Friday, August 17, 2012

The Romney Order

This Lame Cherry blog initiates the following knowing that it will shatter the Romney campaign and give Barack Hussein Obama a 25 point win in the November elections. This blog does not do this to give a victory to this foreign agent, Barry Chin, but it does this knowing that placing Apostate Romney into the White House is only going to rape America in a far worse way than what Obama is engaged in in Mormon spiritual assault of a false religion and the cementing of the Obama Marxism which is what Romney's Wall Street Insiders want in their rapine.

I have told you there is no difference between Romney and Obama, as nation rape is nation rape, whether one is eating the flesh of others or their own, it is all cannibalism.

I ask you again, where are the Christians around Mitt Romney? The real Christians?

I was listening to Mike Gallagher and in speaking with Wisconsinite GOP head Preibus or whatever that duck walks name is, Gallagher noted that Romney treated him like the plague.
Now this is a semi Conservative in Mike Gallagher in being one of the biggest names in talk radio, and when Gallagher exposed Romney for the liberal he was, Romney never forgot it from his Ted Kennedy days, and Romney will not touch this Conservative.

If you recall in this, you will remember the "vetting" by Romney of Vice Presidential candidates in he never spoke to Newt Gingrich, who is quasi Conservative and he brushed off Rick Santorum in not even bothers to vet him as the lone Conservative in the race.
You will remember that Mike Huckabee a social democrat Christian was not even looked at.

Two of the 3 above are staunch Christian personas and Mitt Romney literally destroyed them as he did Fred Thompson in 2008, who was the Conservative.

The point in this is, Mitt Romney is a Mormon jihadist as much as Barack Hussein Obama is a secular Islam jihadist, and both hate and target Christian Americans. The facts are there and no one is bothering to point this reality out, because just LOOK and see if you can find one word from Romney or one Christian he has brought into thee inner sanctum of Salt Lake City.

Mike Gallagher spoke of the buzz he kept hearing of his being "anti Mormon", which is not the case. Yet this is exactly what Mano Romney is focusing on, as he sees this as Mormons against Christians as much as Obama sees this as Islamcommunists against Jews, Christians and Muslims.

To the point, Mitt Romney loathes Christian America by his very phobia of it and his very hatred in disassociating himself from it.

When this blog exclusively pointed out that Mano Romney was going to be George H. W. Bush's second term, there is the reality in this, that it was the Bush41 patricians who savaged Ronald Reagan, smeared Dan Quayle and told Christians after HW got into the Oval Office TO SHUT UP AND GO AWAY.

This is that same Wall Street cocktail crowd of Rockefellers and Clintonistas who are the Wall Street Insider. They are the ones Rush Limbaugh is approached by and scolded to "do something about those Christians" who are part of his fan base.
Limbaugh tells them "they are not my Christians", but the message is clear, that these money moguls who ride on the GOP platform hate these Christians and would rather have the homosexual minority involved, as they are money whores and these Christians can not be bribed.......and worse yet these Christians believe in things like balanced budgets, keeping their money and not being herded into a system which is designed to divest them of their savings and make them spend their money on things these Romneycrats own in industry.

Mitt Romney is involved in a deliberate jihad against Christian America in cutting it out from his campaign. That is why Paul Ryan was chosen, as Ryan is not a Christian Conservative. He is defined as a fiscal conservative, which means he is a money whore and all the programs that feed that brothel.
It is telling that Romney's first choice was a money whore in Paul Ryan, who just happens to be a graduate of the Soros Aspen Institute.......and his spokesman was fellow graduate Michael Steele who oversaw the sabotage of the McCain Palin ticket in 2008 for Karl Rove's political machinations for Jeb Bush in Steve Schmidt leading a group destroying Sarah Palin as Dan Quayle was destroyed and providing data to the Obama regime.

The reality in this is on one side there is blasphemous Obama who despises Christians and on the other side is Romney who wants an inquisition against Christians to force them to be Mormons.
Mike Gallagher to Rick Santorum are but the tip of the iceberg in this hatred Romney has for Christians.

Billy Graham almost died this past week. You noticed that neither Obama nor Romney bothered with the spiritual leader of America. No one has gone to Billy Graham or Franklin Graham to make them a part of the Romney campaign, the way Ronald Reagan reached out to all Christian America from Jerry Falwell to the  Moral Majority, and the reason is, Mitt Romney does not want these Christians around, as he has nothing in common with Christ as he is a Mormon, and Christians are just as much a competitor to him as Muslims in bin Laden, Assad and Khadaffi are competitors to Barack Obama.

The reality is if David Axelrod focuses on this issue of Mitt Romney despising Chrisitans and being involved in a preliminary jihad against them, Mitt Romney is finished by September 11.

The reason for noting this is to warn Christians and if Obama secures 1600 Penn on this information, it is a reality that this blog has weighed for a few moments that it is better to cut this Romney tumor out of the GOP in the Bush claque now of Christian haters, than to sign on in a stealth assassination campaign which Karl Rove engaged in for 8 years in wiping out the Conservative leadership from Trent Lott to George Allen, to wiping out firearms dealers to securing election theft for Al Franken and Tim Johnson for the democratic machine.

It is better to do this now, than to wait around like Russians for the KGB to bang on the door and haul the Christians away to some Mormon gulag.

This is the reality of Mano Romney and Paul Ryan.

Rev. Franklin Graham: Romney Not a Christian
Feb 21, 2012 – The Rev. Franklin Graham says presidential candidate Mitt Romney is not a Christian. Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, Graham was ...

Mitt Romney has proven he is woman scorned with vendettas against Christian Conservatives. The list of his "death list" is classic as Khomeini in Rushdi. If you brush up against Mormon Romney and he does not like it, this thug does not forget it, and he takes names and numbers, and you are dead to him.
The examples of Mike Gallagher, Rick Santorum with Billy and Franklin Graham are chilling. Mitt Romney has the same hatred and bury you in the backyard if you are Christian, Conservative and for that reality, except for the token Aspen boy Mike Steele, where are the blacks in this.....where are the Asians like Michelle Malkin.
There is no big tent as with Ronald Reagan in Mormon Romney. This thug is not Reagan and what he is, is George H. W. Bush with his worst hatchet puffy lips fags backstabbing their way across the political spectrum.

What Mitt Romney engages in is deliberate. It is past time that Christians start raising hell about this before it is to late and Romney's Mormon indoctrinators show up at your door. The evidence is in about Mormon Romney and he is for American Christians far worse than Obama is in being a false messiah.

The Republicans have two chances. The first is a convention meltdown in Christians and Conservatives demanding an open convention, and a possible brokered convention of Sarah Palin telling the dirty secrets in the threats made against her and choosing Rick Santorum as Vice President.
This would cement the Christian, Conservative, Tea Party, Catholic and moral women vote. It would pool big oil and Wall Street support.
Ron Paul should be named head of the Federal Reserve and Rand Paul as Sec. of Treasury.
I have made no secret that John Lehman should head Defense as America desperately needs a Reaganite who knows Defense to build that shattered industry.

The second option is Christians follow George H. W. Bush's command and just go away. They follow Mitt Romney's shunning of them and simply do not vote. This will secure Barack Hussein Obama's victory the way Bill Clinton's election was secured, and B. Hussein will receive full blame for the Second Dip Super Deperession, as the Rhinerds in Congress are not going to undo what Obama and Pelosi did in 2013 and it is why a super majority is being deliberately thwarted in this election for the GOP.

Mitt Romney is anti Christian and Barack Obama is anti messiah. I will not vote for either of them, but this blog will expose all of this and it is past time that these issues come to the forefront in these anti American candidates.

I answer to God first and last. America will answer for Obama and will answer for this apostate Romney. Americans should at least stop being deceived and show their Lord and their God, they will at least resist.

If Barack Obama simply adopts the above in pointing this out, he will blow the GOP base to shreds for Romney and Romney will never recover the Christians or Conservatives, nor with the patrician GOP elite.
Americans are going to answer for voting for the above duo and America is answering already for the betrayal.

I will not be part of this as I warned. I will not enable it. I will not be a whore to satan's minions.

Mitt Romney has show callously his view of Christians, Conservatives and Americans in the past 5 years. What do you think this thug is going to do if he gets real power behind his Mormon Masonic rites which had him destroying Americans wholesale like Karl Rove for HW Bush.


Voting for the lesser of two evils is not an option as it empowers evil. Barack Obama is proof of that.

What will the Mormon jihad be like? Do you really want to know, knowing the evidence Mitt Romney has scorched earth Americans in his entire past?

Piles of political bodies become piles of cadavers once politicians gain power.

Lame Cherry

Mitt Romney ain't no Reagan Cowboy.

That is the proof of the Romney Order.

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