Monday, December 17, 2012

Who Sheds for Thee?

My children, the reptilian Obama according to my momma sheds tears out of the sides of his eyes. I'm not going to rhyme anything because I've been reading idiot comments about gun control, teacher heroes, and how great wop murder is.

Here's reality.

 There is a teacher in Connecticut who is being praised because she hid her students in a closet and cabinets and told the murderer they were at the gym. This Obama voter and she is a union Obama voter reveals exactly the foolishness of the people daring to post on this.

This Obama voter spoke with the murderer. That is a weapon. She misused the weapon. A university graduate employed to condition young children to become little liberals who vote for Obama, hate their parents, despise God, and become homosexuals could not even master a mind who thought he was Mickey Mouse.

For reality that classroom was full of weapons. The first thing that skirt could have done is told the murderer she knew where the children were and she could have directed by leading him away.

This skirt numerous times has used her feminine wiles to get what she wanted. She got that job by having a look that the school district wanted to portray. Upon gaining the confidence of the murderer she was speaking to she could have led him away and in the process started disrobing, using her clothing as a weapon as a distraction. While seducing the lunatic which by the way was created by the Obama NEA the distance would have been closed.

If she was really interested in saving those children a simple pen or pencil in her hand could have been shoved into each eye because
Hanna we always strike again.

People have all sorts of weapons in their purses and wallets. You will note none of these Obama voters even used their phones, so do not tell me about superior Italian gun laws nor about the fallacy of a criminal using their weapon before you can use yours. Those children were murdered because their human protectors have been murdering those children for years and they are still doing it this day to the survivors.

That is the reality which this blog has now set in stone. Now the experts and these mind warped Obama voters chirping about safety and gun control will have to deal with the LameCherry matter anti matter exclusives.

Connecticut like all crime is a product of Obama voters. They create it, they compound it, they degrade it to worse levels. This teacher is no hero. She is a cause. Obama can shed his
reptilian tears like all these liberals but they cannot shed their skin. Their skin is satan's lies but the Truth is the mentors of the Connecticut murderer are at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and every liberal classroom in this world.

Nuff said.
