Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama Lite

My children, why have the elites been so concerned about sugar?

They have been lying to you for years in telling you it is bad.

I can inform you that from the first propaganda concerning food as eggs and meat, in favor of vegetarian diets, that the intent was to reduce the American people to vassal status by changing their diet, as the robust meat diet of Americans, created a healthy and aggressive race, which was not possible to be managed.

I told you that the feeding of soy formula to infants created effeminate boys. The result is the American fag which is a walking idiotic penis.

What people eat is indeed what they are and become as was proven here in the amino acids food break down to, join with the amino acids of the body to form cells, and one becomes either this frankenfood monster the cartels have created or they become healthy moral people.

That is what is behind Muchelle Obama's fag food diet on American children. But ask yourself what is behind the Semonyx dead baby flavor which Pepsi is making the choice a new aborted children everywhere in there HEK testing which turns kindney cells in frankenstein labratories into tongue cells lapping at sugars or more correctly "newly derived" sweeteners.

I will inform you just like Scytl voting machines only voting in leftists worldwide, it is no accident that an unknown company like Semonyx suddenly appears like all those cartel funded "green companies" to start registering patents in this new HEK 293 aborted child cell food tasting.

How does one figure out magically after almost 40 years to suddenly transform this DNA from medical testing cells into baby tongue cells lapping at the food industry concerning sugar?
This Semonyx has patents upon patents for this stuff and just appeared out of nowhere. That all points to some NAZI or Obama state run frankenlabs introducing bio technology that no one in their right mind would ever conceive.

Seriously would it ever occur to you take an old Netherland baby almost 4 decades dead, whose kidney cells were cannibalized, and suddenly turn them into baby tongue cells to taste test your Pepsi or Frito Lay?

There is more to this and this blog exclusively posts here the reasoning behind this all.

The first in this, is sugar is not a poison to the human body. Sugar is natural and it is what the human body converts foods into. Sugar in all cases is a natural anticeptic and it does cure the body. If the cartels tried to get you to eat corn syrup and you rejected it, then it means that sugar was protecting your bodies from something they were engaged in, in these DNA tests all there vaccines and frankencrops are creating in diseases.

So we move for this in sugar is healthy, grown by farmers who are making money in the Americas, who are then competitors to the cartels feudal control. Part two is another way to destroy farmers ability to make a living off the land and boot them off the land as was the case in the 1970's in America and that sham "Brazilian rain forests" were being cut down, as this was not about disease infested jungles, but about Brazilian farmers becoming wealthy capitalists and not communists.

As this comes to the third part, you know in patterns that these cartel lords do not do anything, unless they already have the profits and outcome decided. Whatever this "derived sweetener" is, that this aborted baby tongue is licking on, it is already in existence and too toxic for the industries to give to people. So it is being refined under the dead baby taste test.
This projects out that dead babies are being funded to test the effects of what this "DS" is having on cell structure already mutated. In short, this Pepsi Semonyx "frankensweetener" is something which targets the amino acid building blocks of the human body, the same way Monsanto genetically modified crops accomplish.
This DS is designed to changed human DNA structures for the purposes of what all of this cancer testing by vaccines to the frankenfood DNA shifting in the human body to what is now being staged next with full Obama regime mandates, as this is where this all orignates out of is the Obama regime, for their benefactors who have been behind the destruction of the American race.

Europe will not allow these poisons in. Yet this is what the American genocide experiment has been pushing with full Dr. Frankenstein support.

One just has to look at the list from Pepsi, Hershey to the other companies contracting for this to find the road map in which companies are part of this Obama Nazi run organism with full designs on this DNA manipulation.

Just think, that soda used to be 10 cents a bottle. Now it is from 40 to a dollar a can. Everyone has been deflected from remembering that SUGAR was around 1.49 for a 5 pound bag when Obama took office, and over night it went to 2.69. Yes you look at gasoline at 1.87 under Bush43 and Obama at 4.00, and you know the price was fixed for Obama green program takeover, but why is it no one but this blog has been exclusively exposing the price of sugar?

Sugar is what this global order has fixated upon for reasons that are genetic. They can tell you sugar rots your teeth, but then if you examine your toothpaste it is FULL OF SUGAR. The propaganda does not match the reality of what this group has been up to.

The elite of this world, have in election theft, energy and food, engaged in the process of overthrowing the world. This Semonyx labratory "findings" all points now to something interesting in from the first post this blog imitated in exposing this, it has received mass attention. As is posted here, when this blog then started posting on American genetics, that is what they surveillance spiders grabbed. The interest is in genetics and there is great interest in just what is being exposed here in the reasons behind this attack on sugar.

Congressmen and Right to Life sites can post on these subjects and it causes no red flags. As soon as this blog starts examining the issues of genetics and the code source in who HEK 293 has been corrupted and what is behind the "DS", then the spiders come alive and are fixated on what secrets this blog will reveal.

It is beyond human cannibalism. It is the realm of the governmental structures of the socio industrial complex which has GE and Warren Buffett being fed government funds and  contracts to "create industry" which the Obama regime benefits from while not paying taxes.
Billions of dollars were offered up in grants in the sham of global warming to twit skirts like in Wisconsin studying how the great lakes effected all this, when there was no effect.

How many billions of dollars in research was behind Semonyx developing this dead baby tongue and where did this research really originate from?

Just approach some company sometime or groups of companies and governments like Scytl or Semonyx did. You will be ignored and you will be talked down to.
Yet when Semonyx knocked, suddenly Pepsi bent over and all these other companies were begging to have this franken company do testing with unproven genetic cells.......

Let that sink in, and you start to comprehend this was some Manhattan type project in genetics and it came from the global elite and you are the recipients of another guinea pig experiment  to murder you.


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Yes we always at Lame Cherry are the popular girl.

This is beyond using dead babies from the Netherlands. It is beyond the gross and disgusting. It is beyond the unregulated mutation of human cells, as what protections are in place that this HEK does not transform into some plague cells eating people instead of just tasting Pepsi and Frito Lay.
It is about human DNA and the manipulation of it, for the dark matter. It is Biblical in that tattoo of the NeoRoman empire which all will have to take for loyalty oaths to do business of buy food. It comes full circle in that false tree of life that thee mortal immortals have built on the Metatron Cube and are initiating a signature in photon physics, not of White Light or God Light, but dark light.

This Pepsi Semonyx group have this "sweetener". It is being designed to be rolled out as all of these Obama regulations allow this without any oversight.

The world is full sugar, from beet to cane, and yet for some reason the prices were jacked up by Obama like gas, and now comes this new Obama sweetener, that they are all keeping under wraps as it is being tested by dead babies.

Semonyx lies in it's press releases that HEK 293 is not being used. Why is that ?

Who is the Dr. Germlove who is behind these revolutionary patents, that one would think would bring in Nobel Prize acclimation. Yet it is all silent as this intelligence operation from the feudal lords is the ingredient put into place.

They have hid the dead babies. They have hid the mutant technology. They have hid the "sweetener" and they have hid where all of this came from.

This is not Thomas Edison with a big lab with the lights on and Henry Ford turning lights on in America. This is something back engineered and exposing this is making this girl very popular again in what is behind all of this.

This "sweetener" is going to be defined as OBAMA LITE, as it is a stealth and Birther forged as his heritage. It comes to this moment Tea Party and all Patriots to dust off yourselves in preparation in whatever outcome this election brings to America, and prepare to make this the issue which Congress shuts down for your health sake.

Either make HEK illegal and these non sugar products, make them red warning labels warning consumers or make them have a 30% industry tax for using them, to protect the sugar farmers in the Americas.
It is one thing to use dead babies to con people into accepting it for medical advancements, but a completely different situation to have those children's cells involved in food taste tests for another corporation donating funnel money into the Obama regime.

This blog exclusively has exposed this is an attack on American farmers. It is an attack on a natural food you are eating for an Obama unnatural poison. It is genetic mutants testing this Obama Lite in this dead baby tongue is liking something which feeds it's mutant tastes.

Not nuff said

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The reality in all of this in Americans and people of the west for 300 years have been consuming epic proportions of sugars in their diets, AND THEIR LIFE SPANS HAVE INCREASED BY 30 YEARS IN MOST CASES.

Sugar has not been a detriment. Sugar in fact has been an energy source to humans in the west.

It all comes back to why with sugar being cheap before Obama arrived, it is now suddenly something which must be replaced when it has been a benefit.
Lame Cherry