Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hung like a grape Saloon

Yes all these chosen ones, these changelings from all sorts of little lands of the world, transformed to be leaders...........and these poor American white children were left to just not be Manchurianized one little bit...............

The Aspen Institute.

It is no secret that Paul Ryan, the Romney VP, the Tea Party cup and saucer, the true conservative, the white bread of the Obama dark meat sandwich, was indeed a 2005 graduate of the George Soros Aspen Institute with such prestigious board trustees as Javier Solano, the European thug who was once thought to be the anti Christ.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz who runs the Obama DNC was Ryan's bunkmate.......and oh look there is Gabrielle Giffords auditioning for rubber bullets off her brain in that same class.

Michael Steele who ran the GOP was in the same 2005 class........amazingly of the people who graduate from the Manchurian Aspen Institute, they all end up seeded like weeds into the United States government and bear a crop of Rockefeller CFR..........hell this is bigger than Rockefeller as Soros for the Rothschilds is not just getting in Sec. of State every 4 years, or broken down media types.......this is a sowing in of Soros created political minders who hide as Republicans and Democrats.

For the record in this, George Soros created Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan ran in a Democratic district in Wisconsin and won.................that is Soros screwing over liberal democrats for a much bigger picture...........the guy who balances the budget in 2040 after America is plundered is the same guy who wrote Mitt Romney's budget.

It was George Soros who Obama went to, to get the blessing from the European lords for Berliner gate speeches, and now we have Mitt Romney, Aspen lecturer and Paul Ryan, Aspen graduate............

Biden: “We need a strong Republican Party.” | The Aspen Institute
Nov 1, 2011 – At the third annual Washington Ideas Forum, held by the Institute and The Atlantic at the Newseum, Vice President Joe Biden talked to NBC's ...
Yes, the champion of the GOP, not Karl Rove, not George Bush 1 or 2, but yes, Joe Biden.

The Aspen Health Stewardship Project ... - Aspen Institute
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Senator Barack Obama. The Aspen Health Stewardship Project (AHSP) was established by The Aspen Institute in the fall of 2007, and as part of its charge, has ...
Is it not just one "HEADS I WIN AND TAILS YOU LOSE" mantra in no one running for 1600 Penn or the Naval Observatory digs has not had the dirty knees in front of George Soros.

I have warned you this deck is stacked, and it is why Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan were doing the Obama hustle.

Foundations – CFR – Aspen Institute – Bilder – Etc.
Aug 3, 2012 – Q: What do Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have in common? ... Cultural Marxism, Foundations - CFR - Aspen Institute - Bilder - Etc., Founding ...

Aspen Institute is nothing but a conditioning field of the mind, a sort of Faustian selling one's soul for power, compared to the literal brain revamping Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran went under to be transformed into the Obamachurian we all know and love.

Do you think a real Conservative would be caught dead cuddled up with a group like Maddy Albright and ilk that think Obama is the messiah?

This is the overthrow of the American government, in what was left of it. This is so blatant that a stooge like Paul Ryan can be hand picked by the Wall Street Insiders who are the puppeteers of Romney, put his associations before the public like Newsbusters calling everyone the day after the presidential election in 2008 that disagreed with Obama, as suffering from OBAMA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, and this entire group is propagandized as "conservatives".

In Nazi Germany 1945 they would be called Hitler youth........before Nuremberg trials.

Record Number of Thought Leaders to Meet at ... - Aspen Institute
Jun 27, 2007 – An interview with political strategist Karl Rove by Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson on July 8 for passholders. 

In Conversation with Valerie Jarrett | Aspen Ideas Festival
Aspen Ideas Festival ... In Conversation with Valerie Jarrett. with Walter ... Speakers: Valerie B. Jarrett, Walter Isaacson ... The Aspen Institute · 
Pay no attention children as puffy lips appear closer than one thinks.

Home | The Aspen Institute
Aspen Institute Logo ... Republican Governors Share Stage in Aspen ... Walker (R
-WI) in Conversation with Aspen Institute President and CEO, Walter Isaacson.
Ooopppsss is not that Scott Walker who the Wall Street Insider poured funds into to crush unions and bought herself a VP on the Romney ticket?
Tsk tsk, how can that be, in every gets to ride the whore, catch the same disease, and yet Walter Isaacson has that faint mysted scent of Mockingbird.......

Oh and by the way, this segment of Lame Cherry was not brought to you by you, as you like stealing information thinking it is free, but God collects on the debts of the soul.

Amazing thing about things, in you can doll up Miss Kitty, put her in a saloon, call her the owner and she is still a whore when Bannon comes to town and rapes Marshall Dillons heart throb.

Someone once said, I know it was my brother, that those toothless whores are premium for they sell.
Paul Ryan looks a bit toothless in his photos. I wonder if he is giving Karl Rove competition on Obama's Boys Night In?

Oh such a shame, here I was having a private conversation, and I logged out again from another computer and there is just popular girl popular that in posting this, Google wanted my phone number, pleading with me in fact.
So much interest in me, and so many others know so much more in how to write this blog.........while not paying for it, and so many others never have narry the trouble for some reason in posting things so Mockingbird vital.

You don't know I suppose that Miss Kitty went tits up from AIDS. Major bummer in Matt Dillon never got to tap that, but apparently the old whore was paying for some night riding by male whores
Of course with the Aspen Institute, in a nice fresh scented pine like that aroma, they all just might smell like they sh*t a Christmas tree.......or is that an Obamass tree in this strange bedfellows bedlam.

Vote Paul Ryan, as he only smells like a whore like hooker Obama does, from being in the same brothel, same back ally, same back of a limo and same hotel room, with Uncle George.

Lame Cherry sets the chatter.

I do hope Ryan, Obama, Biden and Romney do not start flying planes into buildings this September 11th as all these leadership promotions by the cartel certainly had that affect on Muslims....well except for Obama who seems to have more interest in just sinking one into the back hole.

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