Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Barry's Chin

Some might have pondered that the Birthers do not have an illegal leg to stand on in Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran being AKA Barry Chin, but let us examining this for a blog page as type is free and so is this space as Google makes a fortune off of this blog.

On the maternal side, Barry Chin is the product of an ancestry of merchants in Asia, namely the Chinese who landed in the Philippines and set up shop under the Spanish outside Manila.

Anna Chin, is of this Spanish and Chinese bloodlines. Her mother at least was born under American Protectorate in the Spanish American War. That  same female though by Obama's actions has Japanese in her past, so that concludes that she was a child of Imperial Japanese comfort women or organized state rape of local women who were prostituted for the Nissan Imperialists.
One can figure that Anna Chin would be 45% Japanese, 35% Chinese and 20% Spaniard. Her features appear that unique mix of hard driven sea pirates not  docile in Cantonese, but more Mandarin Chin in likeness.

This is why Obama was busy early bowing to Japanese and Chinese leaders. He knows the Philippines are his nativity, but he has no Filipino blood in his veins. He is a product of Asian merchants and Spanish or Japanese colonialists.

Anna Chin was claimed by Barack Obama sr. to be an "American" which of course would mean that Obama did indeed have an American mother. The nearest book is she was a product of colonialism who hated them and in this Marxist blossoming, she became and agent of the 5th column after a dalliance with an Indonesian "Soetoro" sojourner  who with willing American..........horizontal compassion, obtained for her the said documents which like Obama's birth abstract, had her a bouncing baby girl from a Subic Bay American born much later than she was, but arriving in American Hawaii to f*ck over America while f*cking Barack Obama sr. for a wage.

In lieu of that, Mr. Obama does not have any American ancestry or claim on his maternal side.

On his paternal side, it is most interesting in the "Sullivan" who was this handsome grinning dock worker who appreciated wearing neru white shirts in Hawaii, betraying his house boy status from the Horn of Africa.
That area of the world is a whore's bloodline of conquered peoples and peoples bought and sold.

The reason the Horn residents all look white, is they are white from all the Arabian Osseiran merchants trading there, and a history of Semites, Greeks, Romans and more Italians, followed by British rule as the whorehouses were busy on the Horn, and into this dipped those Rothschild lines for the reason of their Berlin attraction to Obama.
House servants like Barack sr's old man got little children advancement and the ones who were of natal blood got you a trip to America.

On that paternal side, the numbers are in that same 45% Ashkenaz, 35% Roman and about 20% black.

Obma the Chinoid is really the mongrel he claimed in 25% Japanese and Ashkenaz, about 20%  Chinese and Ashkenaz, and 5% Spaniard and Somilian. Not exactly the black, but then with all that swarthy Chinese, Japanese, Spaniard floating about, he can pass for black with that yellow skin and olive colored lips.

Barry's chin really does tell the entire story.

So would a baby born in Hawaii, without any American bloodlines, and only John Roberts type buying the kid off the rack, be considered American as in natural born?

Unique problems occur in this, as Barry Chin was never registered as an America first, but as a British national. The only reason the "American" thing came about is Barack sr. was thinking along the lines of an American money pipeline for this bastard he knew he never fathered and wanted to dump.
Barry Chin being purchased by Stan Ann, a child, with a faux marriage to a British subject, is beyond the legal measure of..........well she was under age for marriage, sex and buying babies.

That point is relevant as Obama was not registered American, but was a Filipino baby by an African father. The Filipino bolted for her homeland as soon as the sale was made and the biological father was no part of this.

The legalities are that B. Hussein Obama is a British subject, as that is what his created legal documents prove, and Mr. Obama established in admitting his "British subjection expired" which of course it could not. This means that Barack Obama is not American in the least, as he never renounced the British status, and of course there is the legal matter he was auditioned as dictator of Indonesia as adopted there by Lol Soetoro, and was illegally smuggled back into America in as sob story given to a 5th column fellow travel as the State Department and INS.

Barack Obama could be some type of government official in Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, England, Kenya and Somalia, but he has no standing in Spain nor in these United States, as being birthed in a whorehouse by foreign parents, is hardly presidential, any more than a purchased bastard by a young girl voodoo married to a Kenyan, who then double registers the child, and then adopts him out to Muslims in Indonesia and smuggles him back into America.

One must comprehend the Dunham and Barry Chin mindset. They never viewed Barack Hussein Obama or whatever his numerous names were as an American, because they left a paper trail which was modeling him as a foreigner, because he was a foreigner, and because Obama on foreign student assistance in college and university, so Obama could show up in Kenya and be an African dictator.

You have to get all of that, no matter what the fabrication is now, in Stan Ann Dunham, and this entire 5th columna, all knew Barack Obama was not American, and did not want this kid American, as that would spoil the brew which was being concocted so one more little dictator could be created in the west for socialism to offset that mob of Odinga types being educated behind the Iron Curtain.

Barry Chin is a Cold War product of Sugarland breeding for world control, and the Kremlin hijacked the breeding program with willing assistance by the Dunham type communist traitors. This was done across the globe and little Pip's Great Expectations all focus on Colonialism as that is what his whole damn ancestry was in colonialism or the Ashkenaz who funded it.

Obama likes to think hisself a white man. His Ashkenaz is white in the Slavic lines. It is why he likes Russians so well as those Bolsheviks are his kindred. He has some Arab Semite which is white, but for the most part B. Hussein is a Mongoloid without any of the positive attributes which make the Asians such a productive people.
Obama is basically a pirate and it is why he shoots Somali pirates or acts like he does, and it is why he plunders America as that is his Japanese lines of throat slitting.

The worst part of this, is this will never come out, as those anal Levin types are carrying Obama's Ashkenaz water and this entire bunch is corrupt as their masters all want every Obama policy as they tell you they do not want them.

If only Barack Obama was black and not this fraud, not that being Hamite would solve anything, but at least he would not be auditioning for Nimrod as a god and God wiping out humanity as at Babel in scattering it.

Yes if only Barack Obama was real as Barry Chin.

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