Some things need to be stated here my children......
When I was in school, I was served a grainy, odd tasting meat, over a period of weeks. I did not care for it in the least. Not that it tasted bad, but the condition of it was repulsive.
After reviewing news commentary reports about "things shipped" from nations, I deduced I had in a government program, been served up kangaroo meat as the Australasians had been killing loads of them, and been marketing them.
I have nothing against roos, but this ground meat was just not like normal meats I prefer in beef, elk, antelope or squirrel.
I have the same reaction to rabbit, but rabbit is stringy in cottontails, while this roo meat was like eating sand.

Scale of scandal 'breathtaking'...
Horsemeat found in lasagne of Swiss supermarket chain...
In noting the above, I recall a Leon McKern and Alec Guiness production for PBS Masterpiece Theater. It was very good and a most amusing scene was in it, where these being Catholics in Guiness' side and McKern being an athiest in the story......think that is what it was about......
The housekeeper happened to remark that the Cardinal or Bishop Guiness......forget which wears the red socks was very pleased with the fine cuts of beef he had been eating for years, in her ability to obtain such wonderful tasting meat.
She replied,' That wonderful beef has been horse all these years".
The remarkable thing is most things are etable, and you will be surprised what you will eat when things put up to it. My cousin who died in Vietnam, stated to his stay at home brother about how he had it so good, while he had seen Asians grabbing for shit to eat, they were so hungry.
I find all of this European and Drudge stuff about horse meat idiotic, as Europeans have been for years eating American horses, the good quality kind, as the time was those worthless nags called "mustangs" were put into pet food where they did belong to control their populations, so they would not be wiping out big horn sheep, deer, elk etc... by destroying grazing.
I'm reminded of Col. Charles Askins on the Forest Service stating he often shot Navajo nags off the reservation for his hounds to eat, as they were worthless starving things of no absolute redeemable value.
Col Irving Dodge noted that the American mustang was an equine that could live on cottonwood bark, but if you put it into a stall with normal grain feed, it would become fat as a pig and worthless.
I presume my brothers horse that we sold, that he would not cough up feed payments for, ended up in Europe serving some Dutch and crapped into the Zuider Zee. Not a happy thought, but then neither was my horse dying of West Nile years before West Nile should have been in America.
I dumped his carcase in the trees, and sat on him crying. He rotted down and his bones still are white there.
Col. Townsend Whelen stated that all things are good to eat and taste good on the trail from skunks to your horse I presume. I would not care to eat horse, but I have never been that hungry. I also would not have cared as was ordered to save themselves in the 7th cavalry when they were on a ship and a hurricane hit, that they had to throw their horses overboard.
Allot of bad shit happens in this world which is bad. Some Europeans eating horse steaks is not bad.......Mexicans abusing horses for slaughter, because US laws stopped that slaughter here is a bad thing.
I could never do the work, but as the guy who looked like Steven Zahn said to me today, "I had to move allot of snow and some of it was 4 feet high off that lot", as he was laying over the top of a Subway glass case groaning. Some jobs suck and I'm glad I did not have to them. Hope I never have to, but there are allot of worse things than chewing on horses.
Being French, being Penelope Cruz, being.......well an American in an America of Obamanations.
The thing is, the world if full of dumb asses, and if you never tell them they are eating horse, they will think it is beef. Same with Limbaugh finally chewing on my words here that Obama will never be held accountable for anything....and Drudge puts that as Limbaugh wisdom.
Not that ain't Limbaugh wisdom, ain't horse meat is pure horseshit.