Monday, November 26, 2012

Oliver's Twist

My purpose in this exercise is the Tiger Lily becomes upset about children being harmed in the 3rd world, so that upsets me greatly as there is too much Hollywood and Missionary Positions in all of this, in ignorant people pulling at heart strings in working their demons out and causing more problems in this world.

The basis of this is the movie Machine Gun Preacher. It makes no difference what the movie or Oprah viewer or Mormon Missionary this is, as these creatures could do more good in marching on the World Bank in demanding all the food, medicines and money did not end up in banks in European Ashkenaz interests as Paul Wolfowitz attempted to establish, before he was destroyed by these cartel financiers for rocking the piracy.

It does not matter if it is Mexico, Philippines, Uganda or any other shit hole, you can find where Baptists are stealing black Hatian babies, missionaries a banging the cute Filipino girl for food, the  movie makers are linking up chopped up babies in the Congo, it is all the same financial system behind it, and the reason it takes place is there are billions of dollars to be made in these nations on dope, human traffick, weapons, food and land.

In MGP, Gerard Butler 300 is a reformed doper who hears the calling and sets up an orphanage in Africa and starts shooting a rival blacks militia who are shooting at his orphans and militia.
Does not matter any of this, except it only exposes in the movie how ass backwards all this is.

What good is an orphanage without stopping the orphan making machine, and one does not do it by shooting the thugs working for the other militia whose leader is making money for the cartels.

The bad guy in this movie is Kony, a shapeshifter. I do not care what witchdoctor someone says someone is, as bullet kills a hyena shapeshifter as much as a human......shoot a hyena and they turn back to the human form in death.
Kony just pisses off the cartel as he is Christian and interfering with the cut.

He is no different than Riala Odinga, except Kony is not leftist and has no backing from a rival power broker.

Nothing in Africa, Mexico or the Philippines has changed since the Jesuits first held down the locals and made them say the Hail Mary. The rural people are ignorants like their saviors, who do not know enough to clean a weapon nor build a boma thorn enclosure to keep out the butchers preying on them.
To be fair the Butler character was as big of idiot in full fire AK 47's which only burn out barrels and precious ammo, plus the lovely idiocy of revealing your position and one can not hit a damn thing with a full fire machine gun.
Put it on select fire and pull the trigger once. It is how a combat soldier operates and lives to fight another day.

The same is the stupidity in these orphanages and villages. OK I will explain.

Rome and Greece learned a long time ago that controlling the mob meant ruling the mob. Mobs like to riot and wipe out the less numerous soldiers and dictators. The way the Romans figured this out to survive is the day the universe changed........hat tip to that bald Anglo who explained all this.

See your city park, nice boulevards and plazas all look mundane to you, but to people in crowd control, they mean you can herd the masses into central areas quickly and with few troops point a few weapons to control the mob which is rioting.

To keep the locals safe so one is not pissing away their missionary work it is simple, in one just builds any of a number of proven designs in ancient cities like Babylon or Rome.

Rome was built on 7 hills, which means look outs. It is a control center which like Babylon with water running through it and high walls is a hell of a thing to try and conquer.
Most militias do not have bombers in the air, tanks or artillery, so the simple design of using mud bricks, will absorb any AK 47 or RPG thrown at the populace.

So one creates this central command structure which includes water, and a commanding position of a height so the militia can not get on top of your position and fire down upon you, as Obama allowed in Afghanistan on the American firebases.

Next after water and position, we want a second enclosure which is your garden plots to feed the population. The secondary wall can have thorn, spikes or razor wire to keep things from climbing over this wall, which means minimum patrol at night.

Very simple stuff really and as one is creating brick structures they are secure and last, safe as they absorb bullets and RPG's and one can literally make the outer walls the homes people live in. Nothing like having screaming locals as your early warning system if some militia gets through the walls.

These indigenous peoples need keepers. The good deed doers need minders to control their intentions in not making pets of the locals. Directing this all like zoo animals is all it requires in the monkey good deed doers permission to roam about among the goats and sheep, acting superior as the keepers engineer a society in a colonial system that directs the idiots who think they are smarter than the idiots they are saving, but only compounding the problem.

One can also build approach routes for the militia to trap them in fields of fire. Once again minimum security and maximum destruction of the danger easily.

That is as simple as it is. Except for there should be international laws, that unless good deed doers have minders, and those minders are in place, not one cent, not one grain of paddy, should ever be allowed into any of these areas.

It is why I want to invade northern Mexico and transform it to the above system. In a decade it would be a prosperous place and the Mexican peon would be a Mexican who would have money and in another generation be able to govern themselves, and control their Padre preying on them.

See the people in power do not want any of this, as this would create competitors to their rapine. It is why these peoples are preyed upon, and why good deed doers are allowed in to make things worse as it makes good propaganda so people give money and send in their young missionary girls to get raped and murdered.
All feeds itself and it allows good deed doers to feel superior and bring home pet locals as one can only spay and neuter so many cats before it becomes blaise'.

There are ways to fix this, but that is not the point. The local populations are no different than they were before Queen Victoria made them her children and tried in colonialism to civilize them. They do not know how to make weapons nor care to learn how to defend themselves. They prefer to eat, sleep and f*ck while they cry over bad things, and go back to being happy when the sun shines and they have some shade to nap under.

This is not in vogue to state these facts as Obama hates colonialism and the cartel he represents wants the propaganda that all these people are just like you. They are not. They are  in most cases no different than an ape in the zoo trained in sign language.
It is why the Marxists for the European bankers destroyed Queen Victoria's civilizing the wogs, because there is more quick profit in that then teaching the wog to farm, build, mine and build mercantiles to buy first world goods to sell to their peoples.

This will be hard to absorb, but people live and people die. So do ants, so do antelope and so do trees. Some people are no different than buts, hinds or plants. It does not mean that one misuses them nor does not have compassion on them, but the focus on the livestock of the cartels only wastes energies which they will one to do to continue the exploitation.

If Gerard Butler had been firing on a cartel wog, he would have been dead already. He has a purpose in attacking Kony as Kony is like the elephant in Africa in not part of the plan.
That is the point in this, in one can march on the aristocracy behind all this rapine, but it just gets you murdered like Andrew Breitbart and makes one's family cry.

One can not save people too ignorant to save themselves. One can only deal with their lives in the situation they are, pray their prayers, allow God to work through them to make things better and wait for Jesus to return to end all of this rapine in the world system.

There is a reason Queen Victoria and the American Government made reservations for the natives and built schools, made defensive enclosures for armed loyalists and gave them a faith in God and hoes to farm with. It was teaching civilization.

That requires a orderly progression in comprehending human behavior and how to control it for the best outcome.

That is missing in the world for a reason now and good intentions are not going to change any of it. Trying to do it will get one murdered. It is the reality of this world can not be saved or Jesus would have saved it.

Americans should concern themselves as much of the people in the west in saving themselves from the jeopardy they are in. It will not be long before the more clever cropping of them comes into full force in their gulag.
The concern should be saving oneself, protecting ones family, projecting out to securing ones community, ones county, one state and ones region, and not looking to FEMA for the camps you are in as you will die waiting to be rescued.

Figure these things out as you have already been figured out just like the skin toned peoples of the 3rd world. You just happened to have a  God Who loved Abraham so you received blessings to bring the message of Spritual Salvation to the world.

100% of the people should be concerned about saving themselves.

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