My children, who was it but your popular girl who told you to stop looking at the mammoth mammaries of Jill Kelley and start focusing on her honeypot Lebanese associations in SOMEONE WAS PROTECTING HER FROM INSIDE THE OBAMA REGIME.
That is a statement and not a question for the monkeys in the Ulsterman zoo.
Now 24 hours later is the Drudge featured breaking story of Jill Kelley was eating our or is it eaten out at the White House three times this year.
CIA's Talking Points Were 'Edited' to Play Down Terrorism...
Director Knew Immediately Al Qaeda-Linked Group Responsible for Benghazi...
FLASHBACK: What she said...
Lawmakers shown video of envoy being dragged out...

The reason Jill Kelley phoned the FBI and the FBI jumped for her, was the intimate connection to B. Hussein Obama. As stated from the start, exclusively only from this blog, exactly according to the Kremlin protocols and the same scenario J. Edgar Hoover utilized, Jill Kelley has all the stretch marks of a minder which infests regimes in intimate data mining to keep tabs on powerful people, blackmail them and to extract information from them.
This blog broke this story again by God's Grace and the reality is the media is still catching up.
Goodness people, we have a war on terror, involving Muslims and Middle Eastern associates. Obama has good and bad terrorists. Jill Kelley is all over a top security hub and is attached to powerful men on the right in Patraeus and Rubio, and she is sitting down to dinner with Barack Obama.....all in being Middle Eastern in heritage.
Where do you think her loyalties lie and with her family's massive debt bills, who is keeping the creditors at Patraeus is showing up in court to defend Jill Kelley's sister in a nasty custody hearing....after being fondled under the table.
In 1970, Director J. Edgar Hoover would have arrested this entire bunch, and been banging on 1600 Penn Avenue with warrants to find out the connection of Lebanese Kelley to Lebanese Obama Osseiran, as the connection now looms in the reality, the top man at CIA and top for Europe have been removed due to the machinations of two Lebanese inside America during a war on terror involving these people's namesakes.
You never even bothered did you in figuring out in the Wrath of the Khans in the picture of what was in the crystal ball.........look at it, as days ago this blog posted the above PHOTO OF OBAMA PINNING A MEDAL ON JILL KELLEY'S NECK AT THE WHITE HOUSE.
Yeah photoshopped, but that is proof once again this blog breaks stories and if one is paying attention to the cryptic, you too can live in the future.
Lame Cherry right again, in another matter anti matter exclusive.
What was that like 4 this week alone.......Woodward had ONE.
All credit to God.
agtG 259
The monkey tourists really owe me my children ANALGATE, BUTTRAEUSGATE and let us call this one YOU OWE ME A BLESSED DONATION GATE......nah how about OBAMASCAM.