To his confederates he is known as Jeep Bush, short of GP Bush, after his nefarious Rothschild and Rockefeller grandfather Prescott, involved with the Harriman's and the other planted Ashkenaz financier interests out of Europe to overthrow America.
To those who do not take him seriously he is just known as Scooter Bush, the Prescooter Bush who was bred from a Mexican chica that Terri Schiavo killing Jeb mounted, and that begins the seriousness of this Texican now having the Bush interests clearing the deck in Texas, so this son of Mexico will herd all the little latin illegals to vote for him for President.
You can lay this out easily in Scooter Bush is going to announce to run for Texas Land Commissioner which is a stepping stone office. He followed Barbara the hit Sarah Palin below the pantie line Bush's orders in getting a resume of marriage, business and military before running for President.
Scotter though is a light weight in never doing things the hard way or right way. He quit baseball in college and has to list he was intramural football player......which is like saying you played for the NFL by wearing a Bradshaw jersey.
Rick Perry has stated that he is going to run for Governor in a fourth term in 2014, so that would mean that Scooter or Jeepers Bush is going to have to take a different route to 1600 Penn Avenue than Uncle George.
Sure, you got Jeb thinking he is going to run in 2016, but with Obama sucking the egg sack out of the entire reptilian nest, that is quite a thing to be overcoming for Scooter.
So the 36 year old Scoot, gets hisself selected Mexican in waiting in Texaa.
Currently Texas has that fraud John Cornyn who destroyed the Tea Party candidates to keep Sarah Palin from running and then there is Ted Cruz.
Cornyn will not be up for election until 2014 and I doubt he is going to be leaving office.
Same with Cuban Cruz, who is junior whiz kid sounding like he wants to be Vice President as he just assumed office in 2013. That makes him a 2020 candidate, and all of that really fricks the frack for Scooter Bush as there are no national offices to launch a GOP off of for el presidente.
No one gets elected to 1600 Penn on House saw how great Paul Ryan helped Obama in his election theft. LBJ going into the Senate could not even beat fraud John Kennedy, so for some Bush kiddo looking to be Obama III, really is not too bright in the mix as Texas Land Commissioner might be better than Chicago communist organizer, but at least Obama stole a few elections before he stole the big one in 2008.
Scooter got hisself positioned into Afghanistan in Naval Intelligence or the same intelligence command, that you might recall, had those big titted women sex texting Patraeus and that other horn dog general in the scandal that wiped out Patraeus from the White House in Patreausgate.
None of it looks good in this, as Cruz and Rubio are auditioning for Aspen Institute Mexicans with Foster Freiss to take on Obama in the third term, so why would anyone want Scooter Bush with latins who actually accomplished something.
For some reason the big wake up call for Scooter was the Pat Tillman shooting in Afghanistan. Bush and his people called it the worst thing, but I see nothing worst in this. Tillman is a case of a foul mouthed asshole that the fellow Soldiers did not some how like being called pussies, so they shot him.
Sort of is a lesson in how to be a Soldier and get along with others who have guns.
In forensic examination, I find nothing in this Scooter that is admirable. He is a quitter. He is a rich man's boy. He had things happened to him. In reality, Scooter Bush is Barack Hussein Obama.....only thing is we know who Jeepers sperm donor is in Great Expectations, but Barry Chin's dock worker donor is still only something chuckled over in the Sugarland breeding program.
So I hope that the tag of Scooter Bush sticks, and sticks hard. I hope he gets laughed out of Texas and hope his Terri Schiavo killing daddy finds more Obama presents left for him in his 2016 election orchestration.
I voted for old man Bush twice and Bush43 twice. They were mistakes in they both brought in the third and first worst people ever to be in the White House in Bill Clinton and B. Hussein.
I do not want any more Bush's at 1600 Penn Avenue, because what comes after that Amy Carter or is our next occupant of the White House in the Bush rejection, Xiang Hu, of the PLA living in Peking?
The only good thing about this is George Scooter Bush is an idiot. He is running for office in a state with a Mexican taco ceiling in he can not run for Governor or Senate.......of course the long shot is, daddy Jeb somehow eats the vipers of Obama, gets Cruz to run as VP and Perry names Scooter to fill the seat in a great deal of drama.......or Scooter waits till 2018 or something to be Govenor of Texas and keeps stealing that office until his old man gets his 2024 occupancy at 1600 Penn over.
See even the explanation of this is boring as Scooter Jeepers. People have had enough Bush and are too tired to vote for all of this.
The only interesting thing in this is, after brain seizure Obama, the only two contenders in Biden and Clinton both had their brains exploded.
Ain't that something.
Yeah well Obama controls Scytl, SOE and Sequoia......Karl Rove helped him beat McCain and Romney, to set this all up, and then Hillary and old man Bush got calling cards as Obama brags up Biden.
Never thought it would happen, but yes, Barack Obama is the man with the balls in these contests as he has Karl Rove's and the Bush boys.
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