Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Scott's Angel

In doing research on the succession of Popes, I was on a Catholic based site, and saw a link about Angel stories and clocked on it.

There was one photo which caught my eye and I immediately deemed it a fake as it looked so completely staged in a bad photoshop.

Showing this to my Mom, she believed it, to which I scoffed as in knowing bad photo staging, this looked exactly like most of my stuff on a bad day.

The caption though on the site was this:

Scotts Angel

On 21 OCT 07 Scott wrote BibleProbe.com:
I was reading your web site, and wanted to share this photo of a ANGEL WITH MY SON.    This picture was taken the afternoon before my son was to have surgery, at the time of the picture being taken, prayers were being said for his safe recovery, the photo has been tested for 2 years by photograph professionals, and churches, and has been found to be 100% real. my son is healthy and strong now thanks to this powerful servant of GOD.    THANKS               SCOTT                  ROCKFORD MICHIGAN

Curious about the photo in  Birther buster mode, I wanted to see how it would react in taking it apart in the color variations, so I zapped it and was certain I was going peal things off and see the fake.

Problem was I was stunned in what appeared, and it troubled me immensely as I witnessed this appear before my eyes in an instant.

To explain this, the original photo was separated out into the three basic colors of the spectrum in red, green and blue. The colors combined make up the "colors" seen and unseen with TL informing me again that Infared is the lower light and Ultraviolet being  the higher wave spectrum. I presume if I type that I will remember it now as TL has informed me of this previously in discussions.

On the far rights is the red, then the green, then the blue, and finally on the left is the original photo. What stunned me and I will place the blue wave length photo alone was that I saw this light wave actually show something in the head of the Angel.
I did not expect that in the least for one wave length to show something while the others did not.

That sort of excited my Vulcan mind as I could tell Capt. Kirk what it was not even if I could not tell him what it was.

As another by God's Grace Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know that infrared is a heat wave length. You know that for all purposes green light is plant life light of the neutral life force....well if you did not then now you do. You know that the blue light or violet is the high wave length of light. Angels do not apparently have a heat signature, but they do apparently operate at a higher wave length frequency.
Angels seen out of the corners of your eyes as I see them in white light, are ultra violet. This progresses that God and humans most likely operate at the ultraviolet frequency. God having those attributes, I conclude that prayers are a form of light in the ultra violet order.

Interesting discovery, and upon Inquiry I was informed this was indeed an Angel, which was a nice and unnerving surprise as I had already judged it a fraud.

Angels appear when red and green wave length lights to be sourced in blue. The red and green though appear together to form the outer persona, so to speak that "is" from the blue light central source.

I next exposed the photo to a hue saturation and that was as interesting as an Angel appears to have a central form which is surrounded by a predominantly green wave aura.

I hope that Angels are not offended at me looking at them "naked", but no one has ever studied them in this light, with no pun intended. It makes me ponder how God created them, why in His Wisdom the lights are as they are separate and at source, how they combine out to form pure white light, and why does it become flame, yellow, orange and bronze as it as at the extremities.

Daniel explains an Angel he saw, and it was all quite frightening to him. I prefer the photo to study as I have never seen by flashes of Angels and the Archangel I never did see, but only that aura encompassing surreal light before major events.

I will hopefully have time for the Holy Ghost to explain these things to me and not be distracted as this intrigues me as knowing these things exposes such knowledge humanity probably should not have, unless of course they are someone like me, who will never utilize it.

The dog had no idea the Angel was there or has seen so many of them it could not care. I know Ellie my most recent goatikins was watching something in the house last summer. I will hopefully ponder this and have more exclusive revelations.

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