Friday, February 15, 2013

Mr. BoJango

Damn they are testy as hell over that Amerikan Che and Analgate t shirts at Cafe Nazi Press in the complaints rolling in attacking free speech.

So in honor of it all, the Lame Cherry blog introduces AMERIKAN DJANGO.

Oh by the way, someone with brains can usually just copy the artwork here, by right clicking and opening it up in a new window, saving it, and you can then upload it to a custom design ware of your own on the Nazi Press............of course it would be nice to make a donation if you are stealing something, but as these t shirts are collectors items in only being up for a few days, the reality is some day someone will be Antiques Road Show the Lame Cherry lne and have a fortune when Americans are in charge again.
Yes the Andi Warhol of pop girl culture artists.

This though is not about Christopher Dorner and the fraud of his whatever in the new propaganda states they took dental records of the smoking bbq, which was not torched deliberately, even with fire grenades, which would still require some volumes of flammable fluides to ignite that quickly.

Meanwhile back at the Django.

Let's sing instead.............

I knew a man Django and he killed for me
Brand new guns
With police badge and Navy rags
He all begun
He just pulled the trig
Blew them all a way
Blew them all a way
And now lit up his corpse just smokes....
Mr. Django, Mr. Django
Mr. Django, Mr. Django

There now we all feel better after a tune.

Did you know my manipulated little lambs that if you were paying attention that Mike Gallagher is herding the redneck racists on his "conservative" program..........Mark Levin gets the blow the niggers to hell group of "conservatives" and of course Rush Limbaugh in his well scripted program did a reach out to the Waco, Ruby Ridge and OKC group to steer them all clear of the reality.
I do not know what Sean Hannity was curbside crawling on as I never listened to him...........Laura Ingraham just had on some puke from the gut whining chit about that Texas sniper and his holster bawling in eulogy over him.
Hannity I make excuses for yet as he is a deluded Catholic, but Ingraham stooping to twat drippings over a dead husband in "gun violence" is just to damned soccer mom......but then my children women do have the vote.......and what was that line, "Women got the vote and America went to hell".

All the saucer navel shrews proved that the world is not filled with Katherine Hepburn liberals being responsible or Conservative Sarah Palin's being responsible.

The reality is we have a girls choir of Obama the fag leading the Django or the BoJango's on the left and then the cartel of Mockingbird has divided up Conservatives into all of these male twats of the mic appealing to the select audience they perceive is out there from Napolitano Homeland profiles............I did not make this up, Ingraham gets the crying whiner women, Levin gets the shoot the niggers group, Limbaugh took the conspiracy philes and Gallagher got the oddballs who think beat up blacks are beautiful as he kept using that world "beautiful" in chant and linking it to people with southern Gallagher made Chinese people white as he stated Dorner only shot white folks.

I judge this all disgusting this thinking Conservatives are all this weird ilk, and yet that is the audience played to...........I wonder if Limbaugh was chanting that Bristol Palin had no talent again...........

nuff said

Oh look for Amerikan Dajango on Nazi quite the drama in the little Marxists keep up the censorship.

Oh yeah, informing you of the partitioning of you into herds, is a Lame Cherry forensic profile exclusive in matter anti matter...............Alex Jones will probably come up with this revelation in a few weeks, but probably won't repeat it on it reveals his group which is rag picking off the dregs leaving Limbaugh and comrades............due to this blog exposing them.

Jones doesn't even donate........would think he could at least donate a coyote rifle and case of ammo.

PS: You can not blame the American Afroid for getting all froggy on CNN and places jacking off about Christopher Dorner shooting people, as they have been wanting Designer Negro Obama to be white for years, but he just employs white SEALS to do the killling.

Dorner is finally their savior, the one who actually looks more black than white, and he is designedly acting like a white man in real life and not one in the movies.

Granted the white Californians burned this nigger alive in lynching him as a message, well designed if any riots started in LA over this, that it was not the Afroids who would be starting the fires, but the police.

See you did not know that now did you, and missed it all when the commanders were ordering to burn that damn cabin down. They were sending a Rodney King message that it was open nigger season.
The niggers got the message even if the ones chattering on television in tokenry were delighted to see one of their own lynched by whitey.

There was allot going on in Christopher Dorner's execution or whatever.....and you can bet that Mayor Taco or Gun Runner Holder are not going to investigate any of this.

It is books closed, one nigger died so most of the Afroids in LA would not be incinerated in state sponsored arson.

Oh you didn't know word went out to all the governmental moles in the black community to keep the lid on this Dorner thing or Obama was going to burn their asses to ashes, as he was not going to allow Dorner taint his agenda with more Sharpton marches for Treyvon Martin.
You get it now my children.......Martin was media generated by Holder and Obama, and Dorner was exterminated by Holder and Obama.

nuff said

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