Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Grande Pistolas Lame Cherry Right Again

For the doubters of the Prophetic messages found here which means there is a God...........

Yes there is Analgate where Lame Cherry was proven right again.

Yes there is Scytlgate where Lame Cherry was proven right again.

NC voters say ballot cast for Romney came up Obama on machine...

Yes there is this gem by Dr.Henry Kissinger confirming that the Israeli state will cease to exist in 10 years just as this blog projected out in the article The Jew Killer.

Kissinger on Israel’s coming demise: Senile, prophetic or merely pragmatic? »

Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy, Henry Kissinger’s recent statement, that in 10 years Israel will cease to exist, borders on senile.

See, the phobic and those whose brains hurt reading the revelations here, can deny and lie about the exclusives of this blog, but if their attention spans were longer than 15 seconds, they would soon realize that the information exclusively posted here is proven right when given time. Sometimes it is the next day. Sometimes it requires months and some of this information is going to require several years to project out, but by God's Grace Lame Cherry is proven right, again, again, again, and again and again, no matter who steals what from here, no matter what rich A HOLE like Foster Freiss ignores me, no matter if Robert what's his name of World Tribune ignores this blog, no matter when HuffPo censors me, no matter when Rush Limbaugh will not pay his 11 million dollar matter what this blog has the switches flipped and it proves right.

What I write next is nothing of bragging, but reality. This is the best blog in the world and it has set a mark which will never be equalled. Regrettably this blog is the best journalist fodder operational, and I state that in I detest journalists and hate reporters and will not be put into that gossip drunken mob group. This blog is all due to God and Inspiration.
I give God full credit for what takes place here in the message.

I reside in the future and when the door opens you glimpse inside to the zip file of data the matrix is flowing. I post the above for giving God credit and to deflect of those who post lies about this blog, and to be in the face of the Mockingbird elite in their reprehensible deliberate ignoring what goes on here due to their marching orders.

This blog has broken more stories than any 1000 reporters in the past several decades, and there is no credit nor prizes awarded, due to the Bird Nest Ceiling in the whispering campaign to not touch what is posted here or all those brave little script readers collecting checks will be unemployed pariahs.

I do not have time nor is it in my personality to keep repeating how right this blog is. I'm moved to though in defending the message Inspired here and perhaps for legal reasons if it comes down to lawsuits in hauling these frauds to court for remuneration.

Who actually paid for the broom handle shoved up Chris Steven's butt and who paid for the weapons and bullets that murdered the Americans in Libya? Shhhh another exclusive from Lame Cherry.

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PS: Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive: TURKEYGATE

The Obama regime has denied supplying Syrian extremist al Qaeda with advanced weaponry, but these radicals tying to murder the Baathist Assad forces, have now gained access to Stinger Missiles from the US arsenal.

These Stingers were sent in with full wink and nod approval from Obama to the Muslim Turks, which is in direct violation of NATO and United States policy concerning gifting weapons to secondary sources.
Turkey started this Syrian front to pressure Assad for their boy Obama. They have fired on Syria and now are dumping weapons with Saud funding.

This is another impeachable criminal offense by Barack Hussein Obama as this Syrian machination has 30,000 Syrians murdered, Syrian Christians in jeopardy as Obama moves on his "legacy" vision of forcing Persians and Jews to get rid of all their nuclear weapons, which of course means death to Jews and Persians as the Muslim radicals will still have hundreds of nuclear bombs starting with Pakistan which is convulsing under Obama jihad there.

Another in the continuing sequence of exclusives found only here.

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US not supplying Stinger missiles to Syrian rebels: Pentagon
Chicago Tribune‎ - 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Wednesday he had no knowledge of the United States supplying ...
Operation Stinger Runner just like Gun Runner into Mexico