I have been led to work on the zuggarat, but not just any zuggarat, but instead a cross dimensional gate, yes in various forms from Jacob's Ladder in the Stairway to Heaven to the Gate of God at Babel.
To explain the workings of this is the simple complex complete. In Jacob's Ladder, there was of course no physical zuggarat involved, but a Spiritual gateway in energies which Angels ascended to Heaven and descended to earth, at the place Bethel.
At Babel, the tower was a gate to becoming God, started by Nimrod the first protype anti Christ in assuming sun diety worship.
I recognize in this the Euclidean Sacred Geometry of his 47th degree in what is pleasing to the eyes is pleasing to the ear in resonant frequency. This Tower of Babel was a zuggarat, a pyramid shape with a spiral staircase on the outside and a focal transmission point on the roof.
In division of 7 levels of stairs, one then sees an 8th transition point. Seven being the number of prefetion and 8 being the perfectly devised whole number.
This is what this is all about in this staircase is a the Golden Spiral of nature. It is the vortex coming to focal point. It is the square by motion, becoming the circle.
It is possible in this ley line structure of coal tar, mud as fired brick to create resonant structure which would accomplish the transfiguration, or otherwise God would not have scattered the people, and laid waste to Babylon to never allow this structure to repeat.
It is possible to initiate these structures to open the gates, but they are attuned to ley line structures based upon earth electric current, due to rotational axis as the world plays the aligning sound due to constellation point.
This shift is coming in December 2012, in winking out period has been experienced on earth, as for the past Art Bell "quickening" period humans thought time was speeding up, but it was not time, but the earth axis hitting the constellation point more quickly so it felt like things were moving faster. Humans as was exclusively noted here, were just feeling more "jolts" so being over stimulated felt time was moving more quickly.
The structure is finite, and would be designed like temples, Churches and Temples to amplify the human will in frequency to begin the initiation of opening the field or doorway. If the human would build a Tree of Life on this signature, they would indeed change their DNA frequency. Do this though a the cartel is initiating without God and one gets eternal death. Life only begets Life.
The division of the stairs would be important in eye appeal, but for energy flow. The clockwise and counter clockwise spiral is of equal hemispheric necessity. The geometric mathematics are equally important as the size of the structure. It must in DaVinci code be a human energy field in proportion to the human and the earth.
One can not overcharge the human nor the gate, as both must remain in harmony to not create a consumptive force.
The zuggarat of Ur in Babylon is completely incorrect for purpose. Ur was the station which Abraham was called out from. It is inferior in ley line, although an energy point, it is not correct, and this structure is an ineffective triad...meaning it was built not for human use, but for tapping into energy flow to bring it to earth.
Yes Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive......so many miracles it all gets boring in explaining things to the children.
It is possible though to create energy window sponges, as much as transitory ladders in these zuggarats. Earth shift though due to God "dividing the earth" has caused the movement of the original power centers and would have to be re calibrated by natural muses in divination or like sensory machines.
The demonic doors are about to start opening in the chains of darkness will be dissolved in there liquid barriers. This will take place several years after 2012. It will though begin in initiating other forces now brought about by precursor events such as B. Hussein Obama.
Climax point is the Temple in Jerusalem initiating the upheaval. That is the "war in Heaven" in cosmic, earth and Heaven forces impact in having a disrupted harmony.
Honestly it is possible to by structure to protect America from abandoning God by a defense structure as this, but it would also shatter principality structures and the demon seed Barry Chin has wed willing America to.
It would though be a structure only capable of energy waves to neutralize dark forces which would have to be fine tuned, and with the heavens shaken and stars falling, it would be a not intelligent thing to put one's trust in as it would loose contact with the power structures.
Vortex increases speed, increases energy flow and power structure. Simple equation , but unaffected by gravity yet centrifugal forces would increase the flow. Is snail in nature and the crop circles are of this vortex field on small scale. Each geographic location has major and minor ley points of energy contact.
Uniting contact lines in structure would wed the power structure to a grid.....amplify it.
Using correct base metals ferrous to copper should also bleed off dark power. Contemplating fiber optics and giving unrest to demonic forces by liquidity flow.
Enough private conversation as too many people are listening.
Oh better to pray and initiate God in His proven Ways. This is not for the rats in the maze. Not for the lords and the priests either.
agtG 239
It would though be a structure only capable of energy waves to neutralize dark forces which would have to be fine tuned, and with the heavens shaken and stars falling, it would be a not intelligent thing to put one's trust in as it would loose contact with the power structures.
Vortex increases speed, increases energy flow and power structure. Simple equation , but unaffected by gravity yet centrifugal forces would increase the flow. Is snail in nature and the crop circles are of this vortex field on small scale. Each geographic location has major and minor ley points of energy contact.
Uniting contact lines in structure would wed the power structure to a grid.....amplify it.
Using correct base metals ferrous to copper should also bleed off dark power. Contemplating fiber optics and giving unrest to demonic forces by liquidity flow.
Enough private conversation as too many people are listening.
Oh better to pray and initiate God in His proven Ways. This is not for the rats in the maze. Not for the lords and the priests either.
agtG 239