My children, oh the joy of it all, as the Lame Cherry Cafe has for all liberals, the t shirt of t shirts, celebrating the new Obama twin hero, Christopher Dorner as the AMERICAN CHE.
Yes is not this the one thing all liberals from Bill Maher and Spike Lee want a real tough black man wanted Obama to be, and here is American black man, Christopher Dorner being all they dreamed Obama could be.
Twitter accounts and fan pages, now all the liberals who are Christopher Dorner can join the ranks and not have to settle of Che Guevara or a Barack Obama in those Latin American and Asian leftists. Yes no more humiliation in having to settle of Bill Ayers blowing up his own terrorists or Teddy Kennedy being a sod pervert.......yes America now has it's own Fidel, it's own Nelson, it's own Robert Mugabe, it's own Hugo.
This is it Amerika, you can proudly now on the left show your colors in having your very own Che on display.
Note the artistic design exclusive from the Lame Cherry designers in honoring the blood camoflague fashion ware of Muchelle Obama. This attire honors blood on his hands Barack, so glorified here long ago in all he has accomplished for that Nobel prize.
Yes this is the Twitter to tweeter about, the Face Book to book about, the whatever to whatever about, the exclusive t shirt and 100 products to buy that liberals can purchase in joining in the club.
I can see Bill Maher and Lawrence O'Donnell wearing them as they pick up black women. Piers Morgan tearing open his shirt or is that Anderson Cooper on television, showing he too is with the Amerika Che.
Yes Kansas City groupies all wearing the Che and not just the Chive as they try to bed black married football players.
Entire hoodies in the hood, throwing away their hoods and donning Christopher Dorner apparel while sipping water from a CD bottle.
Yes baby, CD is in.......Dorner is in the house. No need for these foreign Putins, Maos, Marx, Lenin, Kim, Ahmadinejad, Mandella, Chavez, Castro, mam, America has their own Che now and can proudly wear it.......sleep on it.......have sex on it over their hoods..........this is Amerika and the Amerikan Che is the fashion to bring the movement all together.
Why wear that Obama hope zero thing of the past, when the Bro of Obama has shown the way.
Buy one, buy dozens, outfit your entire proud, be strong, be American Che.
Attention to the LAPD: What would be better body armour than to wear an American Che t shirt under your uniforms and to flash it in an encounter with Christopher Dorner to protect your lives. Yes the New Body Armour of the LAPD designed to protect them from Mayor Taco's machinations, the American Che line of fashion and Dorn proof line of body armour.