Sunday, February 10, 2013

the flame shadows

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive........This is a private conversation and you are not welcome here.

The Prophecy of George Washington is true.

There will come a time when nuclear bombs will vaporize New York City. Plural more than one.

America will be invaded.

These events will occur "in Obama's time". I do not know if this means his usurpation of 1600 Penn Avenue or in his lifetime.

A form of Civil War will engage in America, to outright conflict. It will start out marginally and degrade into full measures of resistance as the country is over turned.

If Sarah Palin had been President, these coming Tribulations would have taken place, but the scope would have been lessened in God's Mercy. She could have saved in answering the call for God would have delivered her from that which was.

I do not care what you freeloaders believe. The same shadow casts the shroud on you just the same.
The same flame devours all the same.
May the time come when you beg for answers that none be found by you and may the gold you trust weigh you down to the appointed shadows cast by the flame.

agtG 240y