Wednesday, August 22, 2012

3rd Barack from the Son

alein obama's faux American Dream

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

If Mormon Romney is legitimate in not throwing the 2012 election to B. Hussein Obama, the following profiling of Barry Chin should be the protocols Mano Romney should engage in during the presidential debate.

For background, John McCain spanked Barack Obama in this debates, to the extent that Obama was flushed, perspering and looked the 10 year old Chinoid he is, in being bettered by the white man.
McCain was sabotaged by the Rovian circle, but the reality is Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran is ripe for the picking due to key propaganda notes published in the Politico ebook talking points of the bogus trouble inside the Obama brothel.

There are two key areas in this, and they are the vital points, that if Mano Romney engages Obama on these points, he will shatter Barry Chin on national television and make him go into complete meltdown.

The quotes are these by Obama Osseiran:

Obama’s trash-talking competitiveness, a trait that has defined him since his days on the court as a basketball-obsessed teenager in Hawaii, was on display one night last February, when the president spotted a woman he knew was close to Sen. Marco Rubio in a Florida hotel lobby. “Is your boy going to go for [vice president]?” the president asked her. Maybe, she replied.
“Well,” he said, chuckling, according to a person who witnessed the encounter. “Tell your boy to watch it. He might get his ass kicked.”

This quote reveals Obama psychopathy of being bully, in which he both afraid of minorities and finds it necessary to degrade them in anatomical terms of sexuality "to mount them" as Obama denies hisself being 3rd world, but views his 3rd world Chinoid as supeior to the 3rd world Latino.
The phrasing of Sen. Rubio as "your boy" is code for Obama calling Sen. Rubio a nigger or the beaner equivalent in Obama "intellectualism".

Obama remains frustrated with the bickering by Hill Democrats. During a closed-door meeting in June, he told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that Republicans were trying “to delegitimize me,” and implored them to put his own reelection over competing political priorities.
The illegitimate issue is the connective tissue in this, in Obama knows on all fronts Spiritual, physical, nativity and American, he is an absolute bastard.
Obama tries to be Christ as a messiah with halo to prove he is more than mortals who threw rocks at this mentally handicapped runs like a duck boy. Obama tries to in runs like a duck overcome with the illusion he is a sports hero. Obama is the bastard son of an imported dock worker and a Filipino Chinese comfort woman. Obama is not American, but is an illegal. That is why DELEGITIMIZE which is not even a word from this Harvard affirmative action Designer Negro, exposes why Obama was telling the Filipino President that it was Philippine Americans in mixed blood who are the most important link between the two nations, because Obama knows what he is in being a bastard and has been busy trying to abort America which would not birth him nor adopt him and has been revealing in psychological slips his obsession on these issues.

That is what makes Obama furious about George W. Bush in Obama  can never be a true white American, and why Obama has an even greater hatred for Mano Romney, because Romney is a border buster who made it big as a Latino American. Romney represents everything Obama loathes in being a successful Latin who outperformed the more "master race" Osseiran Chin Horn of Africa merchant.

Mitt Romney as was only covered here, knew very well what he was telling Obama to do in "going back to Chicago with his anger". It was clever niggerness talking in reminding Obama of his 13% black heritage Obama can not rub off and tying it to ANGRY WHITE MALE, which Obama can never be as he is racially mostly Asian crossed with the Osseiran Arabs.
Barack Obama is in caste a son of traders, and that is lower than his mingled banker Ashkenaz lines who plucked this bred negro out of that pasture as service as Judas Goat to Kenya and brought him to America to herd the blacks and by chance was supplanted into the White House.

This is key for Mano Romney as he is dirty backstabbing son of Salt Lake. All Romney has to do is muscle Obama around on the debate stage, disrespect him, laugh at him, cut him down verbally and trigger him with key words insulting his intelligence, his being a bastard, not being an American and stating that his caste really is lowest on the Berliner boys master race rankings.
Done correctly, Barack Obama literally could be triggered to attack Romney physically, cry or force him into an emotional breakdown where the trademark Obama stuttering and twitching would be the first signs.
Romney should prepare Obama for this, by engaging Obama in remarks like the "back to Chicago" comments, starting with Obama is not in the same league as Romney. All of this can be cleverly couched in statements that link Obama to "ducking " the press, to quips about Obama being "illegitimate" on all American positions and  how much "help" Pelosi and Reid gave in carrying inexperienced Obama's water.

By the time the debate rolled around, Obama would be seething and ready to be smash mouthed on stage to where a meltdown would occur.

It is not Joe Biden who is the nut in this group. It is Barack Obama.

obama blonde Stephanie Cutter meets 3rd rocks Kristen Johnson
Obama couches every thing he does in thinking he is more intelligent than everyone else. He nitpicks on underlings when things go wrong, as Obama plays armchair on failed ideas in acting superior. He is on a lofty stage trying to balance all of this, and without Mummy Jarrett trying to keep Barry's tantrums from going purple face, he would already be unmasked.

It is guaranteed that if Romney started seeding the above, that Obama would hear the code words and go nuts the way the niggerization host knew Romney was saying what the did, and seized upon it.
The problem is Romney loosened this up in attacking Obama as a nigger, when Obama does not SEE HIMSELF AS BLACK. Obama sees hisself as a superior Chinese with royal Arab roots and Ashkenaz superior master race heritage. I told you that Obama has "big white penis envy" and he does. He needs to be reminded of that, and Romney needs to piss on Obama as a wetback and that will really send him over the nut fence in hysteria.

Things even as simple in saying the Obama daughters are attractive and then picking out some Latino talent as a husband, would just drive Obama nuts as those are his dates, and Romney would be selling them off to some Cuban lower on the Obama scale.
The public would hear it as a compliment, but Obama would view it as an infringement on all this sociopath views as his property.
I realize this blog revealed to Barry Chin how to destroy the Romney campaign, but this blog has now revealed how to make Barack Hussein Obama a puddle or urine, snot and drool on a national stage.
Barack Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin is just a delusional bully held captive in a 10 year old sociopaths body who is obsessed with being a bastard and not being a superior white man. If Mano Romney uses the protocols of this forensic psychological evaluation in preparing Obama, the election will be over midway through the first debate.

Obama will counterpunch, and when he gets to the snarky second level as his talking points run out, Romney can just say, "That is beneath the legitimate dignity of the Office of the President".
I do believe it would be very hard to make Obama cross the stage to take a swing a Romney, as Obama is a fag coward, but there are triggers which Romney could initiate in the "fight" mechanism of having Obama "muscle" him like on a basketball court.
Obama in reaction makes one step toward Romney and he is finished as this is the 3 AM call boy and he just  lost his cool.

We will see if Romney is intelligent enough to pull this off, but it is why Romney should have picked Rubio instead of downing his plane. Obama is already bouncing off the walls over Romney and would go brain drooling out of his ears with Rubio poking at him.

Lord God, how I would that Richard Nixon was alive and running in 2012 in this race, as President Nixon knew the game and even tutoring apostate Romney could get him to make Obama react in a way which would shock Americans as the Obama face paint washed off.

This would be so easy to earn the 100 million dollar bounty to have Obama leak out on stage. If Mano Romney has a brain he will take the steps and if he has any Spaniard in him, he would show some gratitude as no one else has told him now to win this with a few words and victory in the first debate.
 but who will stop obama's confessions from leaking out of his mouth
3rd Barack from the son.

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