I received this email from the Obama regime in which a Mexican criminal admits he is working in an organized conspiracy against America inside the Obama regime.
This Jose Magana, states that as a foreigner, he organized with other criminals, in full Obama support for the Dream Act to extort money from Americans and to bully citizenship out of America.
The brazen nature of the Obama criminal enterprise in now sending out emails pissing on INS in knowing they will not face prosecution, and knowing the FBI will not investigate Barack Hussein Obama for these boasted of crimes in violation of the RICO ACT is proof as this blog has only noted, that America is dead and rotting in the Obama Abyss.
Pertinent criminal sentences are HIGHLIGHTED.
AAmazing in this is Magana, bitches about STATES RIGHTS in protecting college enrollments for THOSE AMERICANS THEY WERE BUILT FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE WITH AMERICAN MONEY and his being denied criminal piracy in taking enrollment stops meant for Citizens.
Yes Yes Obama supporter criminal Magana, considers hisself an American......and demands to be treated fairly and play by the same rules now that he is a lawyer......problem is Magana breaks the laws of America when it suits him, and demands access to the American pot of gold which Citizenship would bring to him.
This lawyer Magana should be arrested, detained and deported......AND CHARGED the hundreds of thousands of dollars in repayment to Americans that he looted from America in food, shelter and schooling as he earns his Mexican keep in Mexico as a Mexican lawyer.
Magana is so interested in the "ties that bind him and all illegals". Odd how he views American Laws meant to protect Americans from enemies domestic and foreign as a hindrance to him and other criminals.
This Mexican lawyer ends his Obama lying email with a plea that Americans want to fix the broken system. Yeah and who broke it, but border buster Indonesian Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama being illegally let into America and millions of these other welfare sucking criminals like Jose Magana.
These crooks broke America, and now demand after trillions of dollars they looted to be rewarded with Citizenship.
The Obama criminal breaks into you home and after stealing everything now demands title to your house.
nuff said
From: | Jose Magana (info@barackobama.com)
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Sent: | Wed 2/06/13 11:57 PM |
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Friend -- I was brought to this country from Mexico when I was 2 years old. I am an undocumented immigrant -- and I am living proof that our immigration system is broken. For the first 17 years of my life, I slept on a couch. My mom worked three jobs to support our family. I worked hard, too. I did my homework, participated in class, and earned the opportunity go to college. But after I enrolled, state law changed and many undocumented immigrants were forced to drop out. Suddenly they could no longer afford the education they were eager to work for. We started organizing. We'd go up to people on campus, and ask them if they'd heard about the DREAM Act, which would allow hard-working immigrants who grew up in the U.S. to earn a path to citizenship. For those who opposed it, we'd tell them what happened to us. It was amazing: Just telling our stories would change people's minds. This is exactly how we're going to persuade people across the country to get behind President Obama's plan for comprehensive immigration reform. Everyone has a story -- I'm sure you do, too. As the President said last week, "Unless you're one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from someplace else. Somebody brought you." At this critical moment, will you share your immigration story? Organizing for Action will use these stories to move the conversation forward. Now, almost six years later, I've completed law school and was fortunate to receive deferred action. I consider myself an American, and I want to play by the same rules as everyone else. But, as it stands, I can never become a citizen. I can't adjust my status. For most of my life, I could have been arrested, detained, and deported. I'm not alone. Millions of undocumented immigrants like me live in fear of being deported permanently to a country we may have never even visited. Our entire lives could be erased. You might not live under the same shadow. But the best thing about this country is that we are more alike than we are different. We all have a story of a mother, or grandfather, or great-great grandparent who came here to find opportunity or safety. Through this grassroots movement, we can raise our voices, tell our stories, and make sure Congress and all Americans better understand the ties that bind us. Our stories can drive our organizing. Share your own story today, and help Organizing for Action get the word out on why this matters: http:mybarackobama.con/Tell-Your-Story The majority of Americans agree we need to fix our badly broken system, and we saw major progress last week. But it's on us to keep up the momentum and make sure it gets done. Thanks for speaking up. Jose Jose Magana |