Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Conversation

A Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive as usual only arriving here.

The real story of the offer from Val_erie Jarrett in convincing Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran to offer Hillary Hamrod Clinton the Vice Presidential slot was the conversation which has taken place in this drama.

You see there was a secondary discussion in this concerning 2013 from Val-erie Jarrett dealing the Obama legacy issue. This blog will go into detail in this, and it is exclusive as no one knows of this as none of this has even been hinted at or spoken of outside the inner cabal, and has only been eluded to here.

Val_erie Jarrett is keenly aware of the criminal nature of the Obama regime in both foreign and domestic policy. This entire house of crime is only kept at bay by the cartel in order to protect themselves and their agenda. This blog has noted that B. Hussein is aware and agreed to an exit strategy if necessary to protect that legacy as a fail safe, as Obama does indeed want to be a Reagan Christ who supplants both, in a bringer of peace from nuclear holocaust.

That though house of cards is built upon one issue, and that is who will protect B. Hussein Obama after he is gone. Joe Biden is the firewall, but the problem is as has been revealed is Biden, might drag the ticket down to flames.
It was hoped by Ms. Jarrett that offering Hillary the prize, would blackmail her into protecting herself, as she would then have to protect Obama over the international crimes this regime has unleashed globally from not investigating the Polish Government mass assassination by Putin to the murderous upheaval in the Muslim states for Islamocommunists.

Mrs. Clinton astutely comprehended that she was not going to spend her 8 years in office fighting off Obama crimes linked to her, and would instead have Obama held accountable if the chips fell that way, and Hillary would be just someone "out of the loop".

This has led the Jarrett conversation with a 'munching' Barry Chin on cheetos, to the short list of Obama saviors who might engage in protecting Obama while assisting the ticket.

The problem for Obama is his protagonists are all antagonists, but the names of Rahm Emanuel and Diane Feinstein were the top of the frowning discussion.

Emanuel is no favorite of Jarrett, but he is the ultimate Jew thug who is dirty as Obama over the Blagojevich railroading and would thought to be enticed in jumping over "Mayor of Chicago to US Senator" to Mayor to Vice President, if his agreement would be to protect Obama in the various exit scenarios the regime is aware of.
Emanuel would be the firewall with Democrats in the House in impeachment and investigations. Emanuel would be facing a 10 to 13 year occupation as President at most and 4  at least starting in 2016.
He would cement the Jew elite vote and their media and finance backing for Obama to make the story go away.

In like manner Diane Feinstein was discussed in her abilities as a heavyweight to protect Obama as a "shield" upon his departure. In both Emanuel's and Feinstein's plus factors is Jarrett Obama's pleasure in this would neutralize Hillary Clinton in 2016, as Mrs. Clinton has her own pounds of flesh she wills to carve off of Barry Chin.
Feinstein though has had her own problems of threats and counter threats with the Obama regime, with even a dead body planted in the California soil to add intrigue in this big girl game.

Jarrett knows that the two best protectors of Barack Obama are also his two worst antagonists, as the regime has stupidly muscled and wasted these two best democrats over non issues.

Charles Schumer's name did come up from New York and this smarmy bastard was the bright spot in protecting Obama, but the problem is this Joker looker might help in New York, but he would hurt in other electoral arenas, as much as Steny Hoyer provided absolutely no sex appeal, and the aged Nancy Pelosi in her own blackmail game against the regime which blackmailed her provided no inroads there.
The rest of the cast from Florida to even Barbara Boxer just did not have the political muscle, and while Susan Rice was "pretty" and had the connections, Obama does not want any more color on the ticket as his designer negro status is wearing thin on Americans.

This is the desperate state the regime is in, in having to try to get Hillary Clinton as fire control on this ship ablaze. It is not just wishful GOP thinking nor Clinton planted stories to humiliate Obama from Bill Clinton's doodle book, but a reality in the Obama regime is several moves ahead in having great concern about their legacy years after 2013.
It has little to do with Joe Biden being a loud mouthed spear thrower, as that is what his "chains" script read and he delivered the line Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett and Plouffe had crafted. Biden has been a good soldier for the regime, but Jarrett is concerned over Biden protecting himself in Presidential succession with a GOP Congress impeaching Obama, and Biden's brain did explode once and he is an elderly man, which means to Jarrett that Biden might not last past 2016.
The insider polling all points to America moving past Obama, and Biden either losing a nomination to a John Edwards, Rahm Emanuel or a Hillary Clinton in 2015 or his dying in office as an old man, would mean the Obama regime would have absolutely no one in the chain which would be protecting them from federal investigations and prison terms.

It very well could be that Biden might choose some hot little skirt as Vice President who would actually assist the GOP in prosecuting Jarrett, Axelrod, Plouffe and Mr. & Mrs. Obama. Val-erie Jarrett knows very well this regime has bitch slapped numbers of democrats from blacks to the old guard, and they would like their John Edwards chance to retaliate and what better way to garner GOP goodwill than to throw the principle Obama cronies over the side of the ship.

That is the reason Tim Geithner is clinging to the regime in he knows when he is gone, the entire lynch mob is going to be posting his criminal looting of the Treasury which leads right to Wall Street.

This is the real conversation and the principles involved. Jarrett has gauged Aaron Burr Biden as the weak link and this regime has absolutely no one left to save themselves as once Eric Holder is put on the coals, the fork starts roasting the tender bits as there is absolutely no one in the democratic party with the loyalty to save Obama from criminal prosecution. The blackmail files this regime has, will not hold up as the long knives gather.
All that is protecting the regime is the cartel's necessity to protect themselves and they are weighing Obama in the balance, and Jarrett is busy trying to put her 180 pound thumb on that scale trying to find a NeoProg of whiteweight or tanweight to protect this criminal mob, as once the cartel is finished with Obama, their only thought will be to keep their new stooge working the feudal agenda in protecting them and not Obama.

This the reason the trends of Baby are telling in the discussed removal of Obama. Jarrett knows even more certainly that without her Chinoid around, that she will be the one who is come for first as the liberals and Conservatives take retribution.
The regime was so busy laundering money in 2008 and trusting their forgery jokesters would protect them, that when the Obama legacy thing was implemented, they never considered who would protect them from their crimes.

That is until August 2012 in the first weeks, as Joe Biden did not change. Joe Biden was sent out with scripted message and delivered it completely. Biden was in fact stunned at the White House  backing down from his nigger message as it was part of the campaign to keep the Afroids on board. Biden was blindsided by this, and he mulled over in consternation the leaks about Obama "regretting the gaffs", as Biden fell on the sword as intended over this, but he did not expect they would measure him for coffin size.

That is the real exclusive of the Obama regime in what was taking place and is taking place behind the scenes. The regime is still anxious some name will pop up to make a splash at the convention to wow voters and to do what is most important in protecting the regime's flank upon exit.

You get all the information here Inspired first and exclusive.

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