Monday, September 17, 2012

It Lives and Dies with You

My children, you have noticed that a DONATE button has appeared on this site and while I thought about doing things in satire and wrote a piece of such about Rush Limbaugh owing 11 million dollars for plagiarism and how others have reposted, stolen or taken credit for things here as "their ideas" while looking smart to others, I have considered being up front with you.

I have done this blog for free and it has benefited those from John McCain to Mitt Romney on the top, to those like Joseph Farah to Jeff Rense in the middle, due to the buzz factor created here as their pages go dead in this year long lull, and each of you, for the astute are figuring out the game in no longer being warped by the talking points issued daily from both sides in this death clutch.

Unlike the days of the Temple when the Levites were supported by donations, the modern America is one of no such system. Those who have read this blog know of the attacks I have put up in both physical and electronic. It was interesting to look in the mirror and see my eye covered in blood due to a radar sweep when I was in the city and dealing with the reality that my life in doing this has been in danger a number of times.

As you need money to live, I need money to live and that is why the DONATE button to Paypal has appeared. You can donate what you desire or what you feel moved to by God in what you have gotten out of this blog. If it is a slaves wage like Zephaniah received in his 30 pieces of silver, then I would be in good company like Christ.
In speaking with Paypal, they state that as long as donations are under 10,000 dollars, no one has to become a certified charity. If people like Rush Limbaugh will to donate their 11 million dollars, then it would require 1100 donations at 10,000 dollars per click to keep things according to Paypal regulations.

They will be to Lame Cherry and an email will be provided. I do not have time to visit with people no more than you would with a thousand people pestering you. You also know in this, that there are going to be screeching skirts as on Facebook who want to make an issue of things in ruining that email soon enough.

I will though be appreciative in knowing that you actually value this blog enough for what it stands for in one of the few venues holding the door open to the gulag this world has become. I do not know honestly how much longer I can do this blog unsupported as it requires great amounts of energy to listen to God and get things the Way He desires and then dealing with the onslaught of attacks the cartel figures out to strike at me each day.

I will try though as I always have in my best, and I will do better I would assume under less stress from finances. As the old saying goes if one millionaire would pay for the train, allot of people could enjoy the ride.

With that, God bless the Good and we will see how this goes, as in time I might add things on seminars or some type of asking me things or some sweatshirts with LC on them. That of course if the blog lasts as the brier patch is taking it's toll in the isolation I must endure to make this thing work. It works better that way though in just focusing on the message to deliver from God to you.

agtG 307 yy