Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We now bring you the Obama Knoll


You know allot of folks are putting their head on the old Muslim chopping block in thinking that B. Hussein is going to be doing the 70 virgins things in retirement paradise that all good Mooselums go to.

The Pentagon giving pink slips out just before the Obama election theft part dux is really castrating Leon Panetta. It is like castrating Leon Panetta..........

Just shows all lack of respect in going up and pissing on poor Leon, and Leon has done so much for defense contractors in all those new Obama wars......was like 2 billion alone for slumming in the Arab Spring.

You have the industrial complex handing out pink slips, it is like the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, the day before the election. These folks had better not miss or Barry Chin is going to do more than cut their nuts off.
Granted Obama's brothers are not like Bobby Kennedy in no fears of follow up in 1968, but just the same this is quite the shot across the Obama bow........and there huddles General Powell all civilian in the Pentagon Insiders have lost control of the contractors.....that is bad mojo, worse than the bad omen thing Obama has going on as you just can not bomb General Dynamics and not have people notice it in California.

Mr. Chin, now has his Secret Service furious at him. The SEALS furious at him. The Defense Contractors furious at him and apparently those armed folks at the Military furious at him.
Throw in Harold Hamm, Foster Friess and you got quite the lynch mob there.......no not the nigger tree lyncing as Obama is not black, but hanging up the Chinaman coolie is quite the deal.

I hope Obama has done their laundry before they come for him.

This is major. Bigger than blowhard Shalom Insiders talking about things. Bigger than polling results. This is the people who one does not screw with who have retaliated on Mr. Obama, and these are the people who will follow up with things if someone starts Andrew Breitbarting them.

For the first time, I actually do agree in Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin is historical, in America has never had someone at 1600 Penn Avenue in parts of the military and the contractors are in open coup warfare of the occupant.

It would really just be better if maybe Air Force One told Obama they were making a campaign stop, and flew him to Leavenworth Kansas, and then just arrest him there to occupy Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin's cell and invite him to stay until hell freezes over......

Because this is nasty things now going on. Andrew Breitbart just did not take a nap no more than all those terror bombs in Syria just did not happen without Obama assistance.
John Edwards was almost destroyed by Obama........Eric Holder in Gun Runner to stop American gun owner rights.....Gulf Oil Sabotage....that is all Obama and people ended up dead in horrid ways and numerous lives have been ruined.

The defense contractors should be aware of this as much as the other Freiss types who think they are immune to things, because they have an Obama with one large group of murderers supporting him and more connected than they are.
They have now afforded Mr. Obama 6 weeks to deal with this, and almost 3 months no matter the election to deal with them.

What happens with B. Hussein shoves back or his folks shove back?

What then after the contractors have thrown down the gauntlet.......
