Monday, October 15, 2012

The Seven Stadia of Wormwood

This blog will assemble a commentary on the Biblical, Wormwood, from the Revelation of Jesus the Christ in this star which falls to the earth.

When Chernobyl of the Russian nuclear meltdown took place, some said that was the event, but it was not even if Chernobyl means Wormwood or bitterness.

The Bible and mystic seers in Nostradamus and Mother Shipton speakd of this event, and while only the Bible can be relied upon, I do fill in data from the other oracles as it does assist in understanding this event.

From the oracles, some very interesting facts are mentioned, which do indeed reveal scientific facts which are relevant to this cataclysmic event, and in cause and effect the situation can be pinpointed.

It is said this bearded star strikes the earth. That means a comet, which means it is one of ice and is melting from the sun's heat.
It is  recorded as striking in the morning in the fires it generates. Also it strikes in areas which submerge the Island of Tin, which is England. That points to this comet or start hits the Atlantic on a probable west to east transit.

The main core strikes the ocean with another mentioned striking earth. It does break up coming in, in the atmosphere, but the strike of it on earth is not known precisely but seems to be in the southern France to Italian locale, but it does not seem to be in the Middle East or Russia in the west.

Wormwood is said to be seen for 7 days. One reference to it speaks of it circle earth, as a second sun. It is probable by one reference it illuminates the night that dogs will howl.
In that, we know for certain that this comet is caught by the earth in gravitational pull and is moving at a momentum, in which it's trajectory is bent to form and orbit, but instead of moving to a lunar  type orbit, the trajectory degrades and it plunges into earth in macabre celestial show of a week long terror, as war engulfs the earth.

It is stated this is 7 stadia around, meaning this is a mile sized meteor and appears as a burning mountain.

Before impact, the tides will rise and fall in great degrees, including earthquakes as the pull of this object tears at the earth. After impact, the tidal waves wash ashore turning them into mud flats, and more earthquakes and volcanoes erupt.

As the great war rages on, anarchy will spread in food horded, rapes, robberies and murders in general mayhem takes place.

The comet appears to be red, by the red fire of hail stones. This would translate it to being a Centaur type comet as they are red. In addition, the comet in striking the northern hemisphere seems to indicate that this event takes place in a May to September period.

I will presume in the disaster of this, that the warnings will abound in "what if a tidal wave" and therefore nations will have millions of people fleeing coastal metropolitan areas, with those remaining engaged in wholesale rapine for lust and profit.
This refugee situation would devastate areas such as Nevada and Utah as Californians would spill inland. The same situation for the east coast in New York into Ohio to Florida into Missouri. There would not be a way to deal with almost 100 million people showing up, and it would be a disaster.

The same would hold true in Europe to India to Asia. This is probably the worst of the events literally for what it does, even greater than nuclear strikes.

It is though a subject rarely discussed, even though from combined sources, which if factual on the Biblical account basis, it is thoroughly described and the size, protocols of the object's behavior, time of year and time of day strike are known.

What is interesting is the reality that it might just "appear" as nothing ever speaks of a long warning on this comet, but it does terrorize for 7 days.

Last point in this, the Bible does state about "stars" falling from heaven. This Wormwood might be part of a comet cloud / dust cloud which earth passes through.
It does not wipe out life on earth, seems to reveal how horrid people really are, and the war continues in this sea of mayhem.

nuff said

agtG 354YY

Nostradamus Comet

Mother Shipton