Sunday, August 26, 2012

Messages in Blood

So like I take this holiday right. No not to Spain as all the English dodge about to Spain and it just gets gauche hearing more Anglese than Spaniard as bilingual people are just overdone and think it makes them more intelligent than people who do not waste their time learning to speak anything more than American.

So like I'm on holiday and I get home and say, "What the hell!!!!!"

Quite a surprise as I see this mega hemorrhage in my left eye.

Now I heard the Tiger Lily mention about the capillaries in their eye looking swelled, but this was registered in the memories banks of concern for the One I Love.

So any way, like I got this big ass blood vessel explosion. Mind you I'm not dripping blood out of my eyes like some circus trick or a vampire movie, but it makes this nice crescent around my eye about a quarter inch or 3/4's of centimeter for my European Metric fans.

Not being a fan of exploding blood veins, I ponder this for awhile and monitor it, as being a medical expert I do these things in physician heal thyself.

Oh, I found something I do enjoy in the Tiger Lily pokes pins and needles into me. It is much better than being kept on pins and needles. The Tiger Lily is the best doctor I have ever had. Complete delight in the medical profession, a real healer and it is quite delightful to have procedures done on one's person by someone one trusts.

I digress......

No I'm quite proud and could write on the Tiger Lily in every post as that is a subject worthy of praise.

So I monitor this blood in my eye, which pools when I lay down, and starts being cannibalized by my body when I arise. Pretty special meal I had I guess in dining on myself to clear up the hemo and not letting good protein go to waste.

Did you know the composition of the human body is equal to that of sea water. That would be ocean water for the brats who know so many things and how to put the White House Insider onto a leash.
Odd is it not that Ulsterman has to edit his fine outstanding blog site with all the vital information he provides just to appease gossips who talk about popular girls who profess shalom and like being called sir.

Any way, so I had this vessel explosion on my person, and the Tiger Lily was subject to like trauma.

Now we had not been flying in Mach 6 jet nor have we been firing off numerous artillery rounds as of late, so this kind of vessel distress is something which just is not that common, unless of course one is not being radar swept under surveillance from the regime as a message to the recipient.
I have had this take place previously in appliances turning on and off, radios making noises, lines making humming sounds.........oppppssss probably should not have mentioned that gliche, but even it killing my dog, but this was a most interesting thing in the cartel deciding in a bit of overzealous child turning up the radio waves and blasting my eye vessels.

Not that I mind as having red eyes makes me an even more beautiful popular girl, as I make all things look good.....enough people see my red stripe eye, and it will appear on fashion run ways, as everyone will want this beautiful tinge of color.

It is just I get a bit upset when this ilk starts affecting those around me, as being a big girl I can take care of myself.

I do make note of this though, as there are lords in this who know this took place and they will not be amused as I do have a use of sorts in being here, and me being scuffed up does interfere with things, and those zealots are now on the list from the cartel and just might find their way into finding interesting events by the cartel visiting them.

It will not be pretty red eyes, but as there are a finite number of individuals connected to the insiders and such, they will of course be the ones who will be the focus of lessons to be learned by the cartel.

As I have said though, I do not concern myself with what the cartel does nor cronies which makes mistakes in zapping me a bit to zealously thinking they are accomplishing anything, as while they do not fear God's retribution, some of my friends are indeed Vulcans and while they bleed green, they are quite effective in dealing with things which I have nothing to do with.

Granted I did not get puffy pink like Andrew Breitbart, but this red color does seem to be a deviation in all of this that this group lusts after.

Enough of this popular girl stuff, as it is all quite boring and readers are more interested in interesting posts they know everything about already and are only here seeing how little I know on subjects.

I wonder what people's reaction would be to having exploding capilaries in their eyes greet them.

Yes I do wonder.

agtG 222

Dance the romance in Jekyl Isle cove
Among feeding ghouls and dancing fools
Deep in grave shadows of your bravery
Come show your eggsack
Come show your nutsack
Surely you are so brave you can be me.....
Surely you are so brave you can be me.....