Friday, July 27, 2012

The Obama Diaries

Sometimes I wonder of Barack Hussein Obama in being 50% white, 37% arab and 13% negroid, just what one gets with 13% black.

Even if it is Barry Chin, but in the mixture of 32% Chinese, 32% Arab, 32% Japanese and 8% Negroid, just what does one get for that Obama 8% of black?

I mean Obama is no Trayvon Martin in being a Niggazi Hoodie. He don't like Skittles and doesn't send out his SEALS to murder Muslims armed with Skittle bags.

Obama can not dance.......can not play basketball......can't jump........but he does play Tiger Woods golf, but then Tiger Woods is a Chinoid too, so Obama plays golf like an Asian.

I mean he dances the salsa, appoints latinos to the court, so where is the black in that, as he won't even wear one of the African robes that look like a goat puked up an LSD shirt.

Just what do you get for Obama black?

He doesn't have his head like a fag black, and he doesn't sing in the choir like American Donald Young.

He doesn't have dread locks nor afro bushes on his skull. He just tries to look like Chris Rock and scream loudly like him in having no talent, but trying to be black in a white man's world.

Black is  beautiful, tan is grande, but white is the color of the big boss man.

Deep down has Obama not lusted to envy being white, Ronald Reagan white, as his entire life has been trying to match up to Ronald Reagan with a fixation on George W. Bush.

If Obama had like 15% black, would we see at least some gyrations and rap capability?

If Obama was like 25% black would he break out the watermelon and chicken?

Just how much black does it or would it take to be black in the veins pulsing with Barry Chin's blood?

You know like Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice are black, but not black enough to be called black by blacks, but Colin Powell who is Indian tan like Eric Holder are called black by blacks, because they worship a messiah called Obama while stomping on Martin King.

How can Obama be black when he has not fathered little bastards out of wedlock like Jesse Jackson, has not cheated on his wife with another woman like Bill Cosby or has divorced his black wife like Eddie Murphy?

Would Obama be acting black on accepting welfare checks and a dime bag of blow if he was black, or is he acting white in being a welfare oreo looting trillions while sucking down designer meds to keep his top from blowing off?

How much black would it take for Obama to bling his teeth?

How much black would it take to...........wear a hoodie and strike that stupid ass pose, instead of that white dumb ass grin pose he always resorts to?

Does Barack Obama have black dreams in the Lincoln bedroom or does he dream like a white man. How much black would it take for Obama to act black?

Would it help if Obama wore baggy pants and t shirts with his nipples exposed? Would it help if Obama mumbled more instead of talking white, in black things coming out of Obama?

Just how much black genetics would it require for Mr. Obama to have coursing through his veins, so that for a moment the world would see him chasing a real blonde female and not a fictional one who turns out to be a brunette looking like his mum?

If it is dark out does the Secret Service see Mr. Obama by only his blinking eyes and his white teeth grinning in hide and seek, or is Mr. Obama being white visible in games of hide and seek after dark?

There is an Oprah certainty that blacks are not black if they are not darker than a brown paper bag. In the black test photo, Barack Hussein Obama is whiter than a brown paper bag.

The only thing Mr. Obama seems to have achieved in blackness is he likes being lazy, likes having sex with other men and he is not too bright in stereotypes of Afroids, but then could this not be due to a kid who ran like a duck and his role model was a crossdressing Indonesian maid?
I mean can Obama's blackness just be, because he is a mentally retarded handicapped sociopathic fused 10 year old?

Would Barack Obama been better off if Muchelle had just raised chickens and watermelons in her White House garden instead of white folks foods like Belgium Endive?

What of Muchelle's garden which seems to have gone to wasteland in the election year and Muchelle in acting black has just ordered out and let the neighbors pay the bill.

Would Mr. Obama benefit from some blood transfusions from real black men like Kayne West who date white women, prattle on like what they say matters and like they have talent.......or is it a case that Barack Obama has transfused to Kayne West in being a white man, and that is the problem in the American Afroid in they are all Obama white in this generation and all those Neo Obama Whites.

Why is Barack Obama losing the black vote?

He promised to get them all jobs if re elected.

If Tom Hanks were to give his friend, Barack Obama acting lessons would Obama be able to act black then?

Obama's best friends in Hawaii are white guys. He does sports with whites and that one latino who punched him. The only thing black Obama has that is friendly is that Teddy Kennedy dog, and that dog has white on it too.

It is the question in all of this, in just how much black in Obama would have Barack Obama mistaken for a black man ?

I did not make up these rules as black people did, as they are the ones who were offended by the stereotypes and they are the ones who do the brown bag test. It all comes down to the reality in it seems that blacks in America, really do not want a black man leading them, as they want one who acts white, and has that 13% designer negro percentage of negroid and 87% of Asian or Caucasian.

I just can not find one thing that Barack Hussein Obama did or ever did that was black. That is fine in his being Asian or white, but just for a scientific answer, I keep wondering just how much black would it take for Obama to at least exhibit some qualities.

Secretary of State John C. Calhoun, 1844,  arguing for the extension of slavery, wrote, Here (scientific confirmation) is proof of the necessity of slavery. The African is incapable of self-care and sinks into lunacy under the burden of freedom. It is a mercy to give him the guardianship and protection from mental death.
 Oh is that why Muchelle Obama disgraced a military memorial service by wearing a bondage belt in she was trying to keep herself from going insane, as Barack being Chinese was safe from mental death......

Did you know the internet has been scrubbed of Bill Clinton calling Obama "a bright boy"? Now that was America's first black President calling Americas first communist Asian agent intelligent.

Would it really hurt for Barack Obama to act black. To comfort his racist voters. To wear blood camo like the black wife, to pull out a piece of chicken out of his pocket and maybe on the front porch spit some watermelon seeds while......

Just how much black would it take for Barack Obama to stop being white?
