Monday, December 3, 2012

The Grin Reaper Barack Hussein Obama

I realize that photoshopping is a quite old trade in satire, but Matt Drudge has refrained from it.

Then of course the popular girl made it all en vogue, and the boys just can not resist trying to be popular too as like Joe Klein at Mockingbird Time thinks he too can blog.

Blogging is not set in stone journalism. It is a genre which many try and all fail at, as it burns out the soul as one can be very intelligent, but they take to the stage and no one wants to be taught by them. One can be humorous, but not all is funny. One can have purpose, but only have one facet at looking at things so they lack Inspiration.

I give God all credit for what He accomplishes here. No one else is doing what the Lame Cherry accomplishes and it is a unique thing that has influenced the White House to the talking heads. The idiotry like Joe Klein may have never heard of the language spoken here, but this blog has wetted upon his leg and he thought it was raining.

The reason I pick on Klein is he is such an atrocious bore in thinking he can blog, and is too self lubricated to know how badly he performs. He should have shame, but instead like a fool just grins about it.

That is the difficult part in blogging is too complicated for the experts in they do not have the creativity to be more than anal dimensional, and the creative are too readily burned out by the necessity of being able to deal with subjects in evaluating them in a moment and doing it correctly every time.

See one has to have gallows humor, whistling in the graveyard audacity to blog, as there are creatures who desire you dead, and dealing with the most macabre of subjects, one has to keep things light or one scares the bajesus out of the children.

Matt Drudge does a fine job at sorting Mockingbird news, but he just does not have it for satire for blogging ability. There is nothing fun about a white coated grinning Dr. Obama, as everyone knows he is the GRIN REAPER, and unless Drudge put that headline on the caption, that doctor photo does nothing to capture people's fears and terrors at what Obama has planned in rationed death or care for his Obamites which has pregnant women delivering babies in the morgue as there is no room at the Inn.

The flow is that in verbiage in conveying messages and that is the work accomplished here carries the water for all of the millionaires, as they are too ordered and anal to not be able to say and do things the popular girl does.

Matt Drudge if he really wanted to convey the message of what Obamacare is all about, with IRS, with Karl Puffy Lips Rove, with rationed death in not caring about people's lives, and only caring about morning after pills or the rich getting treated, then the following is what Matt Drudge should have posted......

 The photoshop just says about it all, in you know that Dr. Obama would not be lusting after the blonde nurse, but would be Anderson Cooper tea bagger giggling in liking that gerbil up the white boy's arse, as Obama is fagalicious over sex with white boys. He never got over it with Lawrence Sinclair and is still trying to get over it by molesting Asian women on special first election theft junkets.

That is Obamacare and what Obama cares about. He would be a pervert doctor getting all the young boys to turn their head and cough as looked for the gerbil.

No one thinks Obama would be a good doctor in a white coat as he spends too much time lining up Muslims for the morgue.
Obama health care is all a joke, and everyone knows it is whistling through the graveyard as we all hope we do not get sick and end up dead waiting for some kind of treatment which Obama will only spend money on for the Rahm Emanuel rich when he gets the gerbil stuck up his bend over.

Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin is the Grin Reaper, but he is the quack who went to medical school to feel up little boys legally like morticians do their trade to necrophilia the dead legally unless caught.

It is guaranteed if Matt Drudge posted the Lame Cherry photoshop, he would be thee most popular girl on the internet in spiked unique visitors and he would be the story for months.

I have done enough on this, as have to go pray. Been some really heavy evil directed my way and it needs to be visited in Christ's Name.

nuff said
