Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welfare Radio

Sometimes the screaming of a child in my ear for months is just too much, and today the voice of "gringing like a skunk eating shit" must be addressed.

There is this skirt, on the radio, who is obnoxious, annoying and the voice of grinning like a skunk eating shit, in she actually is so full of herself in lecturing at people dumb as posts, that she gets off in some type of orgasm in yacking at people so stupid they have no common sense, and therefore they probably belong unemployed or working at Walmart if they do not have the idea on how to get a job.

Now this Maureen Anderson of Career Clinic is all predator, as she tells people how to get jobs. I have never been able to take more than a few minutes of her at a time, as she is so grating on the nerves. She makes her place in the world, telling stupid people to not be stupid every minute,  by pointing out thee things people should know who want to be hired.
How long does it take to tell people to not be an idiot, is about that long as this sentence being read, but this harpie yacks about this non stop in thee most over and over traumatic experience to the ears ever.

Why I'm addressing this here is, she mentioned about an interview on Facebook someone posted of her, and how she was concerned about the content being the ownership of Facebook if one reads the fine print.

First, who in the hell reads Facebook disclaimers.

Second, what kind of moron is worried something they say in an interview is not going to be their intellectual property.

Third, what kind of simpleton who is in media has concerns about exposure.

That is enough of this points in lunacy, as this skirt was then harping about, how she does not have her phone number on the internet and things like that, but how the Facebook posting actually gave her exposure as people heard about her.

Ok,back this up to the barn and take another load of shit there Nanc and Dais while in harness there...........

This is a woman, who is telling fools how to run their lives, and she has absolutely NO SENSE  in marketing herself.

This reveals what a completely feel good to fools blonde this female is. Cary Grant told his wife Dyan Cannon that peroxide seeped into the brain and made blondes ditzy. This Maureen Anderson must sleep with her head in a vat of this stuff from the womb, as her grandmother must have been dousing her mum with it too.

The thing which perplexes me is there are millions of hard working, bust their ass people in America in this Obama Super Depression, who would give anything to have a job, and would excell at some radio job jabbering at people, surpassing the talking heads there, if they would just be themselves and not try to  be that flat world Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh format which came into play into radio a generation ago and people no longer care for the screech of it.
Then there are people like this Maureen Anderson who should be unemployed, perhaps scrubbing restrooms at fast food places, because they are absolutely worthless, and it is these affirmative action Obama voters who not only get the jobs, the  chances, but can not seem to be fired as some satanic hedge is about them keeping them in the way to annoy the world.

You see this nonstop in media, in people you can not stand are non stop employed. I roll my eyes at Mark Levin preparing hours a day for the fricking radio.............good God you Godless Levin, have you ever heard of a search engine and high speed internet?

Fricking Matt Drudge does all your story content for you people, and all you have to do is type into a search engine the people's names, and in a few seconds you have all the content in speed reading you can use in 10 hours........and Levin has to research this stuff to talk intelligently about it.

It is all so ludicrous like Limbaughs program is talking point scripted, and  he is so bored by it that he is winging it now to dampen the listeners so they give up and keep Obama around or settle for Mano Mormon Romney.

These things have to be said, as that talk radio is now ruining radio in the Mockingbird content and these blonde brains permeating it.

Worse thing in this is, this skirt actually looks like she is grinning like a skunk eating shit.

Some might think this is cruel, but it is pure cruelty to have to have this sticky poop radio clogging my speakers and making me cringe for the scent it listens behind.

The disturbing part there are actually people who are attracted to this and listen to the radio while masturbating to internet pictures of this woman. It all just reminds me of sleeping in a machine shed while on a hunt one November, and on the roof two cats were breeding all night long.........all night long, that cactus male penis was jamming into that feline vulva and the screeching was on, and on, and on, on and on.

People too stupid to know anything, listening to a stupid woman screeching on and on and on and on. For the sake of America, please let there be a special needs dial on the radio band, like station 54 or something in a place no one but the Maureen Anderson mentally darwin would venture so this toxic radio could all be featured there.

 Perhaps a special lock too, that could only be opened with an Obama 2012 flash card as additional protection......

Or better yet, can we just have that white noise space on the radio dial be called Career Clinic and the job retarded can just be told that is the program, and sponsors can just pay this Norwegian woman to stay hidden at home where no one will look up her Facebook skirt and no one would find her phone number.
Honestly, I would think a woman like this performing on a peep show stage, would appreciate phone calls from anyone slobbering over her non  talent.

When one considers all the things which could be on the radio, the things which were on the radio.....even old Star Trek audio makes better radio than most radio now, why on earth is this stuff on the radio preying on the jobless and making them think there is a future for them in the Obama Super Depression.

This is Welfare Radio, and the worst Affirmative Action in all of you, no matter the program are being conned like blacks by Obama to believe you are  free as the chains tighten more deeply around you.

You can put what Limbaugh or Levin says in 3 minutes, but this daycare subsidy is to keep all of you children from revolution by being lulled to passivity as the Judas Goat of 1600 Penn Avenue leads you to the slaughter pit.

Welfare Radio, and just like in all of this carnivore and cannibal capitalism, the few elite make the big dollars and they get it from your penny pockets.

 It used to be one had to have more than a face for radio. One had to have a talent for radio, but that is absolutely not the case any longer. You just have to be the white noise on radio.

Yes white noise on radio to keep the black revolution from being stopped.

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