Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obama Head Oysters

This blog now with Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin stealing his second Presidential election, the first from John McCain and Sarah Palin and the second from Mitt Romney and Foster Freiss, calls for the edification of beloved leader, the one, the game changer, the halo head, the messiah, the god, B. Hussein Obama.

America and the world should not wait as Mr. Obama has replaced Dr, King, Ronald Reagan, Jesus, George W. Bush, Sheik bin Laden in glorifying the politician formerly never known as Barry Chin.

In that, only here was it covered about Niggerhead Oysters, yes the brand name of the best oysters in the world, and as they became Negro Head they just did not measure up to the original lustre.
Many are the happy times in Americans sitting down with Amos and Andy, Nigger Head Oysters, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and the Cream of Wheat chef to comfort them. It is past time now in historic Obama to start blasting the  faces off of Mount Rushmore for the many faces of Obama.

All US coins and currency now should have images of B. Hussein.

I move that all states just be called Obama 1 through 50 and America should be dotted with Obamaville, Obama Falls, Obamabank, Obamaburg and Obamaco as this kind of historic election theivery of a Chinese protraying hisself as a  black man must be heralded.

So let us all start with comfort foods in the gay community selling Obama Head Oysters in Obama out of the closet gay pride. There can be a special Chris Stevens coupon for Muslims and Navy SEALS who should be remembered in Obama's ANALGATE.
All of Obama's deeds should be remembered for the fantastic accomplishments they are, whether dreams or fiction, the world deserves it's own Obama Head Oysters, and more with Obama's likeness should be on every box of cereal, every billboard.........heck we must have all computers on booting up, posting a picture of Barack Hussein just to give this great Obama all the attention he has stolen for.

To prepare America for this Obama wonder, Obama Head Oysters should lead the way, as Obama replaced the American black man, and now it is time for him to replace all Americans with his likeness.

Let this go global in his head on the Dome of the Rock. Have some Muslim chisel his image on the black box of Mecca. Have his head put on all the images at St. Peter's. This should be everywhere in the likeness of Obama be mandated to never be out of sight of any human.

Little worships stations must be put into homes like Catholics have for Obama. Cars will not start until people utter the words PRAISE TO OBAMA. Children can not start the day until reciting, IN OBAMA WE  TRUST.

Lut us not kid ourselves in this is not where this is being taken, and simply just join in now and give Obama all the adoration he has earned in being the greatest fraud in history in running vote software so overwhelming he canned Rick Berg in North Dakota and almost got Kristi Noem in South Dakota.

Obama Head Oysters today and the 4 heads of Obama on Mount Rushmore. Chisel Obama's face on Abe Lincoln and Martin King in DC...........change the name to the Obama House instead of the White House..........make it OC in Obama of Columbia.........let us get started on this as Obama and his few followers are going to make this happen.

Obama President For Life. Long Live Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!
