Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Peeking under my Skirt

If you bother to click in the above photoshop, you will see I was greeted with a surprising thing in the top traffic feeds for this blog are Google, Ulsterman and Bing.

In considering that, it is puzzling in Ulsterman is a larger source then Microsoft's Bing, which in turn starts opening questions of what is the depth of the information being gathered off of the Ulsterman site.

People who have visited there know the back crap which loads onto your systems gathering information on you. It is why that site takes eons to load. It is a matter in part of revenue which is one reason I never put up Google Ads as others do in trying to raise funding, as it takes too many resources to load a page and if someone has slow internet it requires over 5 minutes to load a page.
I always tried to make this site as quick as possible, in even limiting the photogs so that readers do not have freeze ups nor any more information collected on them than is already collected.

It brings back the reality though in the monitoring of Ulsterman and how his traffic flow is a hub of information gathering on all who visit there and any site.

It is why on Facebook you have those ads popping up targeting, you unless you have an alternate server which has them thinking you are in another part of America. Your ISP tracks to every one of your doors and it is used for marketing, Janet Naps Napolitano and for monitoring your psychological trends.

People can run their sites however they choose. I refuse to allow comments here as it would be a matter of taxing my time in refuting idiot lurkers for Obama or Romney who are paid to promote a propaganda message meant to sway weak minds. One can find on Ulsterman a series of comments wiped out in favor of a trend which is pro Romney. All sorts of Mormons apparently are going to vote for Mitt, but I do know that the Daily Caller had an avalanche of posters bragging on Mitt Romney early in this, and it all traces back to Tucker Carlson's start up, which does take capital and by that inclusion of dozens of Kremlin posters, it was a reality that Mitt Romney hired a bunch of writers to make press for him. This is nothing new as this blog exposed Obamaniacs doing the same thing invading websites in 2008 hijacking conversations.
Sad part is for the black writers, they never got a thing out of it as Obama forgot about them.

I know allot of things about people that never appear here. Things which set red flags off in my memory alpha. Google which is the premier intelligence gathering center for traffic flow has found that their mega systems have a competitor in Ulsterman in directing traffic flow or monitoring traffic flow.

Traffic flows mean things and those monitoring them. It is financial and it is intelligence oriented.

It all makes me ponder things in I make quips about Kansas City and KC ads pop up and I make comments in my home about sushi and sushi ads pop up on my pages.
I will type that one slowly again, as when I'm not here a the Beacon Summit, that Shining Blog on the Peak, I'm with the Tiger Lily and we discuss things and those things start showing up as ads on web pages when I return.

TL has an iphone which has some interesting things like the photo grab picture gets turned on and her information bar flickers when it is not supposed to be active. It apparently is the conduit in the Plasma's following me about, and their spiders in monitoring conversations, as the reality is things discussed start showing up in ads.

I do ask for money from the monitors while speaking on the phone, when they decide to sound like they electrocuted themselves, but that does not seem to have been delivered yet.

I would have never dreamed that competing with the major search engines would be Ulsterman, who is bigger than Yahoo.

Honestly I know the cartel lords need this blog to monitor what I know, but I keep projecting out that if they just bought out the blog like they do everyone else, it would be so much nicer for their stooges like Ann Coulter and Barack Obama. Granted Rush Limbaugh appreciates any press he can get now, but they have all these other people and really do not need me as the sole voice of Inspiration. They can open the Bible for that and they can just listen to themselves as it is their information which keeps being put here.

All I need is a tall ship and a Star to steer her by.......

My beloved Uncle said a few years before he died, "You know I have a pretty  good pick up, a boat and a gun. I guess I got a good life".

Is interesting as Michael Reagan says in all those emails and search engines collect information on you, and then sell it, to which they then donate the money to Obama to enslave you.
