Bush.

The reason lies in the reality of another exclusive of this blog in revealing that Barack Obama via his benefatorx set up a new international dope hauling syndicate featuring al Qaeda and the communists in 2008. The British were cut out of it, and it is why Hillary was trying to reinstall that dopehead into Honduras again in 2009 after the people there threw him out.

See the global mafia offered a deal to al Qaeda in they could run the shipping structure of the dope trade, profit from it to live like sheiks, and in return they would not be attacking the west where Obama would be plundering the American Treasury for the Rothschilds and Wall Street Insiders.
Shalom to that eh.

This is the reason there have been no domestic terror attacks as this blog exclusively revealed that Obama offered to kill Americans in Afghanistan for the blood letting, and would then turn over all the Arab nations from national leadership like Khadaffi and Mubarack to his commuinist committtee Muslims or Islamocommunists.

Obama in exchange for "peace" to turn America into the Marxist feudal state, would give terrorists the dope trade while murdering those Muslims and select few who would not be proxy to this under the guise of his terror war.

The terrorists would then, after an early Iranian firestorm they contracted with the Mexican mafia, and was only revealed here, not attack America in proper, as it would be bad for business and what terrorist does not want to have Obama as their whore murdering Muslim leader and giving them nuclear, biological and chemical stores, along with huge oil revenues under the banner of "they are now redeemed terrorists" not sucking on any Republican warmongering.

You missed all of this, and there is not one of you who can figure out now why the food poisoning stopped so suddenly, as you missed it all in all  your brilliance in not need this blog.....or so you think.

You now know the piece of the story missing which no one is going to tell you, as those behind the green door, have shut down all of this, as Obama is making a fortune in the dope trade for the feudal lords, and the feudal lords fund those wonderful talking heads with your laundered tax money, so all the Drudge stories only point away from the reality to a quasi Alex Jones explanation of Bilderbergs on parade.

Nuff said

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