Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Laura Ingraham Syndrome

I was just listening to Laura Ingraham and as is typical of hot blondes who think they got where they are in life, they offer advice about career choices like to dipshits who want to be bakers because they love it and then find out it is hard ass work and hate it.

To assist dear Laura, the following is what all of you know already about life and work.

First Laura Ingraham got to where she is in life by being a Nordic blonde who Richard Nixon lusted after first and her brain came along for the paycheck, and is how she got to be a spokesbabe on the McNeil Lehrer News Hour, unlike 100 million other qualified women who were not attractive.
Oprah got her job as groups of women were not threatened by a fat ass ugly black bitch lezbo who was not going to be any competition for the manfriends and husbands.

Ingraham is where she is now, because she has control issues and after auditioning that limp dick Dinesh D'Souza for the Obama role of green card boy husband, she chose instead to adopt kids and forgo the man thing as men scare her who won't put up with her bitchy moods.

Everyone here reading this knows what work is, work is a place where employers never hire people who can work, but instead worthless shit to validate corporate id's.

You know what is employed are ass kissers to make the boss feel good and laugh at their stupid jokes. Then there are the fat, bald lazy dolts who are not going to look too good to make the boss look stupid, and then there is always the eye candy and toy candy, both male and female, for the lezbos and lounge lizards to masturbate over.....and then the thin veneer of Asians and Whites from the Midwest who work their asses off, so the rest of these lazy bastards and bitches can look good and get a paycheck.

Laura Ingraham has of course this same structure about her in subordinate males she is "married" to and can boss around to validate her, like that simp producer who lies about bio fuels as he gets his talking points from Rush Limbaugh.
Hell Limbaugh marries his bottle blonde daughters, because he is afraid of women and they grow up and get tired of his acting like a 10 year old boy on pecker dope.

Is just what this is and always has been.

According to Ingraham, if you speak Obamese and go be an engineer as China will be something for that job interaction, you will of course then have a great job.

Yeah right, and you know how that goes as there are five jobs at engineer firm, and two go to Bearick and Muchelle who can't add up the fingers on both hands, one goes to some hot ass in a short skirt as she promises to suck the boss, one goes to some snail who is working on the Hoover Dam prints yet, and one goes to an Asian who is doing all the work as the boss smiles about all the money he is being paid.

You on the other hand, have just spent a hundred grand on education and learned Obamese, and are waiting around for interviews that will never come as it is an insiders game.

Look at this blog in being the best and having the most breaking stories. It has no big money donors like Foster Friess who buys whores like Romney for a million bucks and never is heard a Ben Afleck word as that trash does not want their sins exposed for complete assholes they are.

People with talent never are given a thing in this life. This blog still gets told it should learn to speak English, and yet it is successful due to the fact that people who are intelligent, who do not hide behind college degrees actually comprehend the language spoken here and are not so anal retentive they fear to actually think.

Laura Ingraham has the best talk head show around. She whines far too much and she has started to think she actually got what she has on merit. Laura Ingraham got where she is by people wanting to f*ck her and the closest they could do that was listening to her.
Rush Limbaugh got where he was by following a scripted message that stole from numerous people like this blog as he tried to prop himself up in gay shit for showing his beaver to the camera like being a whore for 24.

Limbaugh just rode Morton Downey......that was his name I think, not the former Iron Man doper, but that Clark Kent guy with the teeth from the Andrew Dice Clay stage personas, and Mockingbird paid him a fat guy salary because he could parrot his parents Conservative ideals.

You can either build something you want to do or you can start working the system of "who you know" to get a job, and then do the work, and go home not so exhausted and do the things you enjoy like baking or pretending you are me.

There is not one of the famous people you see before you, who does not have a thousand better people who could do that job. I would quantify that with me, as I know of no other, but if God put His Spirit into someone, hammered the hell out of them to the point of suicide, humiliated them, mixed in various parts of the Virgin Mary and Ezekiel, then they could do this too here. All Prophets though are different and why they read different from Isaiah prose to Daniel humility.

All of these rich people do bother me, because since the Dotcom bust, Americans have had a hell of a time and been going down hill ever since trying to hang on. Laura Ingraham talks about "going to school" like that just happens without selling your soul in loans. She talks like doing things the way she says will open the doors to prosperity, when she has never been a big assed, cross eyed, ugly, chicken shit brown haired woman with the same qualifications Richard Nixon showed the door to.

How many women did Richard Nixon interview for the job Laura Ingraham was given for her looks? Richard Nixon was savvy in he knew he wanted Nordic boner appeal to help resurrect his public persona from Watergate.
See it all just works out and in deluded Laura Ingraham's mind, she actually thinks she was hired and had doors opened for her, because she actually passed classes.....of course she worked so much harder in university too in why she was so successful and it was not her looks which influenced the professors......just like she gets Obama book deals, because both of them are such intellectual titans.

I'm not saying Laura Ingraham is not a nice person. I'm dealing the reality though that Laura Ingraham like most people success was awarded to, that they got there not on merit, but on exterior reasons they will not discuss because even Donald Trump does not want to be known he traded on being a good looking young guy in New York who had the bass tacks New York wanted, along with all the bribes he shelled out for his projects.

Laura Ingraham was hired and people wanted to have her around Conservativedom, because more people thought she was pretty than ugly. People listen to her, not for her whining voice, but because she espouses things they already are thinking, and they put up with her deceptions in how to get a job, because her being a blonde idiot is not so bad when weighed against her sex appeal.

Oh and by the way, Laura Ingraham never donated to this blog either. I doubt after this bubble burster she will either......but then hey, I'm sure she was going to invite all of us over for turkey on Thanksgiving as she is just that kind of girl and is why Richard Nixon hired her in the first place.

I wonder what she wore to that interview as she blinked those big blue eyes all pouty, looking vulnerable under those bangs framing it all.......

6 figures Laura.

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