Friday, January 4, 2013



The act of being crafty or deceptive.

Jesus had no guile found in His mouth.

Jesus thought it so wonderful to be truthful that upon seeing the Disciple Natanael exclaimed, “Behold an Israelite indeed who there is no guile!”

In other words, no deceit……the sin of misleading people.

In other words, no falsehood……the sin of lying.

In other words, no duplicity…..the sin of being a fraud from hiding things from people.

The most distasteful phrase ever is, “I never lied to You. I just didn’t tell You.”

Leading people on, not telling them what is going on, hiding things from people…..are all LIES!

There are no excuses for lies…..not even the old one…..”Well if I had told them what I was doing it would have hurt them.”

The truth may hurt people, but lies will destroy people…..and by doing so, the first people out the door are God and Christians…..leaving the liar alone with the devil and those who flock together…..deceivers and liars.

Trying to convince Yourself that misleading, not telling or hiding things is not a lie……is a lie.

It shows complete lack of character and an absolute coward at heart.

“Be ye not double minded, for You can not serve 2 masters. For You will hate the one and love the other.”

You can not be God’s if You are lying, because lying is of the devil…….PERIOD.

Is any guile found in Your mouth?

If there is then, the devil is in Your heart and on Your throne.

Examine what You have been up to this past week in talking, dealing and every person You have been with…….have You been honest??????….or has it been I just won’t tell them everything……..

Whose camp are You in as told by Your actions…..not by what You are telling Yourself.

God bless the Truth.