Wednesday, October 31, 2012

God damn Teachers

I monitor things in shit hole states, because one can find out how the Obama union thugs are plotting things after being run out of Wisconsin. In that, I found something which just stunned me as I was reading about the measures and amendments for one dead decomposing George Marxist McGovern, the political father of B. Hussein Obama which can not be believed.

It was once said that a Republic was dead when the people found out they could vote themselves money. It can now be stated that Nazi Amerika is dead when unions figured out they could hide behind children and vote themselves massive pay increases.

Now mind you this is from Republican South Dakota, but do not make the mistake of thinking this is Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan America GOP. No this is that Rovian claque who praises Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson with a dumb ass Governor named Daugaard or something who looks like he should be in cornfield scaring away crows as that is his operational IQ.

I will go through the "citizen's ballot" in South Dakota so it is not confused by Rush Limbaugh for Um Dakota in Bismark, North Dakota or Mark Levin goes into meltdown in ranting why someone in Minnesota can hear a radio station in Fargo, ND.......which borders Minnesota.

Ok Amendment M guts the South Dakota Constitution, because gaming casinos have not paid enough teachers say to pay them millions of dollars.

Amendment N is the crooks in Congress deciding how much they can be paid for travel, as five cents a mile is not enough, along with like 60,000 in salaries for working a few days.

Amendment O is the teachers stealing all the money from the sale of some cement plant the state sold, so instead of 12 million a year to the general fund, the teachers get an entire 4% into their extortion.

Amendment P, this one is about a balanced budget, but it looks sort of like a clever attempt to tax the hell out of people as while it states budgets can not surpass predicted incomes as is already state law, it stealth could be these teachers again running budget overruns by the state congress they agreed to allow to steal money in reparations, so that they all can raise taxes to pay for their looting.

Measure 15 is about superfund being established for education funding and half going to medical stuff.......I suppose so teachers get even more free healthcare.

Law 14 is about a superfund for developments which is green stuff like wind energy and lab research........once again Obama crap if it was any good could get funding from a bank, but they instead want to screw taxpayers for it to filter moneys to unions.

Law 16, and this takes like 6 fricking pages and is about rewarding children with scholarships it says.........until one gets to the next pages and it too is about giving bonuses for teachers to do their jobs they are already paid too damn much for in the first place.

I mentioned this before ok. Police, Firefighters and  Teachers are the biggest god damned racket in the universe in THEY ARE ALL PART TIME JOBS. Police are either eating donuts or terrorizing innocent people in speed traps. Firefighters are either sleeping or taking test runs in their trucks.  Teachers if you figure it, work barely 6 hours a day at 30 hours a week and only 9 months a year, without Christmas vacations, holidays off, school breaks of spring and fall, and weather days.
They earn like 50 bucks an hour and turn out these idiots called Americans now who think Obama is historic.

Only larger scam is politicians, and as one can see in South Dakota, the crooks spent the past Obama summer filing petitions to steal money.

Teachers are thee most stupid group of people on the planet. They need to be paid 12 months out of the year in rationed payments, because they are too stupid to be paid 9 months and allocate funds like normal people. They have had this union scam going to steal money from taxpayer for years in claiming they need more money to do the job when the reality is they all should be fired for the job they do in donating all those union dues back to Obama and the liberals.

This apparently is what each of us in our remaining 49 states have to look forward to is the coming organized theft of taxpayer money for teachers an their cohorts who are being rewarded to. This links directly to Obama and Bill Ayers trying to get at the education money in Chicago years ago. It is the way this all gets funded and apparently in this exclusive there is afoot in this cow pie state a move to get that GOP state back into communist hands by this teacher scam.

I have never in all my research witnessed this kind of organized larceny in a half dozen laws and each one is geared to steal money for one group or reward the government for helping in the theft.

You have to remember this is John Thune and Kristi Noem's state. Noem who this blog got elected and about all she got accomplished was looking prett for 2 years. Well at least was not Stephie Herseth Sandlin ugly who seems to have disappeared back to Tom Daschle DC as none of my operatives in cow pie Dakota has seen that baby butcher skulking about for a year and a half.

Any way, this America is gone to hell and the demons are running banshee wild, as now they have decided to make Constitutional law a crime by utilizing it to steal money and bash citizens over the head in the gulag who are not giving enough pounds of flesh.

This is the same GOP state which kept voting down Pro Life laws, which Herseth Sandlin was illegally behind.

It is past time these extorters of cash in these sacred bovines be exposed for the frauds they are. Sure we need teachers, firefighters and police, but why is it farmers, truckers, soldiers etc.... can't vote themselves retirement packages, health benefits and laws dumping money into their labor efforts?
Food is sort of an emergency item, as well as getting things to you, just like fighting wars.

I told you before that this Obama group overthrew America by taking over hick states of low population. They are back at it again in South Dakota. They accomplish it there and it is coming to your hole in Siberia.

nuff said
