Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pophyria's Lover

With the  plastic gun and pellet attack upon the Czech President and his security nowhere to be found in stopping it, it is vital to comprehend the meaning of this in dimensional time association in the matrix....the weave which binds all together.

While this is not the event spoken of by Alois Irlamier, the German Seer, it is a strange meld of events as like people start to act out in like psychological manners influenced by demons and other narcotic materials for like outcomes.

World War III or IV as this blog correctly defines that war, will start like World War I in the Balkans of Europe it is stated. The following prophecy is interesting in light of a precursor happening in the region, as the chaos in Europe is fracturing the oracle structures and like events are "leaking" out from the matrix affecting people.

PRAGUE (AP) -- Officials say a man has attacked Czech President Vaclav Klaus with a plastic gun

The above AP story when melded with the below seer stating things does not stand alone, but when one notes something in the prophecy, it becomes more interesting.

Prophecies of Alois Irlamier, the German seer (interviewed in the 1950s)

Everything calls peace. Schalom! Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him -- then impact is on impact.

Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-coloured hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly.

After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks.

I hope you noticed the interesting part in one of the assailants in this assassination to come, has bright colored hair. You will recall this as the Colorado Joker in that drama instigated in America.

Lame Cherry Law states that the matrix is a fluid body of thoughts, which interact with other thoughts in rivers and eddies of time. Each displacment of the pool sets off a ripple effect, that in chaotic situtations as in the transformation of Europe, certain ley lines can and will amp those events onto people prone to those activities.

When one has large scale events, then one has shadow signatures like Barack Obama appearing, as the anti  Christ will follow, as will other large scale anti Christ leaders of power who will lead their own peoples in the upcoming war.

In the above, one sees a series of murders starting this off. The same reality out of this oracle region affected American in Presidential assassinations by Serbs and by assassinations which were the catalyst for World War I.

It is most interesting that someone like the Joker with bright hair will be engaged in this, and also a black man in a region where Negroes are not exactly prevalent.

The entire matrix is interconnected and those unbalanced deliberately or naturally, or sensitive to events will react to like events in actions in Newtonian Physics. That psychic imprint is manifesting as these emotional traumas of the Age of Obama are tearing the fabric so "readings" are manifesting globally.

Is this then art imitating reality or reality imitating art?

With emotional events ramping up in the chaos more of the manifestations will arise, as one in morose solitude is touched by demons that be and flames up to join the ghouls of the fires in others undead to join the orgy of misery.
People left in the structures of society become nuisances, but those unleashed from societal structures become maniacal fiends.

One little vote in sexual racism fanned by primate gods, sends embers across the globe enhancing the fires of hell, and when that cauldron steeps it's malevolent mire, there flames the feiry inferno in humans, seeking their own unctions not in genital fluids but blood.

The aura of what was and what will be affects the what is, for all are connected in history repeating itself.

Yes what is Porphyrias Lover when it is Porphyria's murderer.

The Third World War will begin a few days after the murder of a leader in the sector of Yugoslavia-Hungary ~ A Sister of Queen Brigite Order, Rome (published in 1970).

agtG 261Y