Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jorge Romney

Barack Obama knows the secrets of the Romney Mormans, and the dirt of it all is on George Romney. That is why when in Freudian slip he said George Romney and not Willard Mitt, because the real story is about that border buster.

Some might try and explain away that it was George Bush who Obama was fixating on, but you will remember that was never any  "George" in the Obama diatribes. No the information Obama has comes directly from the Chicago machine, and it is all about George Romney.

George Romney had a grand admirer in one Saul Alinsky. When the elder Romney had trouble with rios in Michigan, he turned to his friend, community organizer Saul Alinsky, as Alinsky admired the grasp that elder Romney had on the issues.

One has to comprehend in all of the history of the communist revolution in America, and how the establishment fought for control over it. Bill Ayers was given the task as intelligence asset to keep college kids from going Charlie Manson. Jesse Jackson was to keep those black folks from repeating Watts in the riots.
There as the 1950's assimilation of the labor unions who were at odds with President Eisenhower and by miracle both leaders ended up dead, and the new leaders led by George Meany, suddenly became the type of Soviet intermingled Eisenhower labor advocates to keep all those union people from showing up with pine boards busting management's skulls open.

Alinsky had psychological warfare to his revolution in fart in's in Rochester New York to force the elite there to listen to labor and in Chicago he had a piss in, where he had blacks pissing in urinals at O'Hare for their piece of the community organized pie.

It would be after a Playboy interview in 1972 when Alinsky laid out a plan to overthrow the American Middle Class in Richard Nixon's SILENT MAJORITY, in making it into the communist block of power against the elites who were in reality backing this loud mouthed Godless Russian Jew, that he went puffy pink lips on a street corner in Carmel, California.

If that scenario, reminds you of Andrew Breitbart's end for daring to buck the Soviet status quo laid out for America, it should, because Alinsky "died" of a heart attack too at age 63 to shut down his counter counter revolution to the counter revolution.

One must understand what George Romney is. George Romney is from the class of Mormon royalty, who were sent in to keep the Mormon Masons in the direction which the cartels hijacked all of this for.
The cartel hijacked the John Birch Society, has hijacked the NRA under Wayne LaPierre and has hijacked every newsroom and union in the world. Sometimes it is by people ending up "dead" and sometime it is in a pretty package like Michelle Malkin deflecting you from noticing things, as "minders" end up on websites like Ulsterman controlling conversational flow, but it is all there.
People die, people are paid, and scared people like Joseph Farah decide that he wants to be around to see his  grandkids and it is just easier to make a living, and deal with what is family in enjoying them instead of being dragged out in your underwear at 3 AM by state police.

George Romney is that quasi Perscott Bush swarthy type of the fringe. The creation of close to the underlord Rockefellers making certaing they bow just low enough, so that they can always have their boy have the intelligence and financial contacts to be Bain Capital.
You do it right and set yourself up as a strawman and Willard Mitt gets his chance to fall down as your competitors in the Prescott Bush line creates there 2016 scenarios.

Do it wrong like Bill and Hillary Clinton did, and Barack Obama humiliates you for the cartel in taking away your Oval Office time.

Mitt  Romney is a right proper bastard. He though has in his run for the White House cut the strings of those who had produced him to take a fall in front of Obama. That means that Mitt in cutting off Obama has cut off the Rovians. That means that these Carnivore Capitalists who Romney is one of, are backing him with their power structure........this is who Obama was referring to in the "powers that be", as Obama knows very well who these people are as they are in this same Soros group of the elite who protect themselves and can play hard.
These are the people who promised Sarah Palin the White House, dithered her in this Romney game to ruin her and the Tea Party, took the support away in telling her a grave awaited her, and Sarah decided Chic Fil A was a better deal
Mitt Romney was these people's choice from 2008 and he was going to be handed the nomination, but in this case the Bush people thought he was to be the strawman as that was the protocols, but Romney is pushing this in breaking the protocols.

In this, there has been something which puzzled me in their reactions to this well designed blog. Logic had it, that after the discussions about putting high speed metal projectiles into me, and the exploding of my eye capilaries (by mistake by an overzealous operator), that they should have then paid me the obligatory whore's salary in some book deal or bought out this blog.
They though are interested in what goes on here in the Prophetic messages, and how this all interacts with Baby and plasmas. Those higher up than the Romneys and the Obama's are interested in keeping this an intimate message to the few, and not having it noticed by the many.
It would have been logical for Obama and Romney to pull the plug here for the information coming out here, and yet they have stayed away. A greater purpose is being utilized here for the amusement and pondering of the elite.

Jorge Romney though is the conduit of this operation and it is what Barack Obama knows enough of which would sink Mitt Romney, but the problem is Obama has the same links in this right and left manipulation of America stems from the same illuminated thought. They all are tools, and it is one of the illusions of Barack Obama in his Hitler like genetic dogma, he hates Mitt Romney, because Obama believes his Chinoid mix is superior to that gene pool of the swarthy Romney's.

What George Romney was a part of, was the intelligence operations which spawned the Obama mentors in Bill Ayers. It was about keeping the revolutionary lid on in America. That is where the contempt comes in, in Romney was an employee, while Obama views hisself born to the manor.

If you call Mitt Romney a Rockefeller Republican or the establishment, that is what he is as an intelligence asset. He is that smarmy bunch who have been submarining Ronald Reagan for 40 years. Scratch this a little and you will find the people who silently stood by as the coup against Richard Nixon was implemented.

Saul Alinsky and George Romney were admirers of each other. No surprise in that in the least as one must control the labor mob to keep them from revolution. It is what robber barons need to do in exploiting the masses. Obama has accomplished the same thing in handing industries over to select unions while those unions in turn enslave Mexican workers.

It is what one finds in the Romney food chain, and what they were involved with in the historical intelligence control of the world unions. The unions who were Conservative were absorbed and wiped out by funded radicalism for this Soviet system which Dwight Eisenhower had laid out for him after World War II.

It is what is on Obama's is the parent of Mitt Romney in Jorge Romney's skeletons in his closet.

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