Monday, December 10, 2012

Whatever junk food baby

Newt Gingrich is on the pay stub of Harold Hamm, the oil tycoon who signed off on the Obama victory. Same guy who did the North Dakota oil boom and has now shifted it into West Texas at over 3 buck a gallon gasoline to fund his group on Obama high oil prices.

So when Newt Gingrich places for Mockingbird that the GOP has no one to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, it is all designed to make you psychologically feel threatened, apprehensive and combative FOR THAT FIGHT.

So you focus on Hillary as the proclaimed candidate and not on election theft by Barack Hussein Obama.

So you focus on political races and not on starting a revolution to take your money, your oil and your government back from Wall Street, Harold Hamm and B. Hussein Obama.

This blog told you of the Socio Conglomerate running this nation, and it is the same coin with two sides, all of the feudal state which has you in the American Gulag.

All of you are reaacting to this and not thinking. You have to step back in every story and THINK about something else and then ask God, what is it that is really the reason that story was placed before you to gain an emotinal response.
Then you should shut up and not start talking, because you probably got it wrong as satan is bugging your thought processes.

You have no way to inquire and do not have the Levite Priestly Office to run the Ephod for you, so you will have to try your spirits over and over, and then still be wary of your thoughts.

You are not ready for any of this which is come or is coming. I'm sorry that you do need me to the extent you do, as I would rather you were capable in this.

I do not know what to do in this, as the Rush Limbaugh line of bragging that you need him, is something which accomplishes nothing. A Rabbi is best in creating better disciples than themselves, so the children are even more capable of discerning things in Spirit.
So, here am I sorry, that my condition is not one in being capable of regulating you so that your mind is capable of hitting the mark without my ability in training the sites in finding the target.

I have had vast satanic forces arrayed against me these past weeks. I have been damaged. Simple things in just logos have been nothing easy. A new force of evil has arisen in the spirit of the anti christ. The garment of my protection is thinning for so many of you require of it and I'm not Christ with unending Virtue.

agtG 255

PS: Die Nelson Die,  Mandellado it now so as not to interupt B. Hussein Obama's Obamass Vacation in Hawaii.
Nelson is a Veg Head. He would be lion food in real Africa. He should be just led out for some BBC nature video thing for PBS and the pledge donors would watch hyenas eating Nelson in the natural selection instead of all that monkey in the mist sex.

Why is Chevron running commercials about AIDS with sexy brunette looking doctors and all the infected people are black............hell even Africa still has Khadaffi white folks, even if Obama is killing them off in least the ones not raping American sodomite Ambassadors who were just supposed to be kidnapped.

PSS: Who was that good looking chica producer for CBS in the homicides in New York with that fossil white reporter in the front seat and all those fat white cops, all armed with assault rifles, and it was obvious all them underfed Negroid Hoodies they were chasing threw their guns away and ran, so were only doing Jovan Belcher and #92 Dallas Cowboy Afroid reductions in America.

PSSS" CBS really needs to feature hot brunette producers in the back seat, who should then wear short skirts and pose on gas guzzler SUV cop cars to add to the story.

I'm filling time here, working on a download of Internet Explorer.

I have not watched television for years. Am astonished how old all the penis looking Obama puppy press males are. That one chic on Obama hill though is quite big lipped and wide shouldered......probably how she got that job as big lips and large shoulders holding up men's legs draped across one could have some purpose, although I could not comment.