Friday, November 23, 2012

Order of Battle

When the Israeli state started it's campaign to clean out the Philistines of their Iranian provided missiles condoned by B. Hussein Obama's regime, it revealed an order of battle.

It is of note that the "experts" now after this blog's warning of several years ago, that a Great Eurasian War was coming, are now starting to see that indeed this war is in the process of being birthed.
The reality is these great world wars never start with a bang, but always start with decades of assassinations and leveraging which finally produce regional wars for peace, that then explode into international wars, all to cover up who has been stealing trillions of dollars from who and will not repay it back.

Israel is tidying up the battlefield as they have three projected spheres. The inner circle is the civil war sphere which the outer circles would utilize to try and defeat the Jews. This means the Philistines with their missiles and terrorists must be weeded out, so that full concentration can be focused upon second sphere which is Hezbollah in Lebanon and the regional al Qaeda powers of Libya, Egypt and Syria, who are not really interested in battles with a nuclear Jewish state now that Obama has given them these nations, and the final concentration upon the nuclear armed Islamocommunist state of Iran.
There is a fourth hub in this of Russia and China, but barring any insanity by the Peking and Moscow girls, who would welcome the battlefield being nuked as it was part of their original nuclear pollution of the region which would drive out Americans, and leave them in control of vast oil reserves and warm water ports on four ocean fronts.

That is what no one is telling you in the Jewish security motives. This has little to do with the Marxist Muslims under their control, because be it known, the Jews have basically more assistants and heads of leadership in the Palestinian cause as do the Palestinians.
Ants do not crawl in most cases in Philistine lands without the IDF and their security knowing they have moved.

So what does this bring American to? Mitt Romney was supposed to bomb Iran and settle the region for the Jewish cause with like removal of al Qaeda terrorists Mr. Obama installed, for a quasi peace Judite for the region to come under the control of the European powers as has always been intended.
George W. Bush when he went ethanol fuels a decade ago, signaled there was a change in American policy. 43 as this blog noted had done a very good job of preparing the Eurasian War battlefield to be fought with tactical nuclear weapons on the Asian steppes where civilians would be not harmed.

Mr. Obama has changed all of this as this blog warned in his Muslim Ring of Fire, which stretches from Indonesia to Kosovo. Where Mr. Bush had located the wars in wastes, Mr. Obama has now placed these war fronts in India, Pakistan, Israel, the Balkans and to the Rhine. When war comes, it will be in the midst of billions of people, in thee most fertile of areas which will be WMD destroyed.

That is a point the Obama voter is responsible for now, and there is no denying their guilt. When the Great Eurasian War comes, it will slaughter billions of people and they are to blame for it all.

For the Jews to be doing housecleaning in the Obama Lame Duck with full acceptance, means Obama is promising the Muslims something Jewish again for this, and the Jews believe they are gaining a platform in which to deal with a later exchange.

Do not for a moment forget that Libyans blackmailed Obama over ANALGATE. Egyptians blackmailed Obama over ANALGATE. The Israeli State is using the same information while it is of value to operate under the cover they require to complete this phase.
Mr. Obama hates Mr. Netanyahu. Mr. Obama is keeping silent, because the information which the Jews have in this if it comes out now would have him removed from office. That information is going to come out, but the Jewish State is playing the cards they have in preparation for a future battle they may have to go alone.

The strategy already is, how does a President Biden factor into the operations unfolding in the Middle East.

The Syrians have desperately under Assad tried to pull the Jews into that Obama civil war there to wipe out al Qaeda. There are scenarios in all capitals for WMD events for public effect as each side is jockeying for the public propaganda. Read that again and ponder it, as there is a reason Iran and Lebanon have disappeared and reasons the Philistines have been going it alone.

One can win a war more readily in a peace treaty than in a war.

Lame Cherry

If the battlefield is being prepared, it is for a reason.

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