Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Obama Burkha Rape Policy

We really need to redefine for the Obama Holder Courts a new "degree" of rape as this blog has proven absolutely correct that when one condones as a nation the political gang rape of Sarah Palin and Conservative Ladies, then of course it will expand to wholesale political rape in the physical penetration degree.

Let us not forget that it was Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters, trying to be a big tough male while trying to beat on this popular girl on Newsbusters who sent an email assaul after this blog exposed his agreeing with radical lesbian, Camille Paglia, that Sarah Palin liked being verbally raped, or else she would not be in politics.
Yes nothing like blaming the woman for being in a woman's skin as she is at fault for the attacks upon her.

This is the Sarah Palin degree of hate crimes in the verbal degree. Noel Sheppard is the type who stalks and attacks women verbally and gets off watching an attractive woman like Sarah Palin being roughed up, especially by dykes like Paglia. It is a hate crime and the world just saw it's coming to fruitiion in the murder of Kasandra Perkins by NFL Obama voter Jovan Belcher in making her body look like swiss cheese by bullets, and Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock dragging Ms. Perkins out and gang raping her for Obama political reasons, as it was "her fault" she was alive, living her life and making this Obama Hoodie Niggazi Belcher be forced to murder her.

Yet let us not forget the Costas, Whitlock, Shepherd accomplices to rape, in we read in the paper that Belcher kissing the dead corpse and then making the sign of the cross before he murdered his cowardly self, just attoned for all he had done in this murder / rape in he was a good guy who just raped his relationship with Kasandra Perkins with Britni Glass.

Oh I get it now..............I bet after the verbal rape of Kasandra by Costas and Whitlock, that they laid a sloppy second kiss on her picture and did the sign of the cross as penance.........apparently their guns did not go off.............or did they with a sticky keyboard.

Going to pause on that one, so it sinks in double entendre to what gun these verbal rapists had in hand.......
I wonder if Noel Sheppard kisses my cherry on the blog and does the sign of the cross too before going off on the porn?

Meanwhile back at the rape, as this blog predicted, rape would graduate to penetration and then we have the Lara Logan degree of rape. This is political rape with finger penetration when Barack Obama wants digital recordings to masturbate too of a gang of Muslims brutaliing a white woman by fondle raping her, all of the purpose of shutting up the mouthy bitch not telling the Lizardonians like Bill Maher and Lawrence O'Donnell how great they are in the political sack.
Who really knew how Kasandra Perkins it would be in shutting up Lara Logan in that Obama Muslim gang rape, as her career has been corpse dead, since Obama silence her with the second degree rape.

Lastly, we have the Burkah gang rape 3rd degree. This is the effect of allowing the political gang rape of Sarah Palin and the fondling  rape of liberals like Lara Logan. Now Mr. Obama's Muslim terrorists have employed gangs to literally rape women to silence in Cairo in public.
Yes before it used to be just drugging, slapping around and raping women behind closed doors in America, and blaming them for being there to shut them up, but now in the Age of Obama there is this public beasty having been nurtured when no one cried out save this blog warning of the political gang rape of Sarah Palin.

Every person who said nothing in what was done by Karl Rove, Barack Obama, Chris Matthews, David Letterman and all these other closet rapists who savaged American Ladies and this included Hillary Clinton by B. Hussein Obama, are guilty of these rapes as these are now societal rapes in squads of political thugs are unleashed to rape people.

There is no degree in rape. It is all rape and it is all disgustingly heinous. All of these rapists whether verbal or physical should be hauled into court, tried, found guilty, then castrated, with their testicles shoved into their mouths as a rope is around their necks on a short drop which strangles the existence out of them.

They can then hang there like in the American old west feeding the birds until the stump rots off and they drop to the ground.
Anyone protesting this Justice or attempting to stop it, should be shot like rapists on the spot and those who shoot them should be rewarded with a hundred thousand dollars worth of Coca Cola stock.

nuff said
