Saturday, August 18, 2012

Romney's Decapitation of the Republican Party

Let us not doubt what has taken place by these Romneycrat Rovians in a complete decapitation coup of the Republican Party by Mormon Mano Mitt Romney and his Aspen Institute George Soros Feudal Lords.

Romney has been on a coup de tat for several years now, and it follows on the purge Karl Rove inflicted on the GOP in destroying George Allen, Larry Craig and Trent Lott, while removing gun dealers and cementing democrat election fraud, all so Jeb Bush could call Ronald Reagan "road kill" and how all who did not follow in lock step were suffering from Obama Degrangement Syndrome as Mark Levin's Newsbusters accussed Americans of.

Conservatives will not be hearing from any Conservatives, black or white at the Romney or ROP convention of the Romneycrat Old Party. The big names of Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich have been silenced. The Molotov names like Donald Trump will not appear to start passionate fires and Michele Bachmann has been shuffled off to Minnesota to await her public burning at a Mormon stake.

You will though hear from that liberal, fat, disgusting Gov. Christy from New Jersey whose fine leadership has a higher unemployment rate than Obama's Super Depression nationwide scale.

New Jersey unemployment rate at 9.8%, highest since 1977...

This is what the Rockefeller rapine party looks like in one small smokers den, sucking on cognac and cigars, all quietly telling jokes like the Letterman cocktail crowd about.........

It is too bad that Christians, gun owners and Americans do not change a little in, their all going to heaven with a little self help from Glock.

Oh but wait, Rick Santorum does speak, on a leash at the ROP gathering. Think that was the Marmalade Jews trick in turning on other Jews for a jar of jelly hoping the National Socialists would not burn them in the ovens.

Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum to speak at GOP convention - Tampa Bay ...
Aug 8, 2012 – TAMPA — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will be among the headliners speaking at the Republican National Convention, GOP chairman ...

Is this the Ronald Reagan Republican Party which inspired Linda Chavez, Clarence Thomas and the broad steam of Conservative loving Americans which reached out to Democrats to form a nation of economic prosperity, liberty around the globe without wars and people retiring and LIVING OFF THEIR BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS?

You do remember that Americans do you not in people because of Ronald Reagan could retire to Florida and live off of interest and people borrowing money could afford the rates as it was Morning in America.

What you are looking at is Mormon in America, and you can quote me on that!!!

Mitt Romney  is a zealot of the Romney Order which worships at Wall Street and communes between women's crotches in Salt Lake City. This sect is not interested in a big tent of women, Asians, blacks, Christians, Constitutionalists and Libertarians with Democrats, no Romney is just like Obama in one small room with one big prison yard he rules over.

Only this blog has exclusively covered all of this Romney Mormon Inquisition in how he banishes his "foes" who are guilty of being Christian Americans to await their later fate of being burned at the puffy lips Karl Rove stake.

Do you really think the guy who sabotaged Fred Thompson, treated Rick Santorum like hell, is going to be more sedate at 1600 Penn Avenue?

Just look at the GOP convention in the heads being cut off. For the record it seems even too much for George W. Bush in wanting no part of this orgy of dead Republicans as even he bowed out early.

Barack Obama murdered America and Mitt Romney is murdering the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan. It is all before your eyes and you deluded children had better be waking up as you will be next. Mitt Romney is going to Bain Capital every one of you.

No Conservatives or Republicans will be allowed at the GOP convention. Lecturers and graduates of the Soros Aspen Institute will though rule over that mob.

This is what America is now under Mitt Romney, a thug like Obama in taking names and dispatching the competition, as Obama did black leaders as he did not want the thrill being overdone. Poor Jesse Jackson jr. going nuts in having his destiny robbed from him, all from this same patrician elite who have hijacked both parties to their end and America's Oblivion.

Lame Cherry will stand here at this convention of 2012 and I will proclaim these Truths to be self evident. That in the course of human events one voice will stand against the despot and the thug. That in this oracle there will ring from these hallowed electronic halls the clarion call of tyrants are come, and it is oneth by Obama and twoeth by Romney.

In this cathedral the light will shine, wicked by the burning energy of the American Constitution as Spirits past, present and future cry out in banshee wail, THIS IS MY AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE.

Give me Liberty or give me death, for I will not be tread upon, for here am I, the American!

The Republican leadership has been decapitated by Mormon Mano Mitt Romney. There is no Ronald Reagan in this fiend in reaching out to Jerry Ford or George H. W. Bush. There is only banishment and political death in this Cassius mob.

I told you, you apostate what this blog would accomplish by God's Grace. You think you got away with what you did to Sarah Palin.
Recompense is will come and it starts with the crippling of you politically.........Sir Romney

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