Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Process Verbal / Process Emotional

My children I speak of something for the ignorant and Wise so they understand this blog and the meanings of Prophecy in it's workings.
Isaiah 13 speaks of Babylon, and verses of the earth moved out of it's place, and yet this did not take place in the original Babylon. This does not mean the Prophecy was false, but it means that all Prophecy from God is of dual nature, meaning in the Spiritual matrix it has a mother and daughter which combine to same event.

America is Israel by bloodline and Spiritual person. So  the Prophecies of the House of Israel are American as much as Israel. Two different times though merged into one Matrix timeless line.

This is the meaning here, in when things are spoken of they intermingle with past, present and future. There are shadow signatures an their are signatures which are the event, which all are the event, some main and some supporting cast.

Barack Obama was a shadow of the anti Christ, a precursor preparing that false way. There will be other events now melding past, present and future as these event all transpire to the continuous event.
History repeats itself for it is a tree growing from the same event and the signature vibrates to affect other events and present with future peoples in the past.

It is the same feel in all, but it nuance changes due to the eddies and currents of the time. The event fits itself to the whirlpool of the river of events as it sweeps on.

What is recorded here in part is the melding. I have explained one purpose on my commission was to fill in the silent time, the void in Prophecy of the Bible before those events were obvious for the world to see. The voice in the wilderness the still small voice is what takes place here Witnessing to the Witness and being the condemning testimony to the faithless in the Court of the Lord.

Think of this as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, it projects out to the fall and Babel and then Babylon. The buffer thousands of years then come full circle in the last Babylon of the final world order, enfolding to the anti christ and false prophet to be destroyed, and coming the  then to Christ and His Church in the Millenium.
Full circle. It can not be said the first Christ in Adam and the first Church in Eve did not complete Prophecy, because a greater Completion was coming in the final Christ and the myrida of the Saints. The latter being greater than the former.

The latter anti Christ is greater than the former Antiochos Epiphanese of the former, with shadows of Nero to Hitler.

John the Baptist being a shadow of Elijah with a shadow now preparing the Way for Christ, also had it's false shadows of Ballum, Judas and Obama.

Just because things do not fit perfectly does not mean the fit is not perfect, as it is the additional signatures which must be performed as all in this time flow meld to form the one event.

I would that ignorance was bliss, but yet when it comes to the work here, the Witness is one month ago the uninformed joining in chant mocking  what goes on here as too complicated or is not done in five minutes. Then this blog breaks stories and reminds the dolt of what has been proven here again, again and again in being right, and suddenly those detractors are the experts and this blog suddenly is right about things.

God is Love and Love is an emotion. Jesus is the Thought of God, but the emotional thought. It has never been with me logical flow of words, but instead emotions felt, which then must be logically assembled. It is communication which has a flow of the upheaval the heart and rarely the resonant frequency of the thought.

It is not a process verbal, but a process emotional.

Those who expect this to be immediate and precise would look to their own damned yesterday and blessed today condemnations and reprieves in their unsteady judgments of this blog. This is figurative. It is why Scripture is figurative. It is a figurative becoming the literal, but a literal on a figurative process which includes several thousand years of formulation.

You my children do not understand the process but ponder it. The brat does not understand it and is ignorant in rants of it.

It is neither and both. It is both and encompasses all. It is the process verbal / process emotional. It is that which is desired become that which is spoken.

Most will be consumed by this. The human form is not constructed to associate with this type of interaction as it is without boundaries bounded by all. It is the "too much". It is that which is beyond comprehension. It is that which can be understood. It is grounded in God's Spirit and as Focal Point is made sense of and marveled at. Without that Spirit , it becomes in a human mind insanity.

It is order in the disorder for creation is always change.

Saw what I see what I saw

Lame Cherry

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