Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It is amazing at  times even for me when everything this blog has predicted starts coming to be. Amazing to me, because I'm usually too focused and immersed in receiving Inspiration that I do not have time to notice things coming to be which were Prophesied.

I warned here in Inspiration from God that Obama was dragging America into intertribal Islamic wars, and that is exactly what has engulfed America.
For a reality though which requires to sink in as Barack Obama tries to become O'Lincoln, in reversing Lincoln's emancipation, by enslaving the world in the global feudal state, that Barack Obama had one more dead ghost to scribble his name on, and that is Obama for his deranged reasons even is moved by obsession to become pasted over the worst President in American history in Jimmy Carter.

The headlines reveal it all.

West faces 'decades' of conflict in N Africa...
Next Afghanistan?

Death toll climbs past 80 in siege in Sahara...

CLAIM: Some Al Qaeda terrorists 'were working for BP, could precisely plan their attack'...

Most weapons used in attack came from Libya...

For a historical reality, the Middle East upon Jewish resettlement, was thrown into turmoil when the Ashkenaz started moving around these Arabs into the Holy Land, where there were recorded in Mark Twain's visit not that many Arabs there.
The Ashkenaz through various governments sowed into the Middle East a series of charismatic nationalists like Nassar of Egypt to the French created dogma of Ba'athism, which is basic communism infused with Islam in order to control the region. This was done for financial control of this vast reserve of energy there, which they then in order to control America, linked the dollar to barrels of OPEC oil they were pumping, to degrade the US Dollar and fund this radical Islam as envisioned by Jimmy Carter's Zbigneiw Brzezinski.

In all honesty, after the 72 war, the Middle East was not an open hot zone of wars or turmoil. Then Brzezinski with British communist Rothschilds decided to take over Iran in deposing the Shah, who was a wonderful stable pro American leader keeping oil prices low for US interests, and they brought in for radical Islam and oil price control, Ayatollah Khomeini the communist Ba'athist out of Europe.

All hell broke loose as the revolution seized Americans as hostages and held Carter hostage which thankfully ended his horrendous tenure as President. It though started off all of the problems America has faced for the past decades. A little Brzezinski Muhajadeen in Afghanistan against the Soviets transformed to globalist al Qaeda under Bill Clinton and into 9 11, in murderous wars and terrorism America was crippled by.

Barack Obama though has now in mission for his old world order of the feudal state, has debt spent trillions, slaughtered Muslim babies and American Soldiers and has in his machinations in the Pan Muslim world created an inferno in North Africa which is not going to end for a generation.
This is the greatest catastrophe literally of the Obama overthrow of the American Constitutional system for all it means as this projects out.

Obama deliberately did not secure Libyan arms depots, so all of those weapons ended up to spread more wars in Africa.
We still do not know where thousands of surface to air missiles disappeared to, only that they were used to threaten Sarah Palin if she ran for President in 2012 in her plane would be shot out of the sky. The exact message in detail was not delivered to Mrs. Palin, but she was well aware after the Gabby Giffords example assassination that she needed protection, and the Romney insiders, and that includes Ulstermans Wall Street Insider offered Sarah Palin the Presidency and that is why she was acting coy. They never had any intention of backing her, but lured her in with protection and then in September 2011 pulled all protection and money, and let it be known if she ran, she would face more than political rape.

The Obama overthrow of America had help from Mitt Romney and his caste out of New York. Sarah Palin was supposed to be President now, or in essence acting President for the aging John McCain in order to save America out of what is coming.

What is coming, is a greater Muslim inferno than what even Jimmy Carter set ablaze. Brzezinski's order is for this Obama Caliph of communist Muslims to be the thugs, the merchantmen of contraband and the enforcers through terrorism to keep the New Asian Order and the Neo Roman Empire greased .......so the empires can appear to be civil by employing Muslims to do the murder work.

This has now been all unleashed in North Africa and where Carter only had one Iran blowing up the world, Barack Hussein Obama now has a half dozen Irans, not with sanctions, but with free access to western travel and technology from Egypt to Libya with Turkish machinations moving this entire melding of African Asian terrorists, direct into the gut of Europe through the "white Muslims" of Kosovo and Albania.

Thank you Madeleine Albright for the Islamocommunist beach head into Europe and America in your oil pipeline Kosovo War. How are those disgusting Christian Serbians now Ms. Albright now that you have hells Islamic inferno started by your B. Hussein Obama?

Rhetorical Maddy.

Think of what Obama has done to Africa and what genocide it will be for black Muhammedans. Think of what a TERROR CONTINENT is going to mean to America. Barack Obama has created an entire continent of terror in which terrorists can train and rule in the open with full access to all sorts of weapons of mass destruction.
Africa is a Terror Continent, and that is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

These are Baraham O'Lincoln's Wars. Terror from South Africa to North Africa. Michael Savage funding terrorists to shoot people, because Obama's terrorist poachers are shooting ivory as Obama's other terrorists in trade have stolen all the means to make a living in Africa.

What a robust world the political son of Jimmy Carter has raped the world into. If one projects the numbers in Bill Gates "work of God", his messiah Obama, in wars in Africa for decades and all the fall out, the Negroid will be destined to depopulate in the 100 million person  total through disease, starvation and simple non breeding regeneration from upheaval.

I sincerely hope Danny Glover and all the American Afroids cheer that reality too in what Barack Obama unleashed. THIS IS HIS ARAB SPRING. He took credit for this. He overthrew Egypt. He bombed Libya. He allowed Algeria to be blown up with Libyan weapons.

Those are the realities. Barack Obama has now outdone Jimmy Carter. The world does not just have one Iran but a Continent of Iran's all due to deliberate Obama policy for his Isalmocommunist Caliph.

The American Republic is dead. Africa is now dying in Obama slaughter. The world will one day be a grave due to the direct policies of Barack Hussein Obama.

agtG 303Y