You know Obama is in trouble when Clint Eastwood is backing the other guy.
Tiger Lily
This election is between a hard working Mexican and a lazy black.
Tiger Lily
Obama has to embrace his hardworking Mongoloid roots to overcome his Designer Negro Stereotype.
Lame Cherry
You know Chinamen work hard in hot or cold, now if Obama would just work he would show his Chinaman, and overcome Romney as Mexicans go south when it gets cold.
Lame Cherry
The Tiger Lily stated that Obama was deported LDS Mexicans who got off the Romney Mormon breeding farm. That does make sense in why Obama only deported the select few.
The wonder was if Obama was going to deport Romney for not having a green card.
I see the Ron Paul supporters really love me and they know the affection I have for them. I call upon them as Ron Paul has destroyed all the Conservatives for Mitt Romney, after the Republican Convention to write Lame Cherry in on the November ballot for President and other elections.
Lame Cherry in garnering the landslide sweep of the Paulbots will have like 27 votes to make a real statement of the Paul Power. If Teddy Kennedy can place the cum stained mantle of the Kennedy dynasty on Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin, certainly a palace coup of the Paulbots in crowning me Heir to Pauldom would be appropriate, as at least I would not quit when the chance of winning was still on the boards.
You know, there should be like the Bible says, cities of refuge for manslaughter cases, but in this case cities of refuse, for all the dopers and other types of Ron Paul voters. They could be penned up, given some kind of dope for work, and then if they tried to flee, they would be shot for a 5000 dollar reward.
It would really be quite a system to boose the economy, as you could take like Sioux City Iowa, a real sh*thole, and put all these non violent type criminals in there, and tell them they could work for food, and then if they ever left, they would be shot by lynch shooters who could earn a living picking off the cities of refuse folks.
I doubt that Ron Paul is going to be able to sway the convention of the GOP as he was not even invited to it. So barring Mitt Romney being suffocated by Obama with oysters and ending tits up at Tombstone tel, it does seem that Ron Paul is slowly sinking into the west, and that Mitt Romney will be running things with his Jeb Bush VP or his black face paint persona, Condi Rice.
I have been accused of being in the Central Intelligence Agency. I have been accused of being Military Intelligence. The human persona always reveals one dimensional process and the comprehension that one can only accomplish one task at a time. Receiving multiple ministerial checks in multitasking really does seem more proper for those who care for employment as 24 hours in day do require filling.
Did you ever wonder why some agencies use numbers and symbols instead of names and letters to hide themselves and their operatives?
Dead zone server 8512 10 00 17 58
Give Obama a shovel and he would say, "How do you play golf with this?"I remember Nigger Head Oysters in it being a bald black waiter serving them. Always was a pretty label. The Mississippi company changed the name to Negro Head. Perhaps like everything was changed to George Washington soap in selling products that the Aughinbaugh Canning Company could call the company to Obama Head Oysters.
Lame Cherry
Is not lobster, but.........
Oh look Baby is trending.......
Lame Cherry hours ago – Ulsterman's latest installment email from the Wall Street Insider was a warning that Fed Chair Bernanke was going to open the money tap again ...
So Baby is talking about May Day. I do not think they are lottery numbers.
Anchor date. Baby trending French Islam. Obama Chin, Jews voting for Obama, Light overcomes Darkness, French Asians and German aristocracy.
Maybe Mitt Romney should pick Barack Obama for Vice President. He could maybe learn how to do the job by doing everything opposite in what he did do.
Something is up and really locked onto the Lame Cherry. Odd as am not even writing the blog. Fascinating that even with a firewall block the inbound server is transmitting data in. Such a popular girl.
......or maybe they could call them Mormon Head Oysters.
Acts of Obama Osseiran

History is an interesting pariah. She eats the same carrion, but only the defeated eat the rotten flesh and are blamed for the meal.
Lame Cherry
Sexvod Television......why how lewd is that !!!!!!!!
Keeping Obama around is like telling yourself that sore on your genitals is really a bug bite.
Lame Cherry
Voting for Mitt Romney is like telling Jesus voting for Obama was not the worst thing you ever did to Him.
Lame Cherry
If Bill Clinton was the first black president, Barry Chin the first asian president. That really does mean they all look alike for white guys.