Did not I my children mention here in the turban head trading that the Four Star Admiral was saying what was behind the ANALGATE botched hostage attempt was this Blind Shiek bomber of the World Trade Centers in the mad notes in the margins?
See that is what has been floating around in this. I tell you that here are these whiners who are all nuts sucked up to their abdomens about this blind terrorist going tits up in an American prison.
They think they can curry favor with terrorists if they work this deal.
That is figment one of this imagination in the Obama Fag File margins.
Figment two is this group of terrorists WHO WERE PROMISED BS for trying to take Chris Stevens hostage. There are a hand full of these terrorists working for Obama who have a great deal of promises from Obama.
This Cyclops Terrorist who is now public boogerman number one in Mali staging all of this, is the merchant trader in this. HE HAS BEEN KIDNAPPING PEOPLE FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN RANSOM for the entire Obama regime.
Remember back to the US Navy shooting Somali kidnappers for Obama.........gee this Cyclops has been doing the same thing without any military actions. THAT IS BECAUSE HE IS OBAMA's OSSERIAN MERCHANT IN AFRICA.
This blog told you children that Obama set up the dope trade into Africa for South American narco communist funding as part of his Marxist hub in the Americas. al Qaeda Africa had Boeing 727's as you recall and are part of this contraband trade.
Obama worked a deal for al Qaeda to do the smuggling as mules for hundreds of millions in profits to appease them, until he could handle over nations and their oil deposits for that 300 million dollar bribe Obama took into his 2008 campaign.
THIS ALL COMES FULL CIRCLE and has been covered here from the start while the rest of media did not. I will give Sean Hannity one moment of credit as he actually mentioned this on air several years ago, before going Limbaugh silent again.
So what you have here is the Cyclops is Obama's merchant terror Muslim. He is now the boogerman like bin Laden was when the Sheik was an asset of the CIA doing work for American interests.
This one eyed terrorist is simply the conduit for Obama Muslim mafia crimes. He represents the loyal wing of the Muslims who like BS.
In this though, it was the contenders in the other mullahs in Obama terrorism who do not want this Blind Sheik ever released as he will take their power, and Obama will not be able to control him, so BS will have to be die.
This was part of the entire double cross that got Chris Stevens and the gay posse murdered in Libya in September. Obama laid this wide open to take place, but the rat up the ass that got Stevens murdered was the opposing Muslims OUT OF AFGHANISTAN AND IRAN who did not want the deal going through in BS being released into the midst.
These outlander Muslims, have no authority in real Islam. Meaning, that crank Ayatollah out of Iran naming himself grand pubbah, is not listened to outside Iran and southern Iraq. Khomeini or whatever that terrorists communist Muslim hybrid is named, does not want, any more than the Afghanistan terrorists this BS let loose as he would sway the terrorists.
I remind you that the Afghanistan Muslims always referred to Sheik bin Laden as a foreigner. Afghanistan bloodlines are not related to the Ishmaelite lines that bin Laden was. They like North Africans are different bloodlines and just as leery of each other as English and Irish or Germans and Polish, even though they seem to be the same family and belief structure.
Chris Stevens as this blog broke was by Obama election plans, supposed to be kidnapped. The people who were supposed to do it, are the BS loyalists. The people who raped and murdered Stevens are the anti loyalists to the BS in answering to another mullah.
I told and warned you that Obama was putting America into Muslim tribal wars, and sure as a broomstick goes up the arse, Obama has done just that.
The people promised BS from INSIDE THE OBAMA MARGINS, and that includes Hillary Clinton having whispered this about this terrorist's release as a cover for the Obama 2012 stolen election, is what was driving all of this and it still is.
Terrorists of the Cyclops are still looking to be paid. They want Mali and Algeria. They deliberately saved the US hostages at the gas plant to get what the original deal was in Chris Steven's ass for the Sheik's.
That is why Obama has been mum on this as much as Hillary Clinton. THIS IS 2012 ELECTION THEFT COMING TO BITE OBAMA IN THE ASS AGAIN. You might have been distracted by Obama gun control wag the dog, but Cyclops the Terrorist has been on the margins trading for the contract he was promised over a year ago when this was set up.
In reality, thank God that the Cyclops is focused as the American children just let Obama steal the election and then went Charlie Daniels mad in the pied piper of gun control to cover all of this up.
America the Cyclops has given you and, Lindsey in teh gay ear Graham, a new window to blow all of this open again, as it refocuses on ANALGATE and all of the Obama crimes.
This is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive in explaining all of this as no one else is going to.
The Cyclops is working for Obama in the free flow of dope and contraband in Africa. This is the operation that B. Hussein Obama, the leader of al Qaeda at 1600 Penn Avenue has been running since 2008 when these deals were set up.
All covered here, all Lame Cherry exclusives and all proving right in the evidence now being revealed for those who did not dare to believe.
PS: As you will not be able to handle this, the Algerians blew up that gas plant strafing it, as they were trying to kill the Americans held hostage as they do not want them alive to bring about this Blind Sheik trade. The Algerians know exactly their entire government is about to be kindling and this was their last shot at saving themselves.
Cyclops though on intelligence provide him, took the Americans out as HE WAS ALERTED THE ALGERIANS WERE GOING TO MAKE A BESLIN STRIKE.
Hillary Clinton for Barack Obama is the one pushing for the BS trade. PANETTA IS IN ITALY TO OVERSEE THIS and to thump it hard if thee entire terror group needs to be murdered like the bin Laden compound.
Obama wants a hostage rescue to give more cover to him as a "hero" in what he lusted after for September 11th in the Chris Stevens botched operation.
agtG 308Y

REPORT: 32 hostages dead, missing in botched Algerian rescue attempt...
At least 1 American dead in bloodbath...
Sahara hostage holders make new threat...
REPORT: Group's leader offers to release Americans in exchange for release of 'Blind Sheikh'.