Thursday, August 9, 2012

Silly children, there is no answer

Yes the saga of Wade Page will never be known as the Associated Press has been Mockingbird chirping from the start in lamenting all the secrets this left wing national socialist went to the grave.


Wis. temple shooter's motives might never be known

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Aug 8, 6:57 AM (ET)


(AP) This undated photo provided by the FBI on Monday, Aug. 6, 2012 shows Wade Michael Page, a suspect...
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MILWAUKEE (AP) - There's no trial to prepare, no jury to persuade, no judge to hand down a sentence.
Wade Michael Page is dead, killed by police after fatally shooting six people at a Sikh temple outside Milwaukee. Although detectives are pursuing leads in several states, their findings might never be presented in court.

It was all such a tragedy. It was all such a shame, that the circus came to town and the wild animal act died in the cage and the only information explaining it all, is from the BATF and the Southern Poverty Law Centerl. Yes Egypt had a cage for Mubarak, but in this Obama saga, there is not even a corpse to drag through the streets.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has described Page as a "frustrated neo-Nazi" who participated in the white-power music scene, playing in bands called Definite Hate and End Apathy.
The SPLC is certainly getting it's nickels worth out of the regime in propaganda publicity.

There may though be hope in this, as the AP hints at Obama might be having a trial of the corpse in the "might never be presented in court" statement, as who would not enjoy this Obama precident in just like Sheik bin Laden's corpse, the corpse of Wade Page could be put on display and the Obama SEALS could sweep in in helos and assassinate Page's corpse too....perhaps leaving little children as in the bin Laden home to crawl around in the blood.

Yes the AP is lamenting there is no living body to kick around, as Obama has tied up all the loose ends in employing a kill shot Page to wait this time and attack police in non Joker fashion, so the local cops did the deed of Jack Ruby and can of course be praised as heros.

Even the Skinhead Squeeze is not much fodder in Page's girlfriend who.....well let us just state the reality in the profile of this in forensic science.

Wade Page was a war hero, employed by the military elite psyops. He really could not find employment in this Age of Obama Super Depression as Obama has been strangling the US economy, so like the Colorado Joker, Page was ripe for suggestions, and as the BATF tracked him, along with Southern Poverty Law Council or whatever that minder quasi governmental group is about in illegally terrorizing Americans, they just let this mass murder manifest......unlike the amazing interdictions of Muslims exploding Christmas trees.

When events like Nidal Hassan are necessary they take place and when Faisal Shahzad fails to shoot up an airport he is arrested, and when events like Jared Loughner to Wade Page intitiate, the all federal police working for Obama, just does not seem to be able to see the lunatic in the fringe....but it sure does keep detailed files on the culprits to leak to the puppy press at just the right talking point time.

The Skinhead Squeeze I feel bad for, as she was just a break up pixie who helped push the pushed over the edge Page over the edge. Two weeks ago he was the nice boy sending flowers to Gram telling her he loved her, and suddenly he has a girlfriend breakup, which unvalidates him, and starts a process of  retaliation in his not going to work, getting a weapon and the rest is Southern Poverty history.

Is it possible to trigger this type of thing with multi bandwidth radars is aggitating someone? Yes it is, and compounded with the regimes destruction of the American Dream, love problems which we do not know if the Skinhead Squeeze had a bit of jungle lust for Sikh's in the reason for the is just all that AP mystery.

Page's girlfriend, 31-year-old nursing student Misty Cook, faces legal trouble herself. She was arrested on a tentative charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm, South Milwaukee police said Tuesday. There was no immediate indication that her arrest was linked to Sunday's shooting, and police refused to release additional information.
Details of Cook's felony conviction weren't immediately clear.
The voicemail on Cook's cellphone was full and wouldn't accept a message. However, in regard to the shooting, she told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an email: "If I could say something to ease the pain of the victims and their families, I would gladly do so. Unfortunately, words do not begin to heal the pain they are going through."
No matter how thorough the investigation, the final conclusions are bound to leave victims with many of the same anguish-filled questions.

It is all just at torment to AP and puppy press reporters as Obama has robbed them of the drama. But the AP is hoping in this for their reasons in what is being fed to them.......that might there be another shooter like in Colorado at the Batfest, like in Tuscon with Gabby the reporters just keep getting information which confirms another shooter, but they always are told to not go with it, as who needs all those John Does from OKC?

Investigators probably will collect all the bullets and fragments from the temple and the victims' bodies to confirm that they came from Page's gun. Detectives also will pore over witness statements to make absolutely certain he was the only shooter, said Joe LeFevre, chairman of the forensic science department at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton.

The reality is this blog predicted this scenario in the assailants would not be left alive to tell the tales in this regime orchestrated mayhem which is what they have been expecting since 2009 when this was set up, in the raping of the US economy and causing this Obama Super Depression. All of these psychological traumas will create these Wade Page types and in spiking they will act out.

Flashback: Southern Poverty Law Center, FBI Linked To Oklahoma ...
Jul 27, 2011 – What is ignored is the actual history of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the connection that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI .... believe can be linked to McVeigh and the bombing in Oklahoma City conspiracy.

Oklahoma City Bombing Witness Linked to CIA Alex Jones' Infowars ...
Sep 1, 2009 – Additional information on the OKC bombing disclosed in Salt Lake City ... Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center told reporters when asked ... author of The Oklahoma City Bombing & The Trial of Timothy McVeigh.
 So we have this murky world of Mockingbird and Birdy Obama the intelligence asset, making jihad on America with the union thugs and the seeping tip of the iceberg that it is not the Fogbow types being hung out to dry in attacking Jerome Corsi or Lawrence Sinclair, but the reality that the Obama regime is enlisting illegally an almost 200 million dollar private stalking firm in the Southern Poverty Law Center to be an off the books "Manchurian conditioning arm" of the Janet Reno / Bill Clinton and Eric Holder / Barack Obama governmental wag the dog operations.

In 2004, a declassified FBI memo obtained by an Oklahoma newspaper revealed the existence of a Southern Poverty Law Center informant connected to the Elohim City operation. “References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh’s activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly, the newspaper reported.
Additional FOIA documents establish the fact the FBI was working with the SPLC. An unclassified copy of a memorandum marked “From the Director of the FBI” contains several references to an FBI undercover operation at Elohim City before the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building and also mentions the SPLC informant.
“If I told you what we were doing there, I would have to kill you,” Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center told reporters.
The SPLC has played an instrumental role in attempting to link the militia movement to domestic terrorist activities.

What we have here is a failure to cover up the operations in the moles not keeping their mouths shut. It is plausible deniablity in the FBI transfers to BATF and their group is either Gun Runner, Hutatree, OKC or Wisconsin cheesehead in being the wall of separation that never appears before Congress as "they are off the books".

All of this points to a shadow group like Dick Armitage in Asia, Wes Clarke in Oklahoma, who are like Ollie North running Contras off book in no degree of separation, and in this case the Southern Poverty Law Center is in the fringe, spying on Americans, sending in operatives, which is even more mercenary than the operations exposed in security work during the Bush43 Iraq years.

This is beyond the need for Congressional hearings, but full public disclosure by Congress in what is being initiated in this. We know for a fact in Hutatree that, that BATF agent was inciting those ignorants to violence all so Obama Holder could crack down and destroy the Tea Party group, and it was set up in early 2009, as they knew a Tea Party movement would arise.

What turned an American hero in Wade Page into the Sikh shooter? The evidence hinted at by AP and other sources all point to another in an Obama federal police operation on the fringe.

Patterns all equate a governmental instigation, from the 2011 black wildings for Obama to hype things up, and now the "white folks" attacking minorities, even if George Zimmerman was a black hispanic.

I doubt there is anyone in Congress, Justice or media who will investigate this in public and expose what runs like a duck, but the reality is there is a federal police element answering to Eric Holder in the Clinton and Obama  regimes, which has ties to the several hundred million dollar Southern Poverty Law Center in a propaganda and mercenary operation for Holder like the Bush Cheney Blackwater, but this has been decades in America and not in Iraq.

Once again, a matter anti matter exclusive only from the Enigma, the Internet Legend, Lame Cherry.

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