Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dread Locks Obama

I find it amusing in how the cartel actually makes their minions look like fools. The Drudge Report headlines were most amusing in the new mind condition that Obama is in trouble and the left has turned on him, and Chris Matthews was browbeating his designer negro on air.

Lost, bewildered without teleprompter...
NYT: Resurfaced Obama Talk Renews Questions on Race...

Video potential worry for campaign...


Van Jones: 'Was Able To 'Out-Obama' Obama'.

I do not know if Mrs. Palin reads this blog, but stating the obvious while looking anxious for Mormon Romney is unbecoming as she decided to pull the sheets over her head and let others have their lives in danger in taking on all of this.
Perhaps Mrs. Palin should donate 6 figures to this blog so that the Tiger Lily and I can afford to eat at Chic Fil A too after our bills are paid.

Meanwhile in this, the cartel is amusing in the lies they tell. Sure Romney won the debate for showing up and not looking Mormon crazy, but John McCain did that 3 times and still had the election stolen from him.

The reality is Chris Matthews just lynched Obama like all the liberal whites did. That is the interesting part in this as Obama really did not do that bad in the debate. He lied allot, but always does that. He had a few blow fly eye minutes with those big ears which scared the viewers, but he actually did well as Romney just fag slapped Obama and left him standing there.

Romney did have to speak to his middle of the road skunks as that is what this is all about, but in reality Mitt Romney from a debate point of view did horrid in not wiping Obama out with simple facts and scorched earth debate points. Romney could have dominated Obama and did not.

That begs the summation then if Romney is inept in not knowing what to do or did Romney keep Obama around to dangle the negro around to keep the election close.

Neither answer is appealing, but the reality is Obama did not do that bad in the debate. He hung around. Appealed with lies to his maniacs and looked like the community organizer he is.

The question is then why the show? Why the pre staged drama  by Matthews and liberals? Obama is nothing to panic over and yet they are in a panic in trashing him as a loser.....same loser he always was and they still propped him up.
Unless of course they have orders to abandon Barack Carter and give all them white folks the excuse to vote Romney.

I actually feel sorry for Barry Chin, as for once in his propped up existence, he showed up having studied and took the brain programming and functioned without his eyes rolling back in his head. Sure he stuttered again, but not bad enough to have this kind of reaction. Obama actually was well schooled and hit the information he was practicing with Ma Jarrett for weeks.

The real signs are gas prices as the oil tycoons know they can not spike them to 5 bucks as it will start a third Obama super depression for Romney to deal with, so they are leaving them at 4 and selectively going to hammer California for that magic negro number flippin' number Obama needs to steal the election.

Look, I was amused that Mitt Romney looked like Bruce Campbell all night in his horror movie chic days mixed with Bruce's Burn Notice career. None of that matters though in the puppy press had orders to say Romney won and wave the Obama surrender flag.
Poor Jim Lehrer reminded me of Gary Cole on Office Space in not being able to ever get the words out to move things along.

Liberals were deceived, but when you got things wearing off on Mark Halperin early, there is no surprise that Obama has left the building mentally long ago in the dim bulb is home, but no one is there to turn it on.

Once again this all bores me, as propaganda does. Reality is more interesting than staged fights and strawmen as it is all so fag.

Has anything changed? Nopers.

Obama still has the ledger and he has the power to unleash it.

Oh, it was a mistake in Obama allowing Romney to tag Obama with the epitaph Obamacare.

Singularly though, the only good in this is, if the Obama thugs get the message he is on his way out, that they will not be implementing any more of Obama anal rape it will come back and bite them in the ass.

Remains to be seen how this stomach turns. That voodoo chicken really does puke up ghetto green.

So Obama is done in by his own Goebbels nework. Interesting what not eh........

The blonde pillow fight KO's Obama not in the ring, but in the Van Jones press afterwards.

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