Friday, August 31, 2012

AADS: Acqired Asian Death Syndrome

Turn your head and......vaccinate

The Age of Obama really is historical in the Age of the Neo Plague, as there is the Neo West Nile Plague after Obama starts bombing Saddam Hussein biological weapons repositories in Syrian and now a new mystery Obama disease......

Oh that is right, you remember that Obama Flu which Janet Naps Napolitano was terrorizing Americans with in telling them to wipe snot on their sleeves, in an influenza which this blog exclusively noted that medical experts in Kansas City, KS were treating effectively and the CDC new it as people were dying from it, in all that needed to be done was keep the patient hydrated and then TURN THEM PERIODICALLY as people we drowning in their own fluids, so no one needed to die, but this information was withheld from the public deliberately by the Obama regime for their terror agenda.

So there are patterns in these Obama Plagues, these Obama Pandemics, in a great deal of hype when Obama's cronies are making money, faux stories covering up how West Nile suddenly mutated into a daytime mosquito disease when it had not done so in 6000 years, and then.....well there is that Asians AIDS infection that really is getting no attention at all, except from creep CDC pathologists who are treating Asians like some damned guinea pigs to examine.

“This is absolutely fascinating. I’ve seen probably at least three patients in the last 10 years or so” who might have had this, said Dr. Dennis Maki, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Yes nothing like being excited on government grants to study plagues which appear throughout Asia as numbers of these "new diseases appear" which all look like they came out of bio weapons labs.

You do remember creepy Bill Gates in that speech stating "they" were going to use vaccines to crop something like 1 billion people now do you not?

MS ADDS computer generated viral agent of the humanicide order

This blog in it's early manifestation, covered the SAARS origins correctly in highlighting the link between the weapons labs of communist China and numerous outbreaks when plagues were let loose from unsecure labs. This  blog was scoffed at by nitwits who could not apparently operate a search engine and keyboard.

This blog was exclusive in covering thee exact same areas in China which the Imperial Japanese and the Americans launched plague viruses, were having more odd epidemics occurring in China.

Now we have on our hands a viral agent, exactly like SAARS is killing Asians. This AADS disease affects 50 plus year old Asians, and it destroys their immune system, which starts the process of a lingering horrid death worse than AIDS, but with lengthy hospital stays it can be checked.

Kim Nguyen, 62, a seamstress from Vietnam who has lived in Tennessee since 1975, was gravely ill when she sought help for a persistent fever, infections throughout her bones and other bizarre symptoms in 2009. She had been sick off and on for several years and had visited Vietnam in 1995 and again in early 2009.

“She was wasting away from this systemic infection” that at first seemed like tuberculosis but wasn’t, said Dr. Carlton Hays Jr., a family physician at the Jackson Clinic in Jackson, Tenn. “She’s a small woman to begin with, but when I first saw her, her weight was 91 pounds, and she lost down to 69 pounds.”

The key checks in this, are Asians are becoming sick in Asia and in traveling to Asia around the time Barack Hussein Obama evolved into the 1600 Penn Avenue occupancy.

Notice what this disease seems to mimic in tuberculosis, but is auto immune and in the wasting condition of the body, it is almost cancerous in consuming the body's energy reserves.

The protocols of this indicate it is Asian centered, as in Asian genus in the human race. It does not appear to be rhino born as in spread through sneezes at this point, but seems like these other plagues of recent order, to be showing up in wide locations, so the protocol would be to ingest, inoculate or a more intimate body fluid exchange as in transfusion or a sexual act.

Potential Bioterrorism Agents - Department of Molecular Virology ...
BCM has 25 departments and more than 90 research and patient-care centers. ... attractive alternative to conventional weapons because of their relatively low costs, ... on the Category B and C agents - noroviruses, influenza, and tuberculosis.

Most interesting is it not that the things affecting these Asians are the exact pandemics which were being looked at in lesser categories to use in biological warfare?
When TB is a known emerging infectious disease, meaning it is a dynamic disease which would be attractive to bio weapons labs as anthrax, then it stands to reason TB would be a viral agent which biolabs would be looking at as a weapon or population reducer.

Chemical and Biological Weapons: Prospects and Priorities after ...
Absent assistance from a national chemical or biological weapons program, most ... bin Laden has pursued a sophisticated biological weapons research program. .... collaborative research on global diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis,

Oh my there is Sheik bin Laden's name coming up in biological weapons, sophisticated biological weapons, it is a good thing that chest thumper B. Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Chin, killed bin Laden's corpse to save the world, but then has anyone asked Mr. Obama if bin Laden's biological weapons have been secured?

You know important questions and not questions about if Mr. Obama likes red or green.

What this appears like is a sneak preview of something the Chinese communists and Indonesians would be interested in, in a viral agent, introduced into mass society which as of yet has not shown an ability to spread by influenza type means, meaning it is controllable.
It would produce a great deal of revenue in treatment as 1 billion cropping Asians, would at 10,000 dollars in treatment produce 10 trillion dollars in profits before they closed the coffin lid, as this is the poor part of the world.

These cropped Asians would then not rise up and hang the Peking girls which is what everyone wants as Zbigniew Brzezinski stated China was too big to manage and needed to be broken up.....and well cartel computer whiz Bill Gates blurted out the cartel was going to crop a billion people using vaccines in the next 10 years.

We know HIV was laboratory engineered. We know for certain that SAARS was lab created and genus specific to Asians, in exact research which was conducted in Israeli and American labs in the infamous "Arab bomb" attacking specific genetic traits Arab DNA held. We know TB exists as a dynamic disease.

How difficult would it be to take TB, infuse it with HIV strains to make it auto immune oriented, and place the genetic marker in it so SAARS would be the protocol in it only killing Asians? Thee only difficult part would be to make certain it was HIV in orientation, meaning not spread by influenza or TB means, and that is not that difficult as HIV already has that marker in it.

  • Adult polio booster
  • Tetanus / diphtheria
  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid        
  • Yellow Fever (required for all South America trips)
  • Malaria 

One must have vaccinations to travel in Asia, and that might be how this is being introduced for display and blackmail purposes for final solutions.

This is another one of those Obama, walks, talks, and runs like a duck, and how liberal it would be to have this Logan's Run type disease in getting rid of Asians after age 50 in not being a drain on world resources the cartels are so fixated with, and the Peking girls would be so in favor of in redistributing  resources to the stronger children who could be worked to death for greater profits.

Acquired Asian Death Syndrome has all the properties which have been proven in testing and abilities of  those lab rats who create such things.

It was later claimed that around 6,000 Japanese soldiers in the Shangai area died of cholera disseminated by the Russians. In 1937, the research was moved to Pingfan, forty miles south of Harbin. This establishment was to become known as Unit 731. It was here that a wide range of biological agents were produced and tested, these included anthrax, botulism, brucellosis, cholera, encephalitis, gangrene, glanders, plague, salmonella, smallpox, tetanus, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid and typhus.

I guess bio weapons testing articles will only become sexy after a billion white people are dead, as Michael Savage is quite mongolphobic like most as those Asians are just in the way except for profits.

 Is that a viral disease or are you just happy to see me?

Those sexy Asians germs, no will notice, and if they do no one will care as there are so many of them to experiment on.

Those sexy Asian germs.

So many gods of death to decide the few who live and the many who die.

Lame Cherry

NIH awards OHSU $4 million biodefense contract to study tuberculosis
Portland, Ore - Oregon Health & Science University's research team is one of ... that will help the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part ... OHSU's team will focus on tuberculosis and will use cells from TB patients ... with TB as a model of the type of immune response they want to mimic in a vaccine.

The pertinent question in this Asian epidemic being spread like AIDS was in the sodomite community, is Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, AKA, Barry Chin in immenent danger of contracting these Asian labratory pandemics, as one can ask any black and they will inform you that Obama has ASIAN LIPS and features, and this blog has conclusively proven Mr. Obama is Asian in origin.

So is B. Hussein Obama in danger of going tits up from all these Bill Gates vaccinated diseases in Obama being a Chinoid or is it only the 2.5 billion other Asians who are in danger of being cropped?

Dr. Quack

Keep watching the girl.

agtG 260