Friday, September 7, 2012

AK 47 Lynching

Imagine for a moment if Joe Biden made several speeches in which he said that he was using his salary to pay bounty hunters to go out and shoot drug dealers.

Would that trouble you or would you start wondering why a citizen can be paying people to go out and take the law into their own hands?

How about if Mr. Biden, then started saying, "I hate those people who take prescription drugs for mental disorders, and I hope these bounty hunters drag them out of Walmart into the street and shoot them too".

Would that maybe start sounding like a problem of domestic terrorism in violation of the Patriot Act?

How about if Sarah Palin said, "I'm paying Chicago law enforcement to go out and shoot blacks, because blacks are shooting people there, and I hate those blacks which vote for Barack Obama, and I hope the cops drag those blacks naked into the parking lot and shoot them too!"

Bit of a problem with that I suppose in your finally getting the point.

How about if Muchelle Obama said, "I'm paying  a bounty to have fat people hunted down for all they cost tax payers in medical care, and I hope those bounty hunters start shooting people who are buying sugar sodas out of dispensing machines as I do not like that either".

Only this blog has highlighted the reality of Michael Savage paying people to go out and hunt other people and murder them, without trial in Africa, concerning the African poaching rings of certain animals.
I will not go into explaining the reality of this again, but will state the psychology of Michael Savage like all bunny huggers has to do with hurt psyche, and turning to animals as pristine innocence of what is right with world, when these same animals rape each other, murder each other and would murder people if given the chance..........that is why God put animals under human authority is because they are savage animals without moral codes.

Michael Savage is paying African bounty hunters to go out and murder without trial poachers who are criminals, but have a right to trial by jury, or one will start finding execution squads murdering people who are innocent that have a prettier wife or own a better house someone covets and lusts for.
Mr. Savage though has degraded this further to the reality that he hopes and states so that legal hunters of elephants who pay money in those licenses to crop the too many elephants competing with Africans, who then eat these elephants and receive money from the licenses, to be dragged out naked into fields and murdered.

That in reality is inciting anarchy and murder of denying rights to people and terrorizing law abiding citizens.

I have attempted to be reasonable with Michael Savage, but as I write this after his August 24th program, in his advocating AK 47 lynching and terrorism of people, this person is unbalanced and has violated state, federal and international laws.
Michael Savage is in definition Ossama bin Laden literally for sponsoring terrorism.

Visit for a moment another Russian Ashkenaz named Mark Levin who was slobbering in delight over Sheik bin Laden's corpse being murdered with 4 other Muslim fascists. This blog alone stated this was horrendous.
It caused the murder of the Obama SEALS. It has now degraded to Col. Khadaffi and his followers murdered in mass, in which a French speaking Japanese was trying to gain testicles in stating it was "natural law" in this mass murder, as these psychotic people are venting their own hatred onto others.

Mr. Levin finally saw the red flag in this, and then adjusted his message "as he was the one" pointing this out, when he was the one desiring it .This now has Hosni Mubarak in a cage being tortured and the Assad family in Syria in a Civil War by Mr. Obama, and the entire region in upheaval and nuclear terrorism.........all because Mark Levin could not stop his blood lust, and Mr. Levin seems to not comprehend the Blood Libel of Michael Savage which he is now inflicting on all Jews, in Mr. Savage being a terrorist funder.

This becomes worse, as the 'natural law" Japanese ranter is someone Mr. Savage is painting in racial terms, as Mr. Savage was making crude comments about Japanese elephant hunters an their manhood, and he was making crude comments about Chinese in their traditional medicines only being for erections which last longer.

Apparently obese and aging Michael Savage can not get his penis to become stiff, as that is what his racial hatred of Asians is based upon, as he keeps speaking of these things, and people always are ranting about what is on their minds or bother them.......including apes and elephants being superior to humans.

In revealing all of this, it does not change one thing, in Michael Savage has broken state, federal and international laws in paying money for people to be hunted. If any normal person tried this, they would have the FBI and SWAT knocking on their doors in funding lynching, but Michael Savage is being protected as the Obama regime actually like all leftists desires the disarming and murder of gun owners and hunters.

This blog though calls for the Grand Jury investigation of Michael Savage in his AK 47 lynchings, as this murder. Under the Patriot Act, Mr. Savage has advocated terrorism in threatening innocent hunters and degraded this into racial hatred against Asians.

Mr. Savage should have his day in court, and not be lynched as that is illegal. Mr. Savage in his crimes would be found guilty and literally held in federal custody, and if one innocent hunter is harmed, he should  face the death penalty for advocating murder.

This blog stood by Mr. Savage when he was wrongly banned by the English as a terrorist. Now though Mr. Savage has degraded to a sociopath in status, and is actually breaking laws in paying for people to be murdered by being shot, and setting a stage where innocent people are now endangered, as there are indeed eco terrorists who have been causing millions of dollars in damage to research and vacation concerns in arson and releasing lab animals which are test animals in various fields.

I will not stand by and protect a terrorist that Michael Savage has become. The world has enough lawless Obama without one more Russian Ashkenaz deciding they are the Muslim Brotherhood in deciding who lives and who dies by their own psychopathy.

What happened the last time an Austrian Ashkenaz showed up in Germany paying people to shoot Russian communist Ashkenaz outside of Germany, and pretty soon the Polish Jews were in a walled ghetto and the rest of European Jews were in work to death camps.
Sounds like it was the holocaust by Hitler deciding that .........well those communist Ashkenaz which were threatening Germany were guilty of crimes without the need of courts, so one might as well start murdering the Sephardic Jews too.......and toss in those Gypsies as they are in the way in being bandits......and those mental retards are just taking up space......and those Christian Protestants are not bowing low enough to the National Socialists.

Silence is what created Hitler. I will not remain silent as Michael Savage subverts the rule of law and openly advocates the murder of innocent hunters, because his psyche has been hurt in not being God to control all people to be nice to him, and he is now venting out in making elephants and apes his God.
Notice the same condition about Mark Levin in his animal worship.

These people are screaming because they are scarred emotionally, and taking more hits, so like Rush Limbaugh he delves into puss cat and puppy dog relationships as animals something which they con themselves into in thinking they are a project they can control as they decide how they live in locking them up and when they die.

This is exactly what Stanley Ann Dunham did in her Designer Negro project of one Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin. She just could not even after emotional programming get this kid to be what she wanted, so she dumped him on Gram and dumped him on the government foreign aid program to abort him out of her life, and she was moving onto a new "animal" in another Asian black to construct in her own image.

America is answering for Stan Ann Dunham's psychopathy and her revenge. The world does not need another firestarter in Michael Savage savaging the world in his own dictates.

Michael Savage has violated the law in thee most heinous of ways.  He knows this, and he is begging for someone to punish him in the government to justify the pain he is in.
He really needs this as like Barack Obama in hiring his murdering done, the next steps are picking up a firearm and murdering those around you who do not measure up.

Michael Savage needs Christ in his heart and he needs the Christ Love which Dyan Cannon is sowing into the needy types, so it can grow to peace.

agtG 253

Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

Psalm 100:3

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10