Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Pepsi Weapon of Death
America should really embrace the capitalism of this Semonyx dead baby flavor stuff, as using aborticide cells is the type of commerce which all of us can profit from. In just beginning to work on this, the Lame Cherry blog plants is patent rights on the following inventions.
First it is a woman's right to choose. That of course means in all situations and not just a Planned for Profithood clinic as a woman's rights can not be denied at the sliding glass door.
For example, here is a little gem I created. I call it, the Obama Lite Machine gun 5.56 mm. It is really a wonderful post birth aborticide tool.
Say a woman is sitting in her home and some baggy pants saltine boy turns up the volume to some nig music while picking the rose bushes. With the OLM 5.56 mm, this woman has the right to go out and abort that homer.
The OLM is really based upon a paint gun, but instead has a special Semonyx flesh eating bacteria, just like the saline solutions used to scald babies in the womb. The right to choose woman just blasts the saltine, and in several hours the guy is a pile of compost on the lawn fertilizing it.
It is a very green solution sure to please the left.
Example 2, say this woman with a right to choose is at some shopping mall and some swarthy dude is looking her up and down and she does not like eye rape. Well she just whips out the KCC 666, which is the Kraft Cheese Cutter.
See the KCC is a shotgun type device which shoots razor wire like it scrapes the womb, but in this case it just cuts off body parts, leaving piles of donor parts that Senomyx can scoop up and make money off of.
Example 3, say this woman with a right to choose is at work and her Obama co workers are napping, taking credit for things and just being puffy lip. She just plugs in this PSS 44 and the world is free of unwanted garbage.
The Pepsi Super Sucker 44, in honor of historic 44 Obama and dead baby flavor Pepsi, is a super compressor vacuum, that sucks off limbs and body parts, with a handy garbage disposal attachment that flushes it all down the toilet.
Think of the great gardens Muchelle Obama can grow with all that human waste in her sewage using the PSS 44.
Example 4, the MAHK 1961. This personally is my favorite in a woman's right to choose as it allows a female to go home and rethink things, and then come back and eradicate someone who bothers them.
Say you have this woman who has a right to choose in a parking lot, who has someone looking down on her from her beemer, because she never messaged them back or something. The Morning After Hershey's Kiss settles all this, as the next morning she can jet on over to this person's house, bang on the door and hose the nasty person down with a foil lined capsul that deposits under the skin a ricin ball, which poisons the nasty and they die after a few days while making a great deal of money for the medical treatment groups.
So you see how using all of this aborticide and human cannibalism should be expanded and incorporated into America as this aborticide stuff is really successful in making billions of dollars and can Pepsi really be wrong in making dead baby flavored things?
Of course not, and it certainly can not be anything wrong with razor wire guns, ricin pellet guns, flesh eating ball guns or vaccum guns, when poisoning, scalding, shredding ripping apart tissue in the womb is the same tissue out of the womb, as a woman has just not chosen to do it yet, and with the above weapons this can all be done.
Why how about this, the FTP 16 ouncer. This is the Flame Thrower Pepsi 16 ounce size for the woman with the right to choose.
See you got this............well say person in power who never gives any credit or steals ideas, and the woman with the right to choose just has enough of it, so she whips out this cool napalm thing, without the petro chemicals and has a nice oak scent too it, and she hoses down the culprit and to help this has a Bic lighter and flicks it, and up goes the person in bbq plume of smoke.
Instant cremation I tell you, just like the holocaust........the aborticide holocaust in incineration, but you know about that, as it leaves nothing but this pile of ash and a few bones for the mice to chew on.
Helping nature is what this is all about for PETA.
So you can understand what money maker this all is. Am certain we could make some shotgun device shooting Skittles flavored with some plutonium or something if we could get the Atomic Energy Commission to green light it or perhaps Serin as that would work too.
It is all in the name of Soylent Pepsi and Senomyx, because if they can make money off of dead baby flavors, it must be legalized to do it off of 20 to 70 year old tissue samples walking around that should be donating organs or becoming great fertilizer for Belgian Endive.
American corporations like Hershey, Kraft, Pepsi and Senomyx should be praised for all of this dead baby flavor, and politically a woman should have the right to choose to abort anyone at any time they feel like it, even from other women's wombs. The same methods which are at Planned Parenthood can be a part of Community Organized Hood in all these next generation weapons can be employed for profit and pleasure.
Why hide all this wonder that only aborticide physicians get to play in, and all these frankenlab employees get to enjoy, and what about Pepsi execs in all that money with dead baby flavors............women should have this fun too on the world playground and all of us can perhaps pull up lawn chairs and see some tissue incinerated in the parking lot all legal.
All of this is environmental friendly, well except the plutonium and stuff, but they could be regulated by BATF with some Class III license in special use a areas, like in only Gulf Gusher states or other GOP enclaves Obama has not polluted yet.
Let us all show our appreciation to Pepsi and all their Mountain Dew and Frito Lay products, for Kraft in their cutting the cheese and for Hershey kissing us with dead baby tongues as Senomyx licks at the profits, as this is way things should be.
A woman has the right to choose to abort tissue anywhere she feels like as she can not be denied this right by any court or democrat. A woman has the right to the same medical tools Planned Parenthood has and to be enhanced to make her choices easy and accessible. This can not be limite to birth control toxins her own body, but she must be allowed to implant toxins in other people's bodies too who offend her.
I see it all now in Lame Cherry Industries, a full line of post aborticide medical tools for the woman of choice..............pink models for that girly feel and chrome with black for the dyke hiding just under the skin.
Profits profits profits........and empowering women with new choices for their choices.....new laws, expanded voting rights, and it all started with Pepsi products and that dead baby flavor, the choice of a new aborted generation.