Thursday, December 13, 2012

C'est une épée

I have been pondering something in what I perceive is the Mind of the Lord in what Jehanne du Arc has been about with me.

It is a remarkable thing in her mission was the salvation of France and it did not end with her murder at the stake, for in the Reubenites her children gave birth to the children of Joseph who would be Americans. Joan saved the monarchy and they destroyed her. The revolution obliterated her from France, but that revolution fertilized the seed of the Americans through Lafayette.

Almost 200 years later the children of Joan in America would return to liberate her France and set it free as there were no French God could choose to do the job.

It was a sword for giving good thumps and hard knocks.

There is a secret in Joan of Arc, a Spiritual one.

She moved Samuel Clemens to write her true story, and she saw fit to make certain I had that book in my possession to read, when I detest Mark Twain as a writer. The Maid came forth on a mission from the unbeforetime to me in recreating the connection to the Tiger Lily and myself from the place where light flowers scent was music they sang.

I do not know if I should reveal this, but as I have been deadened inside in not being moved to type things here in the darkness has no appeal, I will know in inquiry if this is true and will be allowed to be posted here.

It is that Lily thing. That Flower on her Coat of Arms, put there by the King of France, that ignobled her and all her kind. That is why Joan came again in her lights. That is why the Archangel appeared to me several times in overshadowing light these past years. Several times before my Mom almost died and I almost died caring for her and last year before the Tiger Lily came in September.
There were many shadow signatures for the TL and myself in others of inferior beings. Such events only mean greater personas are arisen.

It is that perpetual thing Joan was adopted into by decree. A commoner made royal in the lines of Christ's Thrones of His children of Israel in the west which she holds. Joan was murdered for the reason she would have taken Jerusalem in Crusade and it was not yet time. She was betrayed because she would have been crowned Queen of France.
She never fulfilled her Davidic destiny in her lifetime as Jonathan stood on and his children were murdered by he mob.

Joan has always been a Daughter of God. Her's is a Spiritual royalty. She has the crown and she has the papering, but France has no throne for a royale to be coronated upon.

This is of no one's business now but God, Joan of Arc and TL's and mine. God if He Wills what I believe is Joan's prayer and what she intends and has already conveyed upon me and Tiger Lily.

I will not offer myself as I have been humiliated too often in this in thinking events were about me, for perhaps, here am I but a conduit in this of lines, but by appearance, it indicates that France does have a Dauphin, a Spiritual Dauphin, in this world and whether the Sword of Fierbois returns to it's true possessor is one which only God and St. Louis could tell for they know what is on the mind of Joan the Arc.

There is in Joan's planting a Spiritual royale chosen who is the true leader for the first born of Israel and Leah of the House of Joseph. There is a Spiritual Monarchy housed in America for France, if France would but heed the call and establish the ones of Jehanne's choosing according to God's will.

La journée que la troupe étrangère met le pied à la France se termine le jour de mon épée.

Oh France, we will do such a thing as not heard in Christendom, for Christ and all Christians in the 
dernière croisade.
Now my children, you know a secret not held in the Bible and one only a few in Heaven knew.
Her Excellency, General of the Armies of France, Christ's Soldier, Daughter of God, The Lily of France, has been about her Father's business in the last prayer.   A vie de la Reine, longue live Jeanne d'Arc, la Reine une fois royale et future des français.
Long live the Queen.

agtG 314Y