Tuesday, September 25, 2012

an insider in need

    "I made no such attempt to confirm myself as at the time, the political machinations of this or any other country held little interest to me so long as the prepaid outcome was ultimately finalized."

    Was in context some q in the 08 debates set up so o could say something about "orgy of deficits" in tying bush admin to McCain.

    *Interesting  as he is getting a bit testy in showing things, more and more. He is feeling the heat........am pondering his confirming.

    But the above quote says basically in his own admission that he and/or others had a prepaid outcome for this and other countries. He bazinga admitted it! Right there in the open!

    *Am betting that wsi just told the world it was Jewish contractors for the Europeans who installed Obama.

    Okay so not others necessarily but if he does it, you bet your ass he knows others who do it too.

    *Do You think maybe the blog is biting his ass a little......in telling everyone he is not so inside, and he just decided to pretend he was a big league player.

    ...and the people who do these things, do not like that kind of information coming out in the gossips. He might have overstepped and will be removed.

    am certain that robert holmes testifying libor scandal thing was connected as well. Is why that whi and wsi didn't say jackshit about the joker shooting thing... and neither did um other than to point out o chest thumping in co with that 4 more yrs chant right afterward.

    *I have a joker blonde gal I have been saving. I would use that photo and post for tonight. That old bastard is rattled........moving his family out of the country. He is fringe and not that protected.

    Is like that whi saying about how those who speak loudest sometimes are the ones who say nothing. Nothing on um about scytl, joker/libor, breitbart, mittens stealing Maine primary from rp, etc.

They really are not cut out for this game. They have too much emotion and too little hard sell in them.

I do so hope the Shalom, Wall Street Insider, has updated his will and last testament to include myself and the Tiger Lily in the legal papers, as it would be a pity for the state to get it all and as he has been so tight in not donating here while being quite spendy in revealing things the lords and priests only allow known in services......
One would think the conscience of this blog would be a welcome thing to a man of so many illusions and he would be so inclined in all the tormenting spirits to share allot of the wealth just to sleep and have some friends in prayer on the heavenly side.

Crumbs and water 
Water and crumbs
One falls from the table
One begs the tongue dumb
The rich man and Lazarus
There was a tale
But the Jews never read it
In a Tanakh regale
Crumbs and water
Water and crumbs
How dry is the water
In Sheol's balance sum

Look you children desired a real conversation which actually amounts to something, so there you have it......and Shalom is being minded too as he is really out of the dipper in spilling the contents and needs someone looking out for him ursa major..

Note* Girlfriend they are not going to be calling you Sir nor marvel over your crusader pin. Better leave this to the adults and you can go off and make pretend.

Those crumbs are tough to deal with when Father Abraham has his child in his bosom and that great divide has it all divided up so even a drop of water from a finger dipped will never be upon the waiting tongue......

Drip.....drip........drip.......Time is a wasting.

an  insider in need
is an insider indeed

Just click the DONATE button Shalom as you got a big tally and your paid friends are talking about you to those who matter.

nuff said

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